Redribbon73 Member


  • Well I have started as a trial 30 day shred again, I did my workout about 3 hours before aftaar. I was actually ok, I didn't feel thirsty and as I have been doing a lot of cardio before ramadhan I found it really easy. I am planning to do the workout every other day though and keep on this level 1 longer too.
    in RAMADAN Comment by Redribbon73 July 2014
  • I was doing Jillian michaels ripped in 30 before ramadhan and completed the 30 days. I am currently walking 15 minutes fast pace twice a day now in the garden but I am getting bored of doing that. I was thinking to myself yesterday that I might do 30 day shred (I've done this workout before) before aftaar as people have…
  • Yes french toast, some people call it eggy bread.
  • Yes it is 't the end of the world, I did a 15 minute brisk walk in the garden and ran up the slopey bit each time lol as well as some crunches and deadlifts. Aaaahhhh i can enjoy my evening meal now without fretting now. I always have calories left but i would rather that than go over. Anyway all is good.:)
  • We add sugar and a bit of milk and a bit if sunflower oil on pan to cook it in.
  • It is ramadhan so i am fasting, when you break your fast thats when you can then eat something after hours of not eating, to begin your fast I say KEEP, when we wake at dawn to eat something before our fast begins, it is actually the literal translation of how I would say it in urdu maybe its not the appropriate term but I…
  • The brands are correct but the quantity of ingredients I made for 3 people. I will be doing a little workout or its going to be on my mind all day. My breakfast is usually a very satisfying 250 ish calories! I suppose a one off won't kill me but blimey that really rocked me!
  • Hey there you kook amaaaaazing! ! How tall are you? What exercises etc did you do?
  • Yesterday we had spinach cheese filo pastry samosas (baked! !!), pakoras...just 1 for me though. Daal, chapatti and fruit chaat. Today is fruit chaat (we have it everyday in ramadhan), lamb pulao, raita and homemade chicken veggie spring rolls.
    in RAMADAN Comment by Redribbon73 July 2014
  • Yes I noticed that you do get full pretty quickly. I have a huge dish of fried foods fir the family and seriously I don't even get tempted I may just take one buy don't feel like I want more. Alhamdulillah Discipline is important at the table!!! How long are fasts for people here? Here in UK it is from 2.12am till…
    in RAMADAN Comment by Redribbon73 July 2014
  • Ramadan mubarak!!! I am fasting too but trying really hard to log calories, it's so difficult since ramadhan food is not the same as we eat year round. I am avoiding or taking only very small piece of the snacks foods. I keep my main meal on priority and only if I really want a small help g of the finger foods. At suhoor I…
    in RAMADAN Comment by Redribbon73 July 2014
  • It is my first ramadhan where I am counting my calories only. I just tweaked my brekkie log in again, I know it will be filling enough and I do want to save enough for breaking my fast. Yes the first few days will be trial and error I suppose to see what works. I will be staying g away from fried food anyway but I will be…
  • Congratulations! You and your wife must be so proud of what you have achieved. A massive well done to you. You look great!!!!
  • It is 92 calories a slice, I am always on the lookout for lo can breads I will come back if I find anything!
    in bread Comment by Redribbon73 June 2014
  • Oh thank you I did think this would be the right way to go about it but as I am relatively new to all this I thought best check with someone first.
  • When I am cooking for the family I have been known to grab a couple of cans of tinned beans and do some bicep curls etc and squats in between stirring the pot lol leg raisers, side lunges anything I can do safely in the kitchen. Since I got into loosing weight and MFP I always seem to have my core engaged, it is all those…
  • Excellent job. You will look even better in another 22 weeks. Keep up the good work!
  • I am not sure, I do log Jillian michaels ripped in 30 as circuit training but as this is all on your feet walking jogging running I am not certain where best to place it. :/
  • I just ate pizza , I didn't feel guilty but was scared I don't go over. I don't eat fast food so I felt like I deserved a one off treat.
  • I am Asian and we eat those kinds of foods anyway but in restaurants that is no where how real indian/pak food is like. It is restaurant style rubbish and people think they are eating Indian when really authentic Asian food tastes so different I hope you find something nice to eat on your outing with friends
  • Lol. You don't swallow air you just don't eat till you are full and that would be enough to breath comfortably and not feel stuffed.
  • Hi I too will be fasting and this will be my first Ramadan when I will be watching what I eat. What I plan to do is eat healthy nutritious foods at dusk and water too and the same at dawn. I don't think you should stress too much about Ramadan as it's only for a month and after a few days I am sure you will work out the…
  • I do ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels and if my toddler is happy I then do a biggest looser power walk they are about 15 minutes each. Lol at your little ones Thwing things so funny but I imagine not so funny for you!
  • Oh so once you are in the maintenance zone you eat more calories?
  • Oh yes definately still helpful I just did a 15 minute power walk and wondered how to log it.
  • I imagine those chest am straps would be annoyingly uncomfortable too during a workout when you are all sweaty. I think I prefer a watch
  • It seems that it is a heart rate monitor I need then from replies I am not wanting to count my steps daily just calories burned during a cardio workout.
  • Oh I can definately see the difference, you have done amazingly well and I hope you reach your end goal and come back with more pics. Great job! !!
  • I made a lot more than the recipe so I adjusted it . Thanks for the tips.