jdr03272 Member


  • If you want to burn calories doing yoga, try P90X yoga. I'm not big on P90X, but the yoga session was insane. I was absolutely dripping sweat everywhere to the point where I was literally slipping on it. Not very restorative though, you feel like you got hit by a train after (and I normally lift lots of weights)...
    in exercise Comment by jdr03272 May 2011
  • I'll have to second Reiner. I'm 6'2" and 270lbs right now, which is 15lbs down from about a month ago. My routine is a mix of weights and cardio, usually about 4hrs of cardio per week (~3000-4000kcal) and lots of weights. I think that I look much better at 260-270 with the muscle than I did back in college when I went on a…
  • First of all, 152lbs really is not bad at all (how tall are you?) so try not to blow it out of proportion, even if you had a terrible day. Actually, depending on your height, that may even be a very acceptable weight (what is "short"). As far as exercise goes, depending on how bad you hurt your leg running, you may find…
  • Let me first say that Veal is amazing. I am a huge veal conosoir and will eat it with green eggs and ham if I had to. That said, breaded anything is going to have ALOT of calories. When you bread something, you are looking at calories from the meat, flour that you dredge it in, then egg wash that you swish it through, then…
  • Hey everybody, first post. Calories burned with exercise depends on many factors. In a perfect world, we would take into account sex, age, body mass and composition, substrate utilization (blood tests), and amount of oxygen consumed per unit time. Since most people don't have access to a physiology lab, that means…