marlanaperry Member


  • 162 in summer 2015. I got pregnant a few months after the first picture, was up to 185 during my pregnancy, and have slowly lost 50 pounds since giving birth to my son a year ago.
  • I always load my salads up with a bunch of crunch and sweet things as well to help out with taste. My usual salad recipe is below: Lettuce: 2 oz of finely cut kale (kale has more nutrients than traditional lettuce and it less rabbit foody in my opinion than mixed greens) Protein: 3 egg whites or 3 oz of chicken Fruit: 1…
  • I love your advice of treating the app like a game! That adds a little fun and challenge to reaching your calorie goal. Great work so far!
  • I definitely see a difference! I think the issue is that you're wearing two different outfits and black is always a little slimming while green is not so much, so since the before pic is in black and the after picture in green, i think it makes it harder to see the difference. I bet if you put on the black pants and took…
  • And then there are the people who live to 100 and claim they drank a can of dr. pepper every day. My husband's grandma eats horribly (large portions and high-fat meals) and drinks soda, but she's 88, has all of her mental facilities, and plays tennis in the Texas heat. I don't think we can peg down one proper way to eat…
  • I got that at the gym once from a guy who was hitting on me. He told me I looked too good to need to be at the gym...and while on one hand it was a compliment, on the other it really upset me because the only reason I'm not a whale is because I work out and eat right most of the time. Totally ignorant of the hard work it…
  • It so funny how different weights look on different people because of height. I'd look like you do at 90 lbs if I could get down to your starting weight of 126 haha. But you looked great before hand, and you look awesome now! Congrats, and good luck toning. Just don't be upset if you gain some weight when you start toning…
  • I do the same thing, though it's more often related to plain stress and I binge mostly on sugary candies. I have been on MFP three times in the last year, each time losing ten pounds, and then being turned off by a binge and gaining that weight back plus ten pounds in the last year. I just got back on the wagon two days…
  • You look fantastic! That's a huge accomplishment, especially since it sounds like you did it without any fad diets or hardcore exercise plans. And I love seeing how different the dress looks on you. It was cute on you to start with, but it keeps getting cuter and cuter with each progression pic!
  • Wow, awesome job! You look great!
  • Crap, now the idea is in my head so this might just happen on my next binge. It's totally something I would do but just haven't thought of before. I guess it's less calories than adding it to milk, right?
  • I get where people are coming from in saying you need to back off, but as a 20 year old, it actually helps when my mom is totally honest with me about my weight and the way I've been eating. I think it just depends on your daughter's personality. If she's not the type that will benefit from you saying she needs to do…
  • 1700 calories sounds like nothing. I could consume that in a matter of minutes! You're lucky if that's what you consider a binge.
  • You won't see results in 5 days, and if you do, they're unhealthy results! weight loss that is sustainable and healthy will take a while. Hang in there! Also, the scale is the worst measurement of improvement. My scale hasn't budged in two weeks, but I have seen real improvement in that time. Go by how you feel, not by…
  • Don't listen to Jennloella! It's true that you have to feel good to look good (not arguing there), but you look great and confident and should definitely feel comfortable in the bikini!
  • That's the only thing I can't get slimmed out either. My calves are pure muscle but they are HUGE! Still, recently I've had a lot of people--guys and girls--start to compliment me on them so I'm just going to be proud to be big calved!