

  • I am in the same boat. My husband and I are wanting to starts family soon and I want to be as close to my goal weight and in a healthy routine before that happens. I've got 40 more to go. I'm a teacher and look forward to getting my butt in shape during the summer. Love to motivate and have support from others.
  • Welcome to the group. Better late than never! Good luck on your goals for the week. I need to get a measuring tape, I would like to start measuring also. I noticed sometimes the scale doesn't move but clothes are feeling different, so that would help. I hate water, so i bought a 32oz water bottle and i'm going to try to…
  • Down 2 lbs. I hope everyone is still with me on here. I didn't do well on the water, so i'm going to give that one another go this week. Anyone else have ideas for a challenge this week. Here is the link for this week! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/115833-get-fit-brides-week-5
  • Trust me you're not the only one. I can hardly stay still because I laugh so hard during Yoga.
  • I have always been thin. Almost 4 years ago I met my fiance and started getting into the daily routine. He's 6'2" and weighs around 130. He can eat whatever he want so the pounds started adding to me. I went in to get my insurance for my car changed when we moved and the lady handed me a book to read while she processed my…
  • I am anemic. I take iron and also B12 daily and I get a B12 shot every other week. Try to get plenty of sleep and go to your doctor and get your blood tested. The shots have really helped me with being tired all the time. I would talk to your doctor about them as an option.
  • I've tried this before, but this time I'm sticking to it. Count me in! I need some easy to do exercises for me to do in the morning before work and I think this would be something great to work to. I'm also trying the sit-up challenge. Good luck to all!
  • Count me in! My favorite holiday is Halloween, so it's a great day to have a goal. I would like to be down to a total weight loss of 15 lbs by then so -9 by Halloween. Good luck to all!
  • I weigh weekly. Doing it daily can discourage you and make you focus too much on the number instead of how you feel and how your clothes fit, etc. I do it on a Tuesday that way it's after the weekend, I used to do it on Friday and if I had a great weight loss I would splurge on the weekends. This way I get my eating on…
  • That sounds like so much fun! Good luck this week. I love Disney! Enjoy your planning, there are other days to watch what you eat =)
  • I joined and started a forum for brides to be. Just being on this site and making it my homepage every time I get on the internet has helped me. Find a forum and keep up with it. I have lost a pound a week since i've joined this site. It really has helped me. Good luck and I hope you enjoy the site!
  • You can absolutely join. The more the better! Cutting down your meals, I hope you mean portion control. It actually helps for some people to more during the day, just smaller portions. I think if you add some exercise and do it the healthy way it will help you reach your goal. Just don't be hard on yourself. Remember the…
  • I didn't lose anything this week, but I also didn't gain. Here's next weeks forum =) http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/114230-get-fit-brides-week-4
  • Weigh in tomorrow ladies!!! I hope everyone had a good week. Keep going and I know we'll all reach our goals!
  • Absolutely! The more the better! I post a new thread every week. We make a new challenge every week so that it mixes things up. Congrats on the engagement and welcome to the Get Fit Brides!
  • Good luck girls!! It's hard, I had to put down my soda today and i'm so used to having at least one a day. For those of you that find it hard, maybe just try one less this week. Good luck!
  • Lost 1.2 lbs this week. I'm up for avoiding the soda/pop this week and also trying a new workout. Sounds like a great challenge to me. Everyone keep it up. We will all meet our goals. This site and weighing in every week has really been helping me out. I really appreciate everyone keeping with it because it helps me keep…
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/110556-get-fit-brides-week-2 Here you are girls =)
  • Sounds great to me ladies. I'll start one up. I stayed the same this week, but at least I didn't gain! I'll start the post. How about everyone do at least 20 sit-ups a day and a great 30 minute work-out two times during the week? I'm going to stick to it. Congrats to all the brides this week. Great job!!
  • I really love this site. I've started a forum for brides helping motivate each other so we can lose the weight and get healthy. Anyone feel free to join! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/108886-get-fit-brides
  • Been walking everyday! Hopefully some weight will come off this week. I have noticed my pants getting a little baggy so I must be doing something right. Won't be able to do much on Thursday and Friday though, having sinus surgery blah!
  • I'm with you on the exercises everyday. This week I lost 1 more lb. So it would be nice to keep going. Good luck to all an can't wait to see how everyone does next Tuesday!
  • Sounds great girls. Tuesdays are perfect for me too! I like doing it after the weekend.
  • I love this! Way to let them have it. People are so judgmental. They're probably just jealous that you're moving better than they can. I love when I hit the gym and see girls that are size 0 and they can't even walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes. Being healthy is what matters and I love that you have the spunk and pride…
  • I will definitely be trying this I can't wait to look great for my honeymoon next summer!