Rlyxpop Member


  • This is a recipe for cauliflower mashed potatoes. I am really looking forward to trying it. :) http://undressedskeleton.tumblr.com/post/32193615702
  • I make smoothies here lately. yesterday I had cooked cereal and was hungry an hour later. But the smoothies keep me satisfied for about four hours.
  • The way I always make it is to put 2 tsp of sugar and 1 Tbsp of butter. It's the way my mom made it when I was little. Started eating it again a few weeks ago
  • Bacon bits sounds like it would be awesome in it. :)
  • Look at yourself in the mirror and decide what you are willing to live with and put up with and listen to what your heart says. I honestly think you already know the answer but you want validation that you are doing the right thing. Good luck to whatever you do decide. :)
    in Okcupid Comment by Rlyxpop April 2014
  • High five! This is awesome!!