you know what the best ab workout is... the push up!.. it works your core just as much as your upper body because you are in a plank position the whole time, just keep your core tight and solid during the push ups.. and you wont need to do crunches!
proper form is key with kettlebell exercises, especially when moving up into the heavier weights. once you start with bad form, you will keep that bad form and can potentially hurt yourself very badly. so defo invest in someone teaching you or maybe get some dvds with that said.. there are so many different exercises you…
it depends what type of carbs they are.. eat all the veggies you want! these are the best carbs for you. Grains and pasta and carbs of that nature i would cut back a lot. under 100 grams a day of those kind of carbs will do you just fine.
Take it from a guy who is living in China right now.. Stay away from chinese food! its all sugar! they even add sugar into the veggie dishs to make it tastes better! But if u are going to eat chinese food.. stick with tofu/chicken and the veggie dishes.. and stay away from anything that has any sort of sauce because those…
The general rule of thumb is to eat the same amount of grams of protein per day as your target weight goal is.. so if your weight loss goal is 100 lbs, eat 100 grams of protein per day. That seems like a lot, but its better to eat more protein than more carbs! I am always way over my protein and way under my carb intake.