LadyLeonard84 Member


  • Looking for friends too. I need to lose way over 100lbs and I feel rather alone.
  • You guys are amazing... Tears in my eyes for the kindness shown here. It's almost like: Full on food- staved on friendship/kindness/etc. But it also cannot be just anyone, it has to be someone who "Gets it"! I'm so looking forward to my time here! I've been making some big changes already this year, my motto is "unloading…
  • Oh honey... I'm NO expert in any of this stuff but I'm worried about you. All I can say is food is NOT an enemy and it's actually pretty damn important. *shakes her head* I really don't think you're eating enough and it doesn't sound like a healthy way to lose the weight but I dunno. I just wish you all the best and…
  • I'm about to post this somewhere else but when you said this, my ears perked up... One thing that is glaringly obvious since I started my food journal is that I am NOT taking in enough fluids... Like two days ago, other than a cup of coffee in the morning, I literally drank ONE glass of water that entire 24 hour period.…
  • Holy crap! That is so amazing! You're a goddess for pushing yourself like that! I've been heavily considering Fitbits for myself and my husband as well and have pretty much decided to make the jump. I've done a ton of reading reviews and watching review youtube vids, etc. From what I've gathered, it looks to be a solid…