100 Push Up Challenge....

Hello, just thought I would start the 100 push up challenge to go along with Turbo Jam. I have absolutely no arm strength. It is quite pathetic.

Anyways, just wondering if anyone has done this before? If so, did you start with the"girly" ones and were able to work up to regular push ups? I was be completely ecstatic if I were able to do regular push ups. It would be a first for me.

I have never been able to do a real push up or a pull up. So anyones stories of success about this program is greatly appreciated.


BTW for those of you who do not know what I am talking about go to this link: http://hundredpushups.com/


  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Hello...I just finished the 100 push up challenge. I loved it. It was very hard though.
    I started with regular pushups. I could barely do 10 when I started though.
    It definitely helps strengthen your arms if you stick with it!
    I have not done the final challenge of the 100 consecutive push ups yet...but I hope to do that in the next couple of days!
    If you have a hard time doing regular push ups, I would suggest starting with the bent knee pushups and then after completing a week or two trying the same thing you just did but with regular push ups.
    Good Luck!
  • purplespeckle
    Hello...I just finished the 100 push up challenge. I loved it. It was very hard though.
    I started with regular pushups. I could barely do 10 when I started though.
    It definitely helps strengthen your arms if you stick with it!
    I have not done the final challenge of the 100 consecutive push ups yet...but I hope to do that in the next couple of days!
    If you have a hard time doing regular push ups, I would suggest starting with the bent knee pushups and then after completing a week or two trying the same thing you just did but with regular push ups.
    Good Luck!

    I love those quotes.
  • purplespeckle
    Hello...I just finished the 100 push up challenge. I loved it. It was very hard though.
    I started with regular pushups. I could barely do 10 when I started though.
    It definitely helps strengthen your arms if you stick with it!
    I have not done the final challenge of the 100 consecutive push ups yet...but I hope to do that in the next couple of days!
    If you have a hard time doing regular push ups, I would suggest starting with the bent knee pushups and then after completing a week or two trying the same thing you just did but with regular push ups.
    Good Luck!

    I love those quotes.
  • mrdowden
    I started the challenge at the beginning of the summer, but postponed it due to starting on a boot-camp fitness program. I am actually planning to resume the challenge again tomorrow! I will confess that I started the summer with girly pushups, but will be doing standard pushups tomorrow. At the beginning of the summer I could only do 6 standard pushups, so don't worry about where you are right now. Work through the program doing what you can, even if you can only do 3-4 girly pushups now you can do the first three weeks that way, then redo the evaluation and start again at your new level. Good luck, and don't give up!
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    Wow! I would totally join! Right now i can do 25 military style consecutive....100 seems insane! how did you work up? how many weeks? Thanks!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I just started this week and I started with the proper form push ups. I could only do 6 in my initial test, but am already up to 10 easily after 1 week. I am not going all the way down on them (elbows even with shoulders) but still feeling the benefit in my core, which I didn't in the girl version. Good luck and hopefully we will both be there soon, doing our 100 push ups with ease!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Wow! I would totally join! Right now i can do 25 military style consecutive....100 seems insane! how did you work up? how many weeks? Thanks!
    Go to the site and they guide you through it! It is sets of pushups....3 nights a week for 6 weeks!
    Then you rest a few days and try the 100 pushups.
    It says if you cannot complete the 100 then to repeat the 6th week again and keep trying.
    Try it! Good Luck!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Hello...I just finished the 100 push up challenge. I loved it. It was very hard though.
    I started with regular pushups. I could barely do 10 when I started though.
    It definitely helps strengthen your arms if you stick with it!
    I have not done the final challenge of the 100 consecutive push ups yet...but I hope to do that in the next couple of days!
    If you have a hard time doing regular push ups, I would suggest starting with the bent knee pushups and then after completing a week or two trying the same thing you just did but with regular push ups.
    Good Luck!

    I love those quotes.
    Aww...thank you!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Wow! I would totally join! Right now i can do 25 military style consecutive....100 seems insane! how did you work up? how many weeks? Thanks!

    Saw your post after mine. Go to www.hundredpushups.com for the initial test and the workout.
  • purplespeckle
    I'm going to try out this 100 push up challenge as well as the two hundred sit up challenge ( a link is on the same website ).
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Anyone else who is doing the challenge, did you notice it was hard on your lower back? I am keeping my body straight, but I can really feel it in the small of my back as I am working out and then I am sore afterwards for a while.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I stayed pretty sore in between my shoulder blades......a little in my lower back, but not too much.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I *techniquely* start week 3 tomorrow. I started on the second column and completed 2weeks so far (bent knee though). I plan on switching to normal push-ups and column 1 week 1 tomorrow. Good luck to all starting or doing it :)
  • raymj61
    raymj61 Posts: 142
    " If so, did you start with the"girly" ones and were able to work up to regular push ups? I was be completely ecstatic if I were able to do regular push ups. It would be a first for me."

    I'm not familiar with the 100 push up challenge but I do modified (girl) pushups alot. I can do regular pushups too( not nearly 100 without resting however) but I like doing the modified pushups because I can control my form better. I can spread my hands far apart and work on "pecs", or close them some and work on arms and triceps. Also, it enables me to go slow and let it burn whereas regular pushups I find myself rushing them and losing form after 18 or so.
  • hsquared87
    I just started the 100 push up challenge and the 200 sit up challenge yesterday. I was able to do 6 good form push ups during my initial test and 40 consecutive sit ups. I'm super jazzed for this program.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Thanks for all the information guys!!!! I hope this really works. I would love to get some arm strength. Hopefully I will have some great results! I am using the sites logger to hopefully keep me on track. Just after reading those comments about you guys doing regular push ups maybe I will see if I can even do those.......
  • mark996
    mark996 Posts: 184 Member
    Gonna start this with my wife soon. Looks like a fun challenge.
  • vdubteach23
    I've tried this before, but this time I'm sticking to it. Count me in! I need some easy to do exercises for me to do in the morning before work and I think this would be something great to work to. I'm also trying the sit-up challenge. Good luck to all!
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    oh fun! i was planning on starting this tomorrow did my initial test a few days ago. Here's to stronger arms!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Went back and reviewed the site again. Hadn't seen the other challenges. Starting the 200 sit up challenge and 200 squat challenge this week too. Might as well do a total body toning! :wink: Up to 13 push ups from 6 after 1 week. Managed 22 sit ups (sore back before sore stomach) and 63 squats, so at least I get to jump to week 3 in the squat training! Good luck everyone!