

  • Karenlavonne1958
    Hi there! Nice to see a group for my generation. :smile:
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    So very happy, I passed my driving test... Now I have a Bermudian Drivers license...

    Todays a great day
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Ohhhhhhhhhhh The Wine Debate!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Renny, Cando, and everyone else who commented...I have the same problem. DH has been in MT and I have no problem when he is gone, but when he has a nice glass of lovely red wine...I want one too! It certainly affects my weight and not in a good way for so many reasons. Food TASTES better with a bit of wine and then I want MORE! I also think that my body treats it as sugar, even though red wine is not supposed to be as bad. I think the ONE glass and only WITH dinner on the weekends is the way to go........IF I CAN STICK TO IT. Which I can for a while...but never forever:noway: :noway: :noway:

    So...any suggestions from those of you who struggle with the same issue are welcome. ( I too have found that a nice decaf hot tea at night after dinner is soothing in a similar way that wine is. I also use it as a signal that "THATS IT!". But...it doesn't take the place completely of a good glass of wine:ohwell: )

    Good LUCK! Off to close my suitcase and try to get a little walk in before dark! I'll be walking the airport terminals for my exercise tomorrow! Take care, ALL:heart: Kackie

    Linda: Thanks for the Lyrics!!!
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Not a newbie, just lost my way for quite a while. Trying to getback into it.

  • Ninatoots
    Ninatoots Posts: 192 Member
    For better sleep I take prescription medicines, Valerian Root by Sundown, Nature Made Sleep, and Melatonin. I have had insomnia for years and most of the time this here works for me.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Howdy all. Sorta snowy day here, but nothing significant. We haven't had any real winter.

    Interesting phenomenon - I've been taking an informal poll and found a couple of other people who've experienced it, but I had never heard of such a thing: I was 5'9" in my youth (I'm 49.95 now), but a few years ago when I changed doctors they measured me at 5'8", something I've since had confirmed. So somewhere I misplaced an inch at an age when I was too young for the normal reasons. Anyway, today at the docs she said she noticed I was standing much taller since the weight loss so they measured me...I have almost all of that inch back!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow is my Glamour Shot. As soon as I have the pix available, I'll share them here (assuming they come out well :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

    Kackie - Safe travels - and safe skiing. Hope you have fun with your family!

    RebelRenny - Stand your ground with DH, but kindly! My hubby is a skinny **** too, but he's been pretty supportive.

    {{Pam3}} - Hugs to you. Digging through old memories can bring up such scars and baggage - and sometimes lovely memories. Every day is a new day.

    Mazaron - More skiing. How come we didn't get any winter? Hope you had fun with the kids. How old is J'boy?

    My daughter was 9 1/2 when she came to me and her social worker said "She looks older than her age because she's just finished a growth spurt." Apparently she knows a different meaning for the word "finished" than I do, because DD was 5' flat when she came and 2 years later she was 5'8". She has now finally stopped growing at 5'10.5".

    ohmicki - You join just by jumping in and posting. You're wise to track everything, even if you go over. First of all, just the exercise tends to make you eat less (if you stop logging when you go over then 300 over or 700 over makes no difference - if you keep logging you'll be more likely to stop sooner). Second, you can learn about your weak points and triggers as you log and start to make small changes that will eventually make a big difference. Good luck! Hope to see you around.

    All the other many new faces - Welcome!

    shmogo9 - Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! Chocolate cake!! That's a no-go food for me! I have a short list of foods that I have absolutely no self control around and have given up completely. Not every treat food, just the ones I can't moderate. Chocolate cake, brownies and such chocolatey-cakey things are at the top of that list. Sigh. No chocolate cake for breakfast for me.

    jb_2011 - Hooray for the scale going down. And hooray for you!

    AHealthierSuz - Ouch. Do you have back problems often? Are you using heat? That helps me a lot. Feel better soon!

