
  • BevsCalerieCount
    BevsCalerieCount Posts: 14 Member
    Morning All, just marking the location. I'll try posting this afternoon.:smile:
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    I didn't realize that you could mark a place here. I've found you guys and lost you many times. I'm like several others, I fit here, I think.

    Ditto. The main reason I like the idea of a group. I wouldn't have to look for the thread every month.
    Please, someone start a group for us. It will make it so much easier to find and post on different topics concerning our age group. If there are no takers I will try as soon as I can get a break. Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day.

    Please be sure to post the link here if you do, so all interested can find it!
    Found one group "Fabulous 40s and 50s" if anyone intrested.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I see we are having the Group vs. Thread discussion again. I still vote for Group! :laugh:

    So it's been crazy at home lately. Some of this I said before, but here's the completely story:

    Last Wed, MacBoy texted me at work and said he was in a bad way and maybe he needed to check himself into the hopsital. He had gone off his anti-depressants a while back (couldn't remember when but I'm guessing it was in Nov or Dec). I figured it out in Jan and was able to coax him back on but it was already too late. He said it was okay for me to wait until I came home from work normally and not drop everything and run home. (It was 4pm so he only had to wait 1.5 hours.)

    He, his dad and I talked about it and decided the best thing would be to go see our Family Doctor so I planned to stay home from work on Thurs. I was able to get an appointment for 2pm that day so I went into work after all, then went to a job interview at lunch, then home to pick up MacBoy and take him to the doctor's.

    She was very helpful and gave us a list of mental health hospital resources in the area, highlighted the ones she thought were good and called her first choice to see if they had a bed. They didn't so we were given a choice of waiting to see if they had a bed the next day or going to one of the others. Plus, it turns out our local hospital does intakes but has no residential program so if you go to their ER, they'd just ship you off some place else. So it's a good thing we went to see her as I would have just gone over there assuming it would work and been surprised and maybe not happy with where we got referred.

    Anyway, we went home and I looked them all up to see which ones our insurance covered and then started calling them. Found one with a free bed (turns out the program is going away in March so doctors aren't sending their patients there as much any more) and got MacBoy together and we went over to the ER.

    Yes, you have to go through the ER. You can't be admitted by your doctor. Of course, right before we get to the ER, a slew of ambulances show up dropping of critical patients. So we waited. And waited. And waited. We got there 6:45 pm and didn't get back into the ER until around 11:00 pm. Where we sat in a hallway for forever.

    We never did get in a room in the ER. We talked to the admitting nurse for the psych floor and she called the doctor and he agreed to admit MacBoy and they started on the paperwork at about midnight. And just then some more ambulances showed up -- including a security guard who shot himself in the foot! No really. It was like something out of a sit-com.

    They did fill out the paperwork eventually and we went up to the 3rd floor and they admitted MacBoy and gave us a quick tour and him some drugs and we went home. It was 3:00 am by the time we got home... over 7 hours at the hospital. Geez.

    MacBoy perked up pretty quickly once he was on the right drugs. His old shrink had him on too little anti-depressant and as soon as his new doctor doubled his dose, he started being his old stuff. They had a lot of programs for him to go through all day. Various group sessions and some 1-on-1 with the doctor. He did crafts and made lists and set goals. Then in the afternoon he could have visitors.

    We visited him every day and his friends came by for a bit on Sat. and Sun.

    Then on Monday only I could visit him (Mini-Mac has dance lessons on Monday and Mr. Mac has to stick around to drive her home and they didn't make it before visiting hours were over). They were already talking about discharging him. They wanted to do it Tues. but I had another job interview. We tried to convince the doctor to discharge him in the morning but he wouldn't commit to it.

    I ended up cancelling my job interview. And wouldn't you know it, at 11:30 am, I get a call from MacBoy: come pick me up!

    So I picked him up and take him to fill his prescriptions and then home and then he goes off to have lunch with his friends. So I could have gone to my job interview anyway!

    Today I'm back at work and then tomorrow Mini-Mac gets her tonsils taken out. (And maybe her adnoids.) I was going to take Thurs. and Fri. off and Mr. Mac was going to take tomorrow and Monday off but it turns out I have Monday off anyway. So now I"m going to just take Thurs. off and he'll take Thurs. and Friday. On Tues, one of Mini-Mac's friends, a very sensible and polite boy, is going to come down to stay with her and he may stay for a few days. And MacBoy will be home during most of the days too. We are hoping she'll feel enough better by then and be out of the woods enough that we won't have to miss any more work.

    In the meantime, MacBoy is going to look into dropping most of his college classes and get back on the rolls at Manpower so he can start working again. He hates college and he's just wasting his time there, churning through his 529 account and building up a transcript with mostly Cs and Ws. Plus, going to school seems to make everything worse.

