Stuck @ 200lbs!

tara4487 Posts: 118 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
i lost 28lbs in the last 2mnths and now it seems like i cant go lower than 200lbs im stuck no matter what i do its so hard any1 else going through ths or have any tips? thanks


  • KandiLicious
    KandiLicious Posts: 210 Member
    Are you always eating the same things? Drinking enough water? Doing same types of exercises? Have you tried any new things? Make sure your sodium isn't out of control. Just a few suggestions.
  • tara4487
    tara4487 Posts: 118 Member
    thanks kandi yea i actually do eat the same things and same exersises but dont know what else to do and it just seems like alot of the healthy low cal foods have so much sodium
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    You want to change up your exercise every month or so. Your body actually gets used to what you're doing and doesn't burn as many calories. You can always add 10 minutes, but it's just as effective to increase intensity, or do something different altogether (if you do aerobics, switch the program or try jogging or biking or step aerobics or swimming or ....) That usually will break the plateau.

    Also, are you measuring your portion sizes? It's easy to let it sneak up a bit without realizing it, and be eating more calories than you think. Double check serving sizes and make sure you're not going over, or that you're recording the right amount anyway.
  • tara4487
    tara4487 Posts: 118 Member
    thanks yea i usually stick to the ellptcal i wanna try some workout classes hopfully that will help
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    I agree - try switching something up. Totally different exercise, exercise more or if you have been doing a lot, take a rest. People will say try to eat more, or if you have been eating well (all exercise cals and stuff) try zig zagging calories. I got stuck at 204 for 2 weeks and I hate to say it, but the scale only started moving when I did ONE day of 1000 calories and plus exercised a lot that day and drank a lot of water. But you cant stay on low cals more than a day or 2. I was just too scared ot try eating more because i was too scared the scale would stay still for yet another week....and definitely watch the sodium.
  • tara4487
    tara4487 Posts: 118 Member
    Thanks yea thats my problem i think the less calories the better and faster im scared to eat 1200 calories like it says im supposed too
  • kassie87
    kassie87 Posts: 11
    I love reading these post. I didnt realize changing things was a vital part of the process! Definitly will keep that in mind! Congrats on your progress so far and good luck breaking the 200 point!
  • tara4487
    tara4487 Posts: 118 Member
    thanks i didnt kno either good luck to u tooo!
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