Rucndbl Member


  • Please - can you help me understand what this is? I have found myself in the pool at least 3 days a week and find that treading water and just moving my arms and legs gives me a fabulous work out - sorta like aquarobics, but more intense. I've often wondered how to incorporate the running portion but I'm not coordinated…
  • I saw the same video. Truly inspiring and I too committed to 100 days of fitness and am on day 14. I'm finding I'm really enjoying it and sometimes find myself in the gym twice a day. Serious stress relief!
  • I'm game! I just started my journey again. I lost 60 pounds at the beginning of 2014 but gained most of it back by the end of 2015. Ibended up losing another 40 and I've kept it off a year. I'm ready to lose the other 100 but I need accountability.