Msjay2blue Member


  • Dont make it too late, okay, cause you will have less energy, and its gonna take some energy. I am going after work, so I'll let you know how mine went.
    in Day 6 Comment by Msjay2blue May 2013
  • When I saw the words DEMOLITION I was, but I am going to do the best that I can for 45 secs. I will tell yall this: I won't be listing my reps against those monster lol lol The extreme cardio is gonna be a whipper snapper, but as said before: WE GOT THIS
    in Week 2! Comment by Msjay2blue May 2013
  • I know the feeling. I am in the intermediate range, but at times I want to do the beginner's stuff. We have a lot of advanced people on here that can do more than us, so don't get discouraged about their abilities cause you will be banging them bad boys out before you know it!!!
    in Day 3 Comment by Msjay2blue May 2013
  • I'm learning about other flavored, but never heard of ginger. You will have to send me the parts per ounces. Sound interesting. Thanks for you reply.
  • With that being said, if your friend or person you're helping refuse to drink water, would you say drink that rather than nothing or would you say, you may as well just drink the sprite, Sierra mist, etc?
  • Girl, tell me about it. Whatever it is that you dread, is easily deemed impossible to do, but we know we can do it, though!!!!!
  • Maybe we can find healthier alternatives that are CLOSE to what we like?
  • You are welcome. There is anther group out there just like lol lol.
    in Welcome Comment by Msjay2blue May 2013
  • I did good in the sense that I finished it, but because it was the end of the day, struggled at 5pmh, whereas normally I dont. I was exhausted, but I finished everything, but 250 of my 500 jump rope challenge.
    in Day 2 Comment by Msjay2blue May 2013
  • I want overall health,. I want my numbers(weight, bmi, hbp, and choles) to all go down while my muscle mass number go up.
    in Goals Comment by Msjay2blue May 2013
  • I guess it really is body chemistry. I line dance, skate, run, and workout, and after any of those, I neither smell or have wet arms. I use degree.
  • I also eat 1200 cals a day. I burn 1920 just by normal activity, so the 720 deficit every day for 7 days will render me a 1.4 loss. If I exercise and burn 500 cals, that everyday will render me an extra 1 lb loss. However, I think one should eat enough to sustain whatever activity they are doing on a daily basis, but still…
  • Atleast this is what I've found. Not to say the actual cals are accurate, but when I don't feel like walking fast, I just add incline.
  • I am 196 lbs, but I can move pretty good. I typically burn 10-12 cals a min just walking. I can burn the same amount at a lower mph if I add an incline, so for me, the difference is not just speed, which I agree makes a difference, but incline can help you reduce the speed and get same results.
  • Dring the week, I log as I go during my work day, but after that I dont log until the next morning, so that is when I log my dinner and my workout from the night before. On the weekend, I do it, sporadically, but before I eat too many things that I forget.
  • If you're not against a sassy sistah, add me.:laugh:
  • It does for me because I'm an all-or-nothing girl, and very accountable to others, but not myself. I am working on that,
  • I am the same way. Try having granola, nuts, raisins, apple, banana, etc and a bottle of water in your purse. As soon as you feel it coming, head it off before those things are no longer able to satisfy you.