baby steps.

kassie87 Posts: 11
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
Hey, im new to the whole fitness forum thing. So if this isnt exactly the right idea for a post on here, then i apoligize. I wanted to start by making a small goal for myself this week, and inviting anyone to join me. My current, weight is 222lbs. Not sure if this will make much difference but its a start, and is huge for me. Im bad at following a diet and a fitness plan. Starting tomorrow, for 1 week. Cut pop out of my diet and do atleast 20-30 minutes of exercise a day. Who knows, it could be the step to finally get my weight lose started. Cant hurt to try right? Just trying to make babysteps into the weightloss process. Hoping this week is a success. Then next week, add a few more minutes, and take away another guilty pleasure! Please feel free to post any tips or suggestions for this week and the next step! thank you


  • noworry87
    noworry87 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey...I just started three weeks ago...and the first week at the gym is the worse..I started doing 19 minutes on the eliptical machine and now can do 45 does take dedication and motivation...friend me if u like...
  • happybrooke
    happybrooke Posts: 153
    Someone on here shared this link with me recently so I will share it with you too! (Pay it forward, right?) It's an 8 week transitional diet. Designed to take baby steps in the right direction. Like week 1, no junk. So far I like it! I just finished week 1 and am starting week 2!

    Check it out! It might be just what you need.
  • my first step was to get rid of junk food... pop,chips, candy.....
    then just followed MFP and lost almost 30 pounds already.
    i have just started c25k and might join a gym soon.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    you know you gotta start somewhere- I think you have made a couple of great "baby" steps- no pop- start at the gym-wise to start slow so you dont get hurt- and you joined. AWESOME- you are on your way to health and fitness- keep us posted as to how your journey progresses--Good Luck to you
  • kassie87
    kassie87 Posts: 11
    thanks for the link! have a feeling im going to love it. I have a hard time with self discipline. Im going to stick to my small start this week, and next week wednesday i will begin the 8 week challenge!

    Also your comments about starting small on the eliptical machine, or cutting out junk food are very encouraging! I have a bad habbit of expecting to fail. Hearing that its possible to complete and move ahead is going to help me alot to stick to it.
  • clhiter
    clhiter Posts: 74
    Just remember there is no such thing as Baby Steps---just steps, some bigger than others, but still steps.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Ha ha, there is a great website for home organization/motivation, and that's one of their big catch-phrases "Baby steps".

    I did the same thing when I started the fitness thing. If you try to change too much at once, it's easy to get overwhelmed.

    Actually, I tried to change everything at once - had a near-meltdown, and decided to change what I could, a little at a time.

    I started again and decided to just drink my daily water and log all my food. Then the next week I tried to raise my exercise a little. You have to do the baby steps thing. It's like having a new job. Everything you do feels weird at first, then gets easier.
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