

  • Can we start early? I wanted to get going today!
  • Count me in! I'm heading to buy this DVD after work today. Can't wait to start feeling the burn! ..or the Shred?
  • Count me in! My addiction to Diet Coke is sick... I need more water in my life!
  • By the sheer grace of God...
  • Chris, I'd love that recipe!
  • I have terrible knee pain and water in my knees as well. I wear Nike Shox and they help TREMENDOUSLY. I honestly don't think you need to pay all that money for that technological stuff with shoes, unless your pains are that bad. Otherwise, I think trial and error would work. I recommend my Nikes!
  • What you are feeling is TOTALLY understandable. The hard thing is, if this is how you feel, you may not be mentally ready to lose weight. As much work as this is physically, it's ten times more mentally challenging and demanding. I think you need to ask yourself if this is really something you can commit to and if this is…
  • Awesome! Congratulations!
  • Walking is a GREAT way to get rid of midsection fat. That's why WW advocates it so much; I don't know why, but midsection tub just melts away when you walk.
  • I know exactly how you feel. I'm a teacher (which contributes to my exhaustion) but I'm also overweight. HOWEVER, I've noticed in the past week or so, I've been feeling less lethargic in the mornings and it's much easier to drag myself out of bed. I'm guessing it's because I'm not weighing my body down with heavy, gross…
  • I totally agree!
  • Bacardi Limon and water is my go to drink when I am out now. It tastes just like water with lemon, and is very low in calories (about 60 cal for a normal sized drink- no doubles). I have to say- I'm definitely not an alcoholic, but I enjoy my drinks on the weekends. I'm reassured to see others who are wondering about this…
  • I have never laughed so hard at a thread than when I read this one. What a way to entice my man.. "Come on, babe, I didn't get to the gym today. Can you make sure I burn 500 calories?" ...actually, he's a gym buff too. He'll probably be turned on! Congrats on everyone's fitness sucess!
  • Heather, Walking really helps get rid of that belly fat. I've found that if I alternate walking with other cardio/strength training, the weight comes off just as easily (and everyone can walk!) I wish you the best of the luck- and I know how you feel. The guy I am seeing right now is incredibly good-looking and in shape…
  • This is my second day on MFP as well! I've been doing the dieting thing solo for a while, but haven't been losing much weight. Hopefully this will help keep me accountable and give me the kick in the butt I need. Good luck on your journey- we WILL do it!