

  • I just got back too, thats where my avatar was taken. I actually gained weight before my trip- everytime I try to lose weight it backfires. LOL
  • gotta love the "oh my " moment. at least it gets you back to being aware of your health. as was stated, that pic shows the best reason why- you want your kids to see you live healthy, learn to live healthy themselves, and be around to see them grow. the live as you do, no matter what you 'tell' them...
  • ooohhh I like that idea! I will def. try that!!!:drinker:
  • I am glad that helps. It made me feel so much better, its almost like I would get petulant, "But I don't want to have to watch everything I eat!! Its so unfair!" but it is very fair. We all have to do it. Now I am working on how I watch what I eat. Am I letting it define me, or am I just acting like its no big deal?
  • Thanks everyone!!!!:tongue:
  • Hate to burst anyones bubble here, but at 38 yrs old, I can only eat 1300 calories a day if I expect to lose two pounds a week. Factor in some good workouts I can bump it up to 1400. Sad to say but if I continue to yo-yo diet, my metabolism could conceiveably, with age, go down to 1200 a day to lose. These aren't numbers i…
  • Hi! I am Barbara. I am here mostly to track calories, but also to keep this in the forefront of my mind and to establish good habits. I am very busy working on my self esteem. I am my own worst critique and would never allow anyone else to speak to me the way I speak to myself. Hello to everyone here! Barbara
  • I have yet to introduce myself, but wanted to jump on this because I have been seeing a bariatric counselor (weight loss counselor) and i asked the exact same question! Kudos for you to be asking this while you are still fit and young, not waiting until there is a major problem. My counselor replied this - EVERYONE has to…