jackymenhennet Member


  • I suffer with Bi-Polar disorder so HAVE to take medications which make me want to eat all the time - it just takes a bit of will power and strength to overcome this. I would suggest seeing a psychiatrist for your depression - it could be clinical in which case you will have to take medication to make it through the day.…
  • Thank you my MFP friends - I appreciate your feedback which has made me see sense :-) Onwards and Upwards slowly then !! j x x
  • Have any of you considered bare foot walking and running?? There are even shoes for this called 5 fingers - my husband started this some time ago (he's a runner of marathons) and decided it's the best thing he's ever done. Now I am starting the training for running barefoot - at the moment it's 4 minutes walking and 1…
  • I weigh myself a lot - I can't stand looking at the scales and not jump on them !! But be prepared to be disappointed most of the time cos you do not lose weight daily :) I think once a week is the normal weigh to do it and record it in a book or something. With regards to measuring - I've never done it till I joined this…
  • My husband has been vegetarian all his life and used to do mountain climbing and ultra marathons in Scotland. Now we're a bit older, he still wakes up at 5 in the morning (we live in a very hot country) to go running. His proteins come from beans and chick peas, so you really don't need any meat at all.
  • Yes I would like to know that too ..... I keep wondering why I am eating only fruit during the day and the carbs and proteins are sky high !!
  • Wow you have really inspired me with those pics. Very well done to you and your face is very pretty :)
  • Ryvita with tahini and diet jam is lovely too!
  • I'm very interested in this cos my size 38 C's are definitely looking south :(