7lb gain in 2 days!

Ok so far I have lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks and feeling great until Sunday. Sunday I got a bit lax with my calorie intake. I eat 1600 cals a day and usually struggle to get them all in but sunday I was feeling a little hungrier then norm and prob ate closer to 2000. Then Monday came and me and the family went out to eat and I ordered one of the lowest cal items on the menu. The chicken kabobs and jasmine rice, so again on Monday prob ate closer to 2000 cals. But I was not sweating it because I have been doing really awesome with my diet and felt it was ok to allow myself to go over those couple days then get back on track today....... I got on the scale and had gained 7.4 lbs!! what the heck!! the only thing I can imagine is maybe it has to do w/ my salt intake?? I mean I didn't even eat enough cals to equal that much weight I don't think. Anyways extreamly discouraged and hoping someone has some insight or advice.


  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Sodium can definitely make you appear to have gained as well as certain times of the month can also. I wouldn't stress it. We all have fluctuations. Up your water intake and just keep on going.
  • ferky1
    ferky1 Posts: 11 Member
    Perhaps it is your salt intake. what workouts do you do? Could you be gaining muscle and losing fat? Keep that in mind.
  • SouthPawSings
    SouthPawSings Posts: 54 Member
    You're right about the salt intake, you probably ate a lot of sodium so you're retaining water. Drink a lot of water and stay away from the scale for about a week. Get back on track diet wise, and it will go back down. You would be hard pressed to gain 7 lbs in 2 days.
  • AlphaGnome
    AlphaGnome Posts: 11 Member
    Your body weight will fluctuate quite a bit over the course of a few days, this is pretty typical, or at least it is for me (albeit not as dramatically as 7 pounds). When I first started noticing such dramatic sways in my weight, I weighed in 2 or 3 times a day and kept track of the fluctuations and it was pretty incredible to see just how much change can occur over the course of 6-12 hours - it looked like the stock market graphs. Try this experiment and watch, you'll see some radical changes, BUT as long as you notice a general downwards trend, don't stress it. =)

    Good Luck!
  • I exercise 3 days a week for 30 mins on elliptical
  • squiguk
    squiguk Posts: 29 Member
    Don't worry about it! It happened to me a couple of weeks ago, after a weekend of going out (although I wasn't overeating/drinking, I ate more than I normally would in a restaurant and went out for drinks the night before) - the scales said I'd gain around 4kg!!.

    I really freaked out but it was just the volume of food over the weekend, not actual weight gain. Overnight it went down by 3kg to leave me a little over my normal weight.

    Drink loads of water/peppermint tea and stick to weighing yourself first thing in the morning once a week (try to do it at the same time of day).