vivelajackie Member


  • In the beginning of my weight loss I would do the same thing. Since I had more to lose, simply changing my diet and eating less (and gym) showed some pretty sweet results. I didn't like guessing though, just due to the fact that there are SO many entries that vary way too much. By going the scale route as opposed to cups…
  • I made some homemade pita breads last night and am super excited to use them in whatever way I see fit. I ain't scared of no ghos--trolls--internet taboo diet tips.
  • Just an odd musing really, but why do so many people decide to stick solely to cardio until they get down to a certain weight range before implementing lifting? You can do it at any size, though at larger sizes you may have to alter it some in order to do said exercises safely. Weight training is useful. As for the rest,…
  • Not necessarily, but chips and salsa are my downfall. And would probably be just as bad if I kept them at home. I was excited when I finally got nutrition information for Chuys, but they're infamous for seeing low baskets of chips and filling them right on back up. The chips are SO good...
  • Whatever fits, sits. I'll have anything from yogurt and honey to turkey links and cheese. I've even had omelets in the past.
  • I avoid using multiple scales for this reason. They're not going to weigh the same, nor is your body going to weigh the same during different parts of the day. There are many variables that can jump the pounds up and down dramatically (even on the SAME scale) at different points of the day. I have seen some fun youtube…
  • I'm just...10 or so pounds heavier than you with a physical job and gym routine. 1800 is gonna drop you fine. Don't try to rush things. I've been with the whole "Oh maybe I should drop to 1,500" route before, two years ago. Just go with what MFP is telling you and see how that treats you in regards to weight loss…
  • Get yourself a roast that you enjoy the taste of with minimal alteration if you're concerned. I just put two packets of artificial sweetener (so scary, much danger...) in usually. I keep my orders at the local coffee shops to basic black (I find awesome shops by how good a simple black coffee is, so score there) with the…
  • A kitchen scale. Hot sauce is pretty freaking amazing though. I'll hot sauce everything.
  • Mm, bacon. Though, a serving of good old-fashioned is only 150 calories. It's the additives that pile up the calories (much like any food though).
  • I was over 400lbs when I started out. I looked at myself and where I was and that was my starting point. I just got lucky in lacking desire even then to lose it quickly with fads and just signed up here, plugged in my numbers and a desired target weight, and stuck to it. If you don't start there's NOT going to be…
  • I second the question of how you track your burn. I am around the same calorie allowance myself so I can say you'll lose at a nice pace, but I've always been very cautious along the road with calorie burn estimation. Good freaking workout either way!
  • I mean, my wallet and tooth enamel thank me for drastically cutting back on diet pop, but as for interference with weight loss? Nah. I can drink pop and still lose weight just fine. Same with the zero cal sweeteners I put in my coffee in the morning.
  • I had a co-worker bring in treats today. They looked delicious. I told her so, but since I'd gone to the gym just 20 minutes before I had even less temptation. Compliment the baked good but politely decline. Some people like to bake. Unless she's threatening to stab you with the fork you're debating picking up just say no.
  • I personally do not log my exercise. My work schedule is on 4, off 3. When I work, I walk, a lot. I also go to the gym three times a week. Currently, I'm set as "Lightly active" and I'm not losing at a devastatingly fast pace (recommended 2-3lbs a week on average). Now... if I were down to my goal weight where maintenance…
  • At 6'3", 200lbs is (on the page) really awesome. Like others have said, you may be interested in recomp to help your current physique look more appealing to yourself. My husband did it at one point, upped his calories, and then started a progressive lifting routine at the gym. Tracking for macros is still something you can…
  • We've done after work, but that was problematic. We'd come home to eat dinner and then head to gym... Which was busy as it's small and peak evening hours. Now we're going in the morning before work and I'm not finding a 5am wakeup call offensive if it means I get to relax in the evening. Plus, it's on the way to work…
  • I generally go by 2tbs since that's usually a serving (I weigh it out though), but as others have said it's not a golden rule. I use a vinaigrette that is thin enough to make do with smaller servings. Your ranch is gonna be a thicker dressing, which means it doesn't spread without a few words and prods and stabs of…
  • That's a heck of a lot of dressing, but I'm usually more light on how I use condiments in general. As long as you're portioning out things like your jams, chicken, etc using a food scale for an accurate calorie log why not? You don't need to eat just salad to lose weight. Breakfast foods are delicious.
  • They do pizza and all kinds of stuff at work as appreciation for our hard work. But, I already have lunch made. I also make enough breakfast (oats that I mix with peanut butter and chocolate I cut into bars for ease) for my work week. I don't have to stress about being short on time because I set myself up for success with…
  • I went from eating until I was miserable to being ok with eating the majority of cals on my days off in one meal. That definitely did not happen overnight. I was a snacking queen. Like I said, I'd stuff myself and half an hour later be reaching into the fridge or pantry to stuff myself again. If only I'd stopped…
  • Hard liquor seems to average lower calories, which is good for me because I'm a cheap date. Pfft. Unfortunately I prefer wine, which is a bit heavier on the cal budget. A lot of alcohol has entries on here. I scan barcodes on the bottle and am often surprised!
  • Thank you, society, for cultivating a community that wants things convenient and fast. You realize that the same mentality you're having toward loss is often what got people to gain, correct? Weight loss is not a race. Weight loss isn't going to happen overnight. What you are doing is dangerous without doctor supervision…
  • Unless you're very petite or very sedentary you could probably aim higher in calories and lose while not being miserable. What are your stats? Also, are you logging accurately, ie: weighing foods on a kitchen scale and finding the correct database entries?
  • The thing about water weight is that it's pretty boggling to someone just starting out. I seriously give you props for making a change. Usually, the first week or two of a diet adjustment results in the whoosh. You see a dramatic drop on the scale, but the majority of said drop is water. Since we're all made of mostly…
  • It sounds absolutely miserable. He's losing weight because he's in a deficit. You can achieve a deficit eating anything you fancy. Plug in your stats and eat what mfp suggests. It'll be a much easier time... Plus, why would you do diet that the namesake doesn't even want to be associated with?
  • Another old fashioned oats lover here. You get a good amount for 150cals and you can dress it up to your tastes. It's also much, much cheaper to get a big canister of them.
  • Congrats on still losing weight! At your weight and height what you lost is seriously great work. Personally, I just count the calories as opposed to following a certain regimine (keto), but it's whatever. I usually just down a big glass of water when I'm getting snacky at night. Keeps you hydrated and curbs the urge some.…
  • Dude, when I was over 400 I went for a no frills approach. Don't starve yourself to lose weight, which if you are being honest and only aiming at 800-1000 you are. And no, I'm not bringing up infamous starvation mode mythos here. Eat. Log. Stop torturing yourself to lose weight. Mfp would never recommend a cal goal that…
  • I actually set up an Instagram account for monthly progress pics. Once a month. I remember that when I was bigger I didn't feel like I was but good god, looking at the pictures...