Tired of the yo-yo!

Hi Everyone,

I have tried almost everything, with great success and then crash and burn because I am so very bad with will power when it comes to food. I have three kids (9 to 13) two dogs and a husband who travels so I am in the bad habit of grabbing something quick (oreos, etc) rather than taking the time for something healthy.

I am looking for some will power in the form of accountability. This looks like the right place for that! Hopefully I can form the right habit, resist the bad food (and halloween candy) and get back on track and stay there. Especially with the holidays fast approaching.

Thanks MFP! I am looking forward to cheering my and everyone else's success.



  • geeksrule
    geeksrule Posts: 143 Member
    I fully understand! My husband travels 75% of the time - I have a picky 12year old and 2 cats (LOL). Making something quick and healthy on the run or for just you and the kid (s) is a bit drab (I find she wants the same things over and over).

    Well, if you would like add me as a friend, it's a great place with so many wonderful people to help you out.

    Oh, and I found opening my diary for all to read keeps me accountable. I really don't want to have to tell everybody all the nasty stuff I ate - so I don't eat it if I have to let everyone in on it!

    Good luck!!
  • catshanle
    catshanle Posts: 16 Member
    This is a great place to get help with your journey. Make sure that you report everyday. That gives you accountability. You won't find any shortage of people who want to help support you.:happy: Just request a few friends and you are on your way. Good luck. I'm here if you need someone to chat with. Don't forget to prepare, once your kids are asleep, some healthy foods to take along when snacks are needed. Or you could get your kids involved, letting them know that Mom needs help.
  • tink0887
    tink0887 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks! Would love to! :happy: