In need of help!

I have a deadline of when I need to lose weight by because I'm in the Army, I have 'til 2 Jun 13 to lose 41 more lbs. I'm 3 months post partum and I have a question about the calories MFP is recommending I take in daily. It says it should be 1200 calores but when I go to other sites the numbers are up in the 1600's.
I'm 22 years old, my BF% is 58.08 and my LBM is 117.92 right now.

I'm asking if the amount of calories I'm taking in is too little and am I actually starving myself?


  • maedarrell
    Also, the 69 lbs lost is what I've lost so far since I've had my daughter. Most of it was water weight but it's still weight lost none-the-less!
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    I don't think it's realistic to lose that much weight by June 2nd. Search for the thread In Place Of A Road Map and read up 1200 cals is definitely too low. Are you breastfeeding too?
  • patnj
    patnj Posts: 19 Member
    Do you have someone to watch little one in the AM? Does your unit have a decent AM PT? Are you going to PT?
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Congrats on your new daughter.

    To clarify - you want to lose 41 pounds in the next 10 weeks? And you've lost 69 pounds since you had the baby?
  • maedarrell
    Yes I go to pt in the afternoon. I have a babysitter to watch my daughter 'cos I work 12 hour days.
  • maedarrell
    Yes, I was 245 when I had her, maybe even more than that. I was hospitalized for two weeks and had her 8 weeks early due to pre-eclampsia. I want to weigh 135 but can't weigh more than 143 so technically I have 33 lbs to lose. I just feel like it's ridiculous for them to give us only six months to lose this.
  • maedarrell
    No, I'm not breast feeding.
  • Jeanginter
    I wish I was an expert, but from what I know, it depends on your age and activity. The 1600 might be related to your activity level, age and whether you are breast feeding. The simplest way to look at it is take into account about how many calories you are taking in now, and if you decrease it by 500, you'll lose about a pound per week. Don't go below 1200 or you will go into starvation mode and your body metabolism will slow down. You want to keep the furnace (your body) burning. So, increase your activity, cut down calories and you'll be fine. You already have lost 69 lbs, really awsome!!!!!!!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Can't you get an extension due to the recent birth of your daughter? The type of weight you want to lose is extreme. And if you're nursing, it's seems the low calories you want to eat would be sub-optimal.
  • maedarrell
    I wish I was an expert, but from what I know, it depends on your age and activity. The 1600 might be related to your activity level, age and whether you are breast feeding. The simplest way to look at it is take into account about how many calories you are taking in now, and if you decrease it by 500, you'll lose about a pound per week. Don't go below 1200 or you will go into starvation mode and your body metabolism will slow down. You want to keep the furnace (your body) burning. So, increase your activity, cut down calories and you'll be fine. You already have lost 69 lbs, really awsome!!!!!!!

    Thank you, I feel like I peed most of that weight out. I was so ridiculously swollen..
    I hope this picture works...

    I think I'm going to up my caloric intake from the 1200 it 'recommends'. I also have an appointment with a nutritionist next month to shed some light on what's going on. I'm just stressing out with all of the budget cuts, the military is the first to go. I've been in for almost four years, reenlisted last May for 5 more years. I don't really want to get kicked out because I can't lose weight when there are hecka huge people in here that won't be chaptered.
  • maedarrell
    The picture didn't work, however if you highlight the link, copy and paste it to the browser you can see how big I was 3 months ago.
  • maedarrell
    Can't you get an extension due to the recent birth of your daughter? The type of weight you want to lose is extreme. And if you're nursing, it's seems the low calories you want to eat would be sub-optimal.

    Unfortunately they give every female the same amount of time to lose the weight. I'm not breast feeding though.
  • maedarrell
    Ignore this.
  • alishacupcake
    alishacupcake Posts: 419 Member
    Okay! 1200 is def too few calories. go here:

    it will help you. I also think that is way to much weight to lose that quickly. If 33 lbs (I think that is what you said) will mean you can still stay in the army I would shoot for that but please do it healthy. Is there any kind of extension you could get? I also had pre-eclampsia, maybe that can be extra medical circumstances? I'm very worried about you trying to drop that much weight that quickly.

    ETA: I just saw that about the extension. Have you tried the pre-eclampsia angle though?
  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    I sent you a message.
  • alishacupcake
    alishacupcake Posts: 419 Member
    I don't think it's realistic to lose that much weight by June 2nd. Search for the thread In Place Of A Road Map and read up 1200 cals is definitely too low. Are you breastfeeding too?
  • iceman7840
    iceman7840 Posts: 110
    It's possible but it will take a TON of work and discipline to achieve. You're talking 75 days here.

    This is just my experience so keep in mind that I am a guy and know nothing about post-pregnancy women and their bodies.

    Since Jan 1st which was 77 days ago, I have dropped 34 lbs and I eat VERY clean, between 1600-1900 calories a day, and I am very active working out 3+ hours everyday with a rest day every 14 days.

    Everyone is different so you have to find out what works for you. What isn't different is the amount of hard work and dedication it will take. Especially since the Army is actively looking for reasons to drop people.

    Most of us have the luxury to ignore the numbers if we want but you can't so just dedicate yourself to taking as much of that off as possible.

    When I was in the Army 10 years ago, I was in the "fatboy" program and I was 5'9, 180lbs. I was supposed to be at 174lbs or under. It drove me crazy because I wasn't fat! Luckily I was in at a good time because I have no doubt I would be chaptered if I were in today.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Do you have a support network? parents, husband/ bf anyone?
    Really you need to talk to them. you have a baby, the military is not worth you putting yourself though this stress.
    Get your priorities strait, and talk to someone. I'll help you out.

    #1) you
    #2) your baby and family
    #3) everything else

    Seriously, you need to be talking to someone about this.
  • maedarrell
    I don't think it's realistic to lose that much weight by June 2nd. Search for the thread In Place Of A Road Map and read up 1200 cals is definitely too low. Are you breastfeeding too?

    Thank-you for the link! I was like...ah! Where am I gonna find this?!

    As for the pre-eclampsia angle I could try but I'm not certain it would work. I could talk to my doctor about it. I'll see how it looks one month out from June 2nd and ask then.
  • alishacupcake
    alishacupcake Posts: 419 Member
    I don't think it's realistic to lose that much weight by June 2nd. Search for the thread In Place Of A Road Map and read up 1200 cals is definitely too low. Are you breastfeeding too?

    Thank-you for the link! I was like...ah! Where am I gonna find this?!

    As for the pre-eclampsia angle I could try but I'm not certain it would work. I could talk to my doctor about it. I'll see how it looks one month out from June 2nd and ask then.

    It's no problem!! I have that link saved. I actually have a couple more saved on my blog but I don't want you to get overwhelmed here's the link:

    Please do try to talk to your doctor. It really is alot of stress to put on you especially as a new mother. Heck, my son is 3 and I'm still trying to lose some of that weight. I'm not saying I have all this right but if you have any questions I would be glad to help.