

  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Hello - Writing a few thoughts before I go sit for awhile with my dog and watch some TV (doesn't happen very often). Hope you all have a great weekend......going to the ballet with my female grandkids and my daughter...Sleeping Beauty....should be fun. Sent out all the valentines today. Have a good Friday!!
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    IT is great reading all of the posts. You all are very encouraging.
    Be careful about asking for patience. I have a friend who claims that when you ask for patience you are giving many opportunities to practice it.
    Although I don't check in on the forum often I do log my food everyday.
    Hope everyone has a great Friday and enjoys the weekend
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Issyfit...Never heard of Silver Sneakers. I relate to your comment about joining a "group thing". Through my employer I have a membership to the company fitness center for hubby & I for $6/month...can't remember the last time I was there...although it did come in handy when our power was out for 4 days due to a storm, and I wanted a HOT SHOWER! I guess that counts as being at the fitness center. huh

    Hubby and I were just talking about the shower potential because we are subject to a lot of power outages and are on a well. I did get a very complete reply about Silver Sneakers from a lady who teaches classes in the program. I think I might go and observe a class or two.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope all is going well with everyone.Went to ortho dr.Hopefully,he`ll be able to schedule surgery for next wed or thurs.
    Should find out more in the am.
    Have a good night.
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Oh well :grumble: So much for our beautiful weather. Been cloudy and cooler all week – new cold front with rain about to hit, temps will be below freezing by morning (but fortunately, the rain will have moved on by then, so no ice)

    @ohmicki – I have a bad habit of doing exactly the same thing with logging food. Made a pact with myself at the beginning of the week to log everything I put in my mouth each day. So far so good!

    @schmogo – Glad you’re back on track!! Me too!

    @kackie – Enjoy your trip. What part of MT are you visiting? I have a cousin that lives in Whitefish, not too far from Glacier Nat’l Park. It’s beautiful up there!

    @fitnessfreeky – I think our husbands may be twins. My DH had to start meds for rheumatoid arthritis about 2 yrs ago. He’s gained quite a bit of weight – not 100 lbs, but probably 40 or 50, and it’s all around his middle. He drives a truck, so he’s sitting the whole time he’s at work. He works nights, and doesn’t get very restful sleep during the day, so he claims he doesn’t have the energy to exercise. All he does is sleep, sit in his truck, and watch TV when he’s at home and awake. I tried to get him to walk with me too, but no luck. I’m afraid he’s just not going to see the need to make any changes until something catastrophic happens. If you find anything that works, let me know!!

    @marcelyn – Never got to say “Congrats” on the half-marathon!! Well done! My sister and her husband ran in their 1st one just before Christmas. I’m still working my way up to a 5K. Congrats on the soon-to-be new grandbaby, too. Daughter and son-in-law are expecting #5 for me, but it’s not due til the middle of June.

    @issyfit – Glad you found out about the Silver Sneakers. Our YMCA has a group there, but that’s about all I know about them.

    @ mukamom – Thought spring was almost here too, but apparently not. :mad: We’ve got a few trees budding out too – don’t know how the freezing temps the next couple of nights will affect them.

    Big CONGRATS to all who’ve made progress this week – in weight loss, exercise, recovering health, etc!! Tomorrow’s weigh-in day for me – we’ll see. This week’s been much better than the last couple of weeks have been, so I’m hoping to see some results!

    Pumpkin time – got to get in bed!! :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    Its been a rough week. Hubby was down with the stomach flu for two days... now its my turn.
  • fibrogirl
    fibrogirl Posts: 170 Member
    Its been a rough week. Hubby was down with the stomach flu for two days... now its my turn.

    Get well soon, thinking of you and sending some good vibes for a speedy recovery :flowerforyou:

    Oh and well done passing the driving test too, great news :drinker:
  • fibrogirl
    fibrogirl Posts: 170 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi Ladies,

    Just checking in to wish you all a wonderful weekend. 3 weeks today since my hysterectomy and I feel stronger everyday, I´m so grateful to having a fantastic husband who is pampering me and ensuring I heal well, as he says I only get one chance to do this properly!

    I enjoy reading your posts, I´m sure those of you who are staying off the booze will notice the benefits of cutting back on the alcohol. I certainly have as I´ve only had one glass of wine in the last 4 weeks due to the medication. I always just want to eat everything in sight once I´ve had a glass or two and it´s never the healthy options that I crave :huh:

    Well have a good one and keep up all of the great work,

    Angie :flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Its been a rough week. Hubby was down with the stomach flu for two days... now its my turn.

    sorry sweetie, having gone through last week i feel for you and hubby, feel better very soon:flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning girls,

    yesterday was a better day, logged my food(missed my calories by a small amount)excercise 2hours(spinning and weights)and water(i always drink water so i dont even think of it).....had a busy day packing up some of the closets, and at the end of the day i was tired and my back was killing me(much better today)...so i am off to a spinning class and then to buy some more boxes to continued to pack....have a lovely day all:flowerforyou:
  • abqann
    Day 7 of my personal 21 day chalange to exercise daily, log in my food and stay under my net calories. I choose 21 days because i have been told it takes 21 days to develope a new habit. I allowed myself to be derailed in Demember with a visit from friends for a week. I know I do well as long as Ido not allow anything to get in the way of my goals. It is really hard toget back on track, when I get off. Thanks For Listening!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Friday Funday, once again.

    School will be interesting today (sigh) :grumble: . The other grade 7 teachers (grade 7's are the senior class in our school) have planned a Valentine's Day dance for this afternoon and invited the students from all the other elementary schools in town. I am not a big fan of dances for