Intermittent fasting, exercise, and ammonia smell

I started hitting the gym before my first meal and I end up smell like cleaning products! The internet says that's because of protein synthesis, which happens when you don't eat enough carbs. I have also been intermittent fasting (eat all of my calories between 1pm and 9pm) for the last five weeks, so I am exercising 16 hours after my last meal. But I do eat all of my calories later in the day, and I am DEFINITELY not lacking carbs, I probably eat more than I should.

Is the protein synthesis/ammonia smell happening because I'm running on an empty stomach? Or do the carbs from last night last 16 hours? Is it a sign that I'm not eating enough calories?

Thanks!! Hope this is the right place to ask.


  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Your body needs fuel, even when you're sleeping. So the carbs from last night have probably been mostly used up. IMO, it's because you're working out on an empty stomach, however there's nothing wrong with it as far as I know. It just means that at that time your body isn't getting it's energy from carbs, rather whatever's left in the tank.
  • HauteLlama
    HauteLlama Posts: 21 Member
    It could be because you are producing ketones to some effect. If you work our right when you wake up before breakfast you are certainly draining all of your reserves. People who follow keto develop a similar smell sometimes. x
  • StaceyPaterson89
    StaceyPaterson89 Posts: 2 Member
    Ammonia is usually a sign of infection... does it smell in your urine? xx
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Is the protein synthesis/ammonia smell happening because I'm running on an empty stomach? Is it a sign that I'm not eating enough calories?

    Yes, it could be both. Try having a few ounces of fruit juice before your next workout and see if it goes away. Post your results.