

  • What's so wrong about this for me is I DON'T have kiddos and I have to deal with stress incontinence. Jumping moves are the worst! Ah well.....things could be worse (life is always in perspective since I'm a hospice nurse!).
  • 140-145. Several years ago I got down to 125 and looked like hell! Going to be focusing on weights and muscle, so 15 is more realistic.
  • So, in reviewing my stats for the past 2 weeks, the majority (60-70%) of my sugars come from my milk/dairy intake. It puts me over my recommended sugar intake, but I've always tolerated dairy well and prefer to have my calcium intake from food, not supplements. Not sure if this is bad for me, but all of my life I have only…
  • Oops....double posting.
  • I agree with all, pick one and go with it. We teach our cardiac patients to weigh at the same time daily and to keep a log to show their docs, as their weights are always different at the MD office scale.