    Laura80111 - I can speak to the efficacy of the "eat every two hours" thing. I eat 6 times a day. Occasionally 7. Not much at any one sitting, not even dinner, but small amounts often and every one has at least some protein.

    Off work tomorrow, Yay Me!

  • seaglass2
    I've enjoyed reading everyone's posts- it's a nice upbeat place at MFP!!

    I've had three good days and feel like I am finally in the zone - just need to stay there for an extended period of time :smile:

    Have a good evening everyone!

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Ohhhhhhhhhhh The Wine Debate!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Renny, Cando, and everyone else who commented...I have the same problem. DH has been in MT and I have no problem when he is gone, but when he has a nice glass of lovely red wine...I want one too! It certainly affects my weight and not in a good way for so many reasons. Food TASTES better with a bit of wine and then I want MORE! I also think that my body treats it as sugar, even though red wine is not supposed to be as bad. I think the ONE glass and only WITH dinner on the weekends is the way to go........IF I CAN STICK TO IT. Which I can for a while...but never forever:noway: :noway: :noway:

    So...any suggestions from those of you who struggle with the same issue are welcome. ( I too have found that a nice decaf hot tea at night after dinner is soothing in a similar way that wine is. I also use it as a signal that "THATS IT!". But...it doesn't take the place completely of a good glass of wine:ohwell: )

    Good LUCK! Off to close my suitcase and try to get a little walk in before dark! I'll be walking the airport terminals for my exercise tomorrow! Take care, ALL:heart: Kackie

    Linda: Thanks for the Lyrics!!!

    kackie, safe travels and enjoy your family and the skiing
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Howdy all. Sorta snowy day here, but nothing significant. We haven't had any real winter.

    Interesting phenomenon - I've been taking an informal poll and found a couple of other people who've experienced it, but I had never heard of such a thing: I was 5'9" in my youth (I'm 49.95 now), but a few years ago when I changed doctors they measured me at 5'8", something I've since had confirmed. So somewhere I misplaced an inch at an age when I was too young for the normal reasons. Anyway, today at the docs she said she noticed I was standing much taller since the weight loss so they measured me...I have almost all of that inch back!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    My daughter was 9 1/2 when she came to me and her social worker said "She looks older than her age because she's just finished a growth spurt." Apparently she knows a different meaning for the word "finished" than I do, because DD was 5' flat when she came and 2 years later she was 5'8". She has now finally stopped growing at 5'10.5".

    Off work tomorrow, Yay Me!


    Very interesting. Great you got your inch back! I wonder if it's do to stomach muscles or something. I'm 5'8". Was a little taller in college. I know I don't stand up tall. How old is your daugher? She is tall too. Our daugher (12) is in a growth spurt right now, but I'd don't think she will be as tall as either of us.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Everyone:

    I am sending shouts out to the Newcomers, there are so many new people, bear with me while I get used to everyone :smile:

    I have decided that I would love to have a diet that included chocolate cake for breakfast, that would be an "ideal" for me :laugh:

    I am still not losing, but not gaining so that is good, just stuck :grumble:

    I have been trying to get more exercise hoping that will help me. A dietician has advised me that I am not eating enough and that is part of my problem :noway: So, I tried eating more and what happened - I gained, so I went back to my way and lost that little gain but now I am stuck again :ohwell: I will get this sorted out yet :happy:

    Things are tense at work as the other secretary has basically been told that either she goes down to part time hours or nothing; she cannot affort to work only part time so she is really mad at the bosses; not a comfortable place right now - I am right in the middle between the 2 sides :noway:

    Anyway, My Friends, talk to you soon. Take care everyone. Hope you are all well.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member

    Mega, I've never tried sugar free cranberry juice. Does it have artificial sweeteners? I have tried a small amount of unsweetened pomegranate juice with club soda. Okay, but no substitution for the real thing!

  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Yes, it is sweetened with Splenda...I enjoy one glass, then return to water ...

