Personal Trainer
A couple of options. Either tell him he needs to lose weight, or you will leave him. Theres nothing wrong with that, and you shouldn't feel bad. I mean, if he changes and is not the person you fell in love with (physically or emotionally) then that gives you a pretty valid reason to break up. Otherwise, let him be who he…
Gotta love the whole fantasy lifestyle and the love story and drama that comes with star wars. And for those who don't know, star wars is a much bigger story than the movies you see. Judging star wars by the six movies made is honestly like judging the entire human existance from a series of movies about Hitler. It just…
masked magician
Um...the OP never said fats make you fat, he/she just said 65g of fat per day is too much. And while I agree, that is merely a matter of opinion. And yes, WHAT you eat makes a huge difference. You can intake 2000 cals/day from a meal at mcdonalds, or 2000cals/day from things like baked chicken, milk, and greens. And I…