HauteLlama Member


  • I applaud this approach. Its a great way to get healthy. I feel SO much better getting artificial stuff out of my diet. Those icky chemical foods really wreck havoc on your system. I feel our population in generally misinformed that moderation is key concerning whatever they want to eat. I wish people would stop moderating…
  • I entered that, it gives me nada. ;(
  • Thanks for your guys' help. No thanks for you mfp, none for you..... x
  • It could be because you are producing ketones to some effect. If you work our right when you wake up before breakfast you are certainly draining all of your reserves. People who follow keto develop a similar smell sometimes. x
  • Also This, http://www.reddit.com/r/ketogains
  • Looks pretty good to me. Just don't go back to your normal eating patterns, and drinking patterns (Former rugger here), once the season starts. Maintain your eating habits, but look into some carb cycling pre game to get the most out of your glucose stores. Since what you are doing is basically sprinting back and forth,…
  • I use mine to help me fast in the mornings. My typical BPC looks like this: 1/4 c coconut cream or whipping cream, 1 T butter, 1 T coconut oil. I heat up the cream in the microwave for 15-20 sec, blend in the butter/oil, add a pinch of cinnamon and 3 drops stevia.... THEN I add my coffee. Perfect every time. x
  • I use spaghetti squash and make zucchini ribbons. It cuts calories WAAAAY down. Also, you get more vitamins and can use more sauce. Good times all around. :) x
  • I would look up some research on Intermittent Fasting. You might find solace there. Good Luck. x
  • I have never lost so much weight so easily as I have adhering to a LCHF diet. The reason its so easy is that my hunger cravings are under control and I can stick to my calorie count without an issue. Sometimes its hard for me to hit my calorie goal. I think any doubters struggling with sticking to their calorie counts…
  • You realize you can be both right? Paleo and keto can be used together. Paleo restricts from all grains and processed foods and also limits dairy. I do a paleo version of keto. I eat meat, animal fat, eggs, tons of green veggies, drinks sweetened with stevia, I have coffee, and sometimes I do have dairy (I make a killer…
  • Just remember to acknowledge the habits that made you gain weight in the first place. Then focus on the good things: Eat all your vegetables, get a piece of fruit or a cup of tea if you want something sweet, make sure you are drinking all your water. Stick with your healthy habits and make sure the new calories you are…
  • Has he had mashed cauliflower or mashed broccoli? That is what I make for my friends and family all the time and they love it. x
  • Just eat the burger without the bun, or the meat loaf without the sugary sauce. You could ask that he makes two veggie sides at every meal, like a green one and then another different color. You could offer to help with the meal by making a salad for everyone. And if you need to adjust the main portion to fit in your diet,…
  • stick with it, you have to stay strict for at least 6 weeks to get your body keto adapted. All my clothes are getting loose, but I haven't lost a pound. Go figure. x
  • Oh, yeah, I subtract the fiber from the total. but I don't eat fruit. One piece is your total carb intake for the day sometimes. :( x
  • can you get bulk frozen veg? They contain just as much nutrition as fresh. Also, Romain lettuce for wraps isnt as bad on your wallet as you think. They stay fresh for 2 weeks in a bag. Mayo, peanut butter, butter, and coconut oil are good to have on hand. You can get some cheap cuts from your butcher. Look for pork belly.…