    To my fellow wine-sippers...remember statistically one glass of red-wine a day is good for your health. Does that mean we can pick our own glass...water tumbler, solo cup, etc:devil:

    Like Donna...I'm feeling very positive about my week. I've been within my WW points for the past 3 days, and bumping up my walking every other day with 20 minutes on the treadmill before work...that makes 60 minutes of walking every other day; 40 on the others. I have done more moving in the last month than I did all year in 2011. I wish I could get motivated to do some strength training...but I'm just not there yet.

    Hubby made reservations at a favorite Italian Restaurant for Saturday night...early Valentine's day. I'm up for the challenge...fortunately they have some amazing seafood entrees.

    Off to do my "down-time reading". It always is a good way to end the day.

    Enjoy your evenings!
  • jninepug
    jninepug Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all! I'm going to be 52 in April. I've have a lot of weight to loose. Could you some support.

    I did good for January. I would be more than happy if I could loose another 10 pounds in February.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Miss a day, and look where I am!!! Yesterday (Tues) I did an hour long downloadable workout on the spinning bike. Today I did a bosu DVD. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a strength DVD (weights)

    genalace - so glad DBF is doing so much better! Congrats on the great loss!

    We played Mexican Train Dominoes last night. Why do people bring such junk to eat? Someone brought Popeye's fried chicken, then there were lots of cheesy dips. Someone did bring some veges, so I had some of the shrimp bites that I brought, cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, and what little cauliflower there was. Everything else looked so deep fried or cheesy, it just didn't appeal to me at all.

    Welcome granny 1227, mammaj, rumsuck, supersue, Cindy, karenlavonne, Donnan and anyone else that I may have missed

    deluda - tell us more about this move. Is it far away?

    fitnessbarbie - may you be back and up in no time at all

    davetecsgirl - I know you'll do great on your test. You know, I always do pushups on my knees because I'm afraid that I might not keep my body in alignment. Update: I knew you'd do well on the test

    Meg - congrats on YOUR loss!

    Well, I fell into a trap today. I was low on the calories, so I had a slice of this iced chocolate chip cookie just to get my calories up. I know that isn't a good reason to have the cookie.

    Barb - good luck on your test

    Suz - OUCH!!!! Hope you feel better fast.

    Cake for breakfast - now that's something I can live with!!!

    Well, we had electtion of officers for the Newcomers. I know that Vince is tired of my griping, so I'm letting it out here (aren't you lucky?). A guy said that he'd take any position on the board, including that of president. I thought that the lady who is currently (last year) the vp should let him be vp since she has no desire to be pres. Even tho she said a while ago "if no one wants to be vp, I'll do it", now the truth came out that she really wanted to be vp. The woman who is pres. was saying all along "if another member wants to be president, I'd prefer that" only at the last minute she changed her mind. What it really seems to come down to is what the vp wanted. She wanted this guy as head of activities. Truthfully, I can't see a guy playing mahjongg or canasta. Well, they had the vote today. I don't know why, but they keep talking about how great this game night is (it's this gal, Pat's, brainchild), we were going to be asking the committee chairs if they wanted to continue, only the vp asked Pat to do it. Today Pat was helping distribute the ballots and tally them up, even tho the nominating committee was there! The vp certainly knew that I'd be there -- Vince is treasurer and I'm head of hospitality. I understand from Vince that the vp was asking for help. Why she didn't ask us first is beyond me. Vince thinks I'm being paranoid.

    Tonight there's a meeting of our homeowners assoc.

    jninipug - welcome and congrats on being smoke free! That's truly an accomplishment.

    Well, as expected, not many showed up for the homeowners meeting. They're talking, and this I can understand, about how others need to be involved (be pres, vp, etc). Last year I volunteered our house for a get together for the neighborhood, tonight they were talking about someone else doing it, someone who'se done it before. Well, I'm certainly not going to worry about it.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • butterflywolf
    For better sleep I take prescription medicines, Valerian Root by Sundown, Nature Made Sleep, and Melatonin. I have had insomnia for years and most of the time this here works for me.

