

  • Joined a little bit ago, but didnt actually start using the site till a couple days ago. Started my first mini goal and so far, the site seems to be helping me stay on track!
    in The New Guy Comment by kassie87 May 2011
  • Joined a little bit ago, but didnt actually start using the site till a couple days ago. Started my first mini goal and so far, the site seems to be helping me stay on track!
    in The New Guy Comment by kassie87 May 2011
  • I hear ya. Sometimes it seems like we're getting nowhere. Dont let the food win!! Hang iin there. Nothing good is easy!
  • My prayers go out to you all in the south! Hope this site helps you. Welcome, and good luck.
    in NEW Comment by kassie87 May 2011
  • Best thing about Michigan, all the beaches. Im trying to drop some myself for the summer. I miss the beach days! My advice would be just to take steps into it. Doing too much at once is stressful and is heading for nowhere but disaster. Good luck!!
  • thanks for the link! have a feeling im going to love it. I have a hard time with self discipline. Im going to stick to my small start this week, and next week wednesday i will begin the 8 week challenge! Also your comments about starting small on the eliptical machine, or cutting out junk food are very encouraging! I have…
    in baby steps. Comment by kassie87 May 2011
  • I love reading these post. I didnt realize changing things was a vital part of the process! Definitly will keep that in mind! Congrats on your progress so far and good luck breaking the 200 point!
  • Water! Its the way to go! I was in a car accident a while back and was in therapy for nearly a year. Being in the pool as the easiest and most effective method. Really strengthened my ankle and knee, as well as helped toning and shedding some weight.
  • That is SO Amazing! I recently joined, and havent been that good about sticking to a plan. Not a big self motivator. But seeing this was huge for me. You look so beautiful, and I too have a friends wedding coming up, i'd like to lose some for. Congrats!