Hi Ladies, I have come across the above aid to losing weight on the internet - looks like it's only sold in the USA. Has anyone heard about it or used it on this forum?? I would like to know because I will have to go through a lot of trouble to get it and it already costs $90 for 2 months worth of starting kit - don't want…
Hi There, I have now been online for about a week and my dilemma is what am I supposed to eat. I am having a breakfast - usually a cereal (oats, wheatabix or Special K with Soy Milk) then I eat only fruit till supper which so far has been soup - chicken soup and now minestrone. I have no idea how to count the calories in…
I have just joined this beautiful site through my sister, Karen Calleja who's been a member here for about 105 days. I need inspiration, ideas, orders and telling offs where and as necessary to lose my 30 kgs excess luggage. I have been on a diet of 1,200 calories (very strictly) for 6 months and only lost a kilo -…