    During high stress - like today... I have trouble falling asleep and often wake around 3:00am unable to fall back to sleep. I find Boron's Quietude homeopathic works great. Non addictive and I will sleep through the night. If I need to wake early (I've got young teens) I never wake up drowsy, just rested.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Virginia…glad you found your inch! I hope that happens to me. I had my bone density test last week and I was .5inch shorter. That really bummed me out!
    Kackie….I hope you have a great time skiing.

    Newcomers…Welcome! So good to see the board so active.

    I am glad that I got to the gym today. It was a push to get through my workout but by the end it felt good. Just gotta keep going!!!

    Have a good night,
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you for all the support regarding wine and all such splendid food and drink fun. I was in a crabby mood today. I had woken up too early. Now I am very tired. HOWEVER, I did well on my food choices, today! Despite feeling down. That is a victory.

    Welcome to all newbies. We love hearing your stories.

    "Fat people eat for pleasure"
    "Fit people eat for health"
    Not my quotes, found it on the internet
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Went to the gym and ran for 30 minutes. I set a goal of running 50 miles this month. I'm 17 miles into it thanks to the half marathon on Sunday. I can't slack off though or I'll get out of the habit of running.

    My other goal for February is to welcome grandbaby #7. Due any day...... just waiting around on the little guy. It will be an easy goal for *me* to meet though. Not so easy for my daughter. lol
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: This has been my big exercise day. Besides all the dog walking in the morning and the two hour intermediate line dance class, I met with a friend for a four and half mile walk on the Olympic Discovery Trail. It was an especially beautiful day—blue sky, temps in the 50’s and fabulous scenery, forest and water. When I got home the dogs were desperate to go out and Jake was in the middle of something so I took them out for half an hour. We might have stayed out longer but they got crazy barking at a woman with a small dog so I took them home.

    :flowerforyou: Pam, about heartburn, since your food diary isn’t open, I don’t know what you eat, but when I gave up red meat, I stopped having heartburn……….when our house was on the market, we went through boxes of things and got rid of stuff and sometimes I had to walk away from the chore because I got so emotional. Now that you know the consequences of making a sheet cake, next time you can make a pan of roasted vegetables.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, how great to be able to go skiing with your students….long walks was the most I ever did with my first graders.

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, are you using ice on your ailing back? Ice is your friend.

    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: Mary, thanks for being the one who answers all the newcomer questions. You are such an asset to all of us.
    :flowerforyou: Laura, you’re right, I should be counting the nuts and savoring them, but I seem to be like all the wine drinkers…..Maybe I need a “no nuts on weekdays” policy

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, getting one’s husband to do anything is like trying to catch a handful of water.

    :flowerforyou: CrazySquaw, we eat dinner early and my daily food plan always includes a healthy snack at about 8PM.

    :flowerforyou: Davetecsgirl, congratulations on your driver’s license

    :flowerforyou: Virginia, I’m like you…..no cake, cookies, goodies of any sort…..I know how to eat no cake and I know how to eat the entire cake, but I know nothing about having just one small piece.

    :flowerforyou: We had a friend come over at 7:30, otherwise I’d be in bed……the dogs and the cat are already there waiting for me.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    Barbie from NW Washington
    :bigsmile: My life today is so great today it should have background music

    February goals:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning no matter how cold, wet, windy, or snowy.
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 squats a day
    *strength training two days a week (three would be better)
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just sneaking in quickly for humpday

    DBF is now walking two lots of 120 metres each day and can manage, with help, to get to the bathroom without using the comode chair or a walker.

    I'm just plodding on, keeping all my balls juggling.

    The ice on my driveway is about 6" thick in some areas and the rest varies between 2-3 inches. I have some biggish areas cleared but there is still a lot to go. I try to get a little patch cleared where the sun falls, so that the tarmac absorbs the heat and takes a little work out of the edges round the patch. The patches are growing!

    And so to bed.,