JulieJacobus Member


  • My black kitty, Sundari, is still with me. My orange kitty...Mrs. McFatty (who slimmed way down after I moved someplace where she could run inside/outside and climb trees) is waiting for me on the other side. I sure miss her!
  • I think this is a good thread for me. At 52, I have been having issues getting rid of my weight because my hormones are whacked out. I kept track of diet and exercise for 3 months and lost a total of 2 pounds :cry: I was very dedicated with my food intake and exercise. I became very discouraged. :sad: Anyone out there…
  • Shouldn't the issue be more about how good or bad you may be feeling while loosing the weight? If you feel good while taking in only 980 calories, go for it. But if you are feeling sluggish and tired, you probably need more fuel for your body. And let's not forget exercise. Without exercise, the weight really does come off…
  • My trainer said the same thing. First do about 5-10 minutes cardio warm-up, then weights then cardio.
  • Ok...I'm 51 and have been struggling with my weight since I was 45. It seems the older I get, the harder it is to get it off. In fact, I really watch what I eat, try to exercise daily...even if it is only for 1/2 hour, and I'm still gaining. With a 4'11" frame, I'm getting dangerously close to 150 pounds. Not the kind of…
  • :smile: I'll add you. My name is Julie, I live in Reno, NV and have also been using the site for some time. I have only a few friends but need more encouragement...you can't have too much, you know.
  • For some, 480 isn't that many calories. For others,(like me) 480 is nearly 1/2 of our daily calories. I have to spread out my calorie intake throughout the day. 200 to 300 or so 5 to 6 times per day on the days that I am not active seems to be the best for me. Good job on the epiphany and keep up the good work!
  • I have heard that if you really aren't hungry, there is no need to eat. It's not so much how much you eat, but what you eat that is important...i.e....protein is better than simple carbs, even if they are the same calorie content.
  • Welcome...this has been a fantastic tool for me. I, too, am over 50, worked in an office for most of my adult life and decided to make some major changes in my life. One of them is to take off this butt that I have gained over the past few years. Hooking up with friends and encouraging others has helped me. Good luck and…