    I guess we'll see what happens.
  • pawbabies
    pawbabies Posts: 10 Member
    Wow!!! I am so impressed!! You are such an inspiration to us all!!! :smile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just for the record, I haven't changed my opinion and still vote for keeping the thread. I like to read everything and I am afraid that it would take me more time broken into different topics in a group. Mary
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Just for the record, I haven't changed my opinion and still vote for keeping the thread. I like to read everything and I am afraid that it would take me more time broken into different topics in a group. Mary

    i agree mary, i love to read all the post on the thread, the group(from what i know)would break things up to much......my vote keep the thread

    @macmadam....i hope all goes well with both the kids
  • bjwbmw
    bjwbmw Posts: 55
    Glad to find this group!
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    glad to find 50+
  • crissy170
    crissy170 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi just found this thread and i turned that wonderful 50 little over 1 month ago .. , according to most web sites i should be be around 155 or so for my height ( i am 5'8) .. however i find that weight way too low to maintain and i look older... ! it seems those lines appear in my face more .. maybe some facial fat is natures botox? sooo i am determined to reduce some weight here i like this MFP very much but to go to suggested wieght? no way maybe 20 yrs ago or even 10 but not today i prefer less lines ... anyone esle find as they are maturing that some weight predictions are too low?
  • LuluBirdsie
    LuluBirdsie Posts: 9 Member
    I'm so glad I found this group! I turned 50 last summer and have discovered that what my Mother told me was true!!!! It is harder to lose weight with age - not that it's ever easy, but this getting older stuff is not for Sissy's :smile: I've been reading your posts and really like what I see - it is easier with some good old fashioned support! I hope I can return the favor - if anyone would like to add me as a friend - please do!
  • JulieJacobus
    JulieJacobus Posts: 9 Member
    Ok...I'm 51 and have been struggling with my weight since I was 45. It seems the older I get, the harder it is to get it off. In fact, I really watch what I eat, try to exercise daily...even if it is only for 1/2 hour, and I'm still gaining. With a 4'11" frame, I'm getting dangerously close to 150 pounds. Not the kind of results I'm looking for. Who else out there has been going through this kind of ordeal and what have you done about it? They say my thyroid is normal and I'm suppose to be healthy. But I really don't feel that great. Even with exercise, I feel sluggish. Thoughts and suggestions anyone?
  • Hey all - I am so glad to find this thread! I know that our agegroup has it's own set of challenges, and when you are talking with a 20 something year old, they just don't get it. I turned 56 last month and just started a biggest loser challenge at work with 8 other people. I also bought a fitbit which I wear all day and night and it keeps track of my activity for me. It's very motivating!

    My name is Janice, I live along the front range of Northern Colorado with my husband, 3 cats and a dog. I have 3 grown sons, 1 married with 2 kids and 2 that are going to be married this year! Since I have to be up and front in all the photographs, I don't want to look like I have 10 cameras on me in the pictures! I need to lower my cholesterol and trygliceroids and just started seriously tracking food and exercise two weeks ago today. To date I've lost 7 lbs, but I fought for every ounce!! Menopause has given me a belly that I never in a million years would have dreamed I would have!!! I never had a flat tummy, but I didn't look like I was "expecting" all the time either!

    Anyway, I am really glad to find you all here. I work full time at a desk job, so posting individually to everyone may not be possible for me, but I will certainly be reading and chiming in whenever I can!! I just love the support being part of a group provides!

    SO glad to be here! :tongue: :heart: :happy:
  • Hi, I tankfully was recommended this page, and am trying to naviage the entire site and now this wonderful board too. Any suggestions on how to get back easily once I go on somwhere else? I am not seeing any button to 'join a club" or group))))))Help((((
    My name is Sandi. I am 52 and very excited to have a 5 day old grandson! I have 3 grils already so we are very happy. I have 3 grown children and a 10 year old. Any clubs/boards for older parents? Or, truly, grandparents raising grandchildren. In my life and hers, that is not the case. I am mom and she is my daughter. Bilogically, grandmother/gdaughter though.

    I sold my horse ranch in June and since then, as well as the suicide of my dear brother I have gained 15 lbs. I knnow if it goes any further I will truly have a big battle. Summer will be here soon and I love to travel and vaction with my kids and grand kids. Shorts and bathing suits required. :sad: :noway: I look forward to being very active in this little community giving and welcoming support and ideas.

