catshanle Member


  • Wind Song! Classic but I get tons of compliments...:blushing:
  • Charlotte, NC here if anyone is interested.
  • I have the fitbit for almost a month now. I absolutely love it. It helps push you to walk more just to beat your old record. I use to hate going upstairs to my bedroom but now I notice myself giving excuses to go upstairs just so that I can get a badge for the stair climbing. It has helped me with my sleeping habits also.…
  • My doctor put me on Welbutrin for my nerves and I was a smoker for 35years. I just put the cigs down and haven't smoked in over a year now. Feel so much better without them. But you must really want to quit or nothing will work!
  • I have the fitbit and absolutely love it. I wear it everyday and try to beat my record steps, stairs, activity level. This syncs with MFP . I like it so much that my hubby took an interest in it. He has now ordered him one. Maybe this will help him get motivated to change his current lifestyle.
  • Thank you, I do appreciate all the help and advice I can get since I am new at this and need lots of work.
  • I have only had my fitbit a few days but I absolutely love it. It has motivated me to do more steps etc. I noticed today that I was giving myself excuses to go upstairs more than usual just to see if I could get the 10 floor badge. I know how competitive I am with myself so I will be trying to outdo myself every day. This…
  • Welcome! I'm loving MFP also. This is my first week. I found this site in March but had health issues to deal with. These issues gave me an excuse not to diet and exercise. This time, no excuses are good enough. :blushing: This time, I will make my journey with all the friends I have met here. :bigsmile:
  • I agree! Water is very important. Make sure you drink plenty. I dislike water very much but the sugar free add ins for water helped me start drinking more. Also watch the type of food that you eat. Watch the sugars in your food, especially the diet food. Also weigh in at the same time when you weigh. Your weight varies at…
  • I can help with accountability and encouragement. I am getting serious with my journey also. I work in retail and work many weird hours. You can eat out and make healthy choices. Just making them. Sometimes it just takes us to slow down and make time to make those choices. I had been trying to eat out and eat healthier. In…
  • This is a great place to get help with your journey. Make sure that you report everyday. That gives you accountability. You won't find any shortage of people who want to help support you.:happy: Just request a few friends and you are on your way. Good luck. I'm here if you need someone to chat with. Don't forget to…
  • Way to go! Keep up the great work. Can't wait till I hit ONEderland!
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey. Feel free to add me as a friend for support.