AlphaGnome Member


  • EXACTLY! It's been hammered into our heads that "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" The idea behind it is sound - give you energy to kick-start your day.. but it works against me - I find I am starving by 10 when I eat breakfast. Glad to hear this isn't just me! The easier it is for me to avoid hunger pains,…
  • I am with you 110% on this - I adore craft beer and am ALWAYS looking forward to the next new one to try! I try to plan my day around my consumption and try not to get carried away... I try and keep 500 calories free every day to enjoy my vice,this allows for some freedom.. I might want a bourbon barrel stout that is only…
  • Yum Toasted Coconut
  • I like all the tips on the mental approach to this... I believe that is where a lot of struggle has come from lately. Thanks everyone!
  • We usually do our shopping together, and I am good about reading nutritional facts. Cooking is also evenly distributed.
  • Your body weight will fluctuate quite a bit over the course of a few days, this is pretty typical, or at least it is for me (albeit not as dramatically as 7 pounds). When I first started noticing such dramatic sways in my weight, I weighed in 2 or 3 times a day and kept track of the fluctuations and it was pretty…
  • You're going to have those days.. They happen, especially when just starting out. Don't get discouraged, but rather use it to train yourself to eat less. Personally on those days, I'll drink plenty of water, shrug it off and prepare myself to counter those calories over the next few days. Have a reasonable dinner…