  • Hi Janice, Great job! Photos.........oh my, you are brave. Keep up the great work. Sandi
  • Hi Julie,

    I to have found the weight gain muscle atrophy SO dissapointing. So, you are no alone. I am very active and healthy but goodess I hit 50 ( i am 52) and my body seemingly hit the wall. With hard work and training we will get there. sandi
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Good morning everyone. I finally broke out of the 300's. Good weight loss this week. I've been to busy to eat, which has never happened before. I'd like things to slow down some though. Have a great day everyone.
    Awesome job.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Nancy - how do I manage to bake and not eat it? Well, for one thing I bake things that I really don't care a whole lot for, like chocolate brownies. If it's something that I like, I have a little and then give the rest away. Oh, the bowling alley and the Y get lots of goodies from me. Sometimes I'll split it and give each half. I've given things to the soup kitchen, too.

    realpure - I think homemade cards are so much better than cards you buy. You're one lucky gal, that's for sure!

    Vince gave me chocolates for Valentine's Day. Dove promises and also a bag of 3 Musketeers Minis dark chocolate and cherry. Interesting. I had 2 so far today.

    Did an hour on the stairmaster today. Tomorrow...water aerobics. Left early this a.m. went and exercised, then went to one food store for just two items, then to get my hair colored and trimmed, then played mahjongg, then to another food store for 3 items, bowled 4 games, stopped at WalMart to see if their Valentine's items were on sale yet (they weren't), stopped at the branch of the Y near me to drop off some coupons and to put stickers on the days that I exercised (I have a chance at winning a $50 gas card -- I can use that, but I doubt that I'll win it)

    A lady from the Homeowners Assoc is supposed to come by to pick up the flash drive that I have with the directory information on it. So far she isn't here, and knowing her I somehow don't think that she'll come. For the past two years she's been saying how she was going to get this directory updated, she finally asked me to do it. If she doesn't come, I'll give it to the president (I think he really wants to get this done). Normally, I'd call and ask if she was coming up, but honestly I don't think she's going to get to it. I would rather give the information to someone who will hopefully do something with it.

    Robin - have a great trip, and TRY not to give that baby too many kisses....lol

    Well, we'll be going to FL. Vince FINALLY decided that we'd leave on Sat. I'm thinking we'll be returning Mon the 26 or Tues the 27.

    I have to go for a follow up mammogram tomorrow...no biggie. this is from when I had the biopsy done a few months ago.

    genalace - so glad to hear that you DBF is doing so well and progressing so nicely. Glad you don't have to take meds

    blissfuldrake - so what about the cards? Did you find them?

    Welcome everyone new. You've come to a great place

    It's Wed. Did an hour of deep water today. Tomorrow I'll do a DVD at home. Then I'll do a step DVD at home Friday and a yoga DVD at home Sat before we leave. At least, that's the plan....lol

    My vote is for the thread because in one post, I know that I cover multiple things. Wouldn't that mean that I'd have to make a separate post each and every time if we were a group?

    Janice - I totally agree with you, 20 somethings just don't understand. It's so great to talk to people who do understand

    Sandi - so sorry about your brother

    After deep water today I went to Kohl's to buy a new bathingsuit. I honestly don't expect to be getting the one I ordered. The one I was using was really, really on its last legs so I just threw it out. Before deep water, tho, I went to WalMart and got 2 valentine sweatshirts on sale 1/2 price along with some candy that I'll send to the lady in Poland and we needed some flax seed. Then the deep water, then Kohl's, then senior bowling, home for a bit of dinner, now back for Newcomer bowling. I do want to leave early and give the flash drive with all the directory information to the president of the HOA

    Well, before this gets way too long, I'm going to post it.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Surgery postponed til Mon at 730.Home on antibodic and orders to rest and drink lots of liquid.
    Was hoping to have it behind me.
    Thanks for all the love and support.
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    I am the typo queen, especially at 6.30 am:laugh:
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    So many new faces here. Please join us. This is such a wonderful supportive group of women. I am thankful for each and every one.

    Michelle, Hope you found a cute suit. Love swimming it is such great exercise and makes me feel peaceful........

    Jane, can't believe you are rescheduled again! Hang in there.

    I have been reading all the books suggested by a nutritionist I met with a couple of weeks ago. She was wonderful. I have been stuck at the same weight for a while, and have been playing with what works for me. It appears that I do have issues with my blood sugar, so simple carbs and especially sugar aren't my friend. I gained 4 pounds in one day shortly after joining MFP, couldn't possibly be fat, so I've been measuring my legs. I have a lot of swelling by later in the day. My resting glucose has also been hovering around 100 which doesn't make my Dr happy..... Anyway, I'm taking a stab at eating only clean pure foods. I finished "Why we get Fat, and What to Do About it" by Gary Taubes. Loved it. Very technical, but that is where I am right now. I am so tired of feeling bloated. Finished my first day eating as described and my ankles aren't cankles!! First time in weeks. :heart:

    Someone asked about weight...... I'm 50, I used to weigh 147-150 for most of my later 40's. I am 5'8 - I want to get back to 150. I hope I get to see 160 the way things are going.............. Feel free to friend me if you want to see my journal.

    Good luck to all. The other book I read was "The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet" I prefered Taubes book, I'm a "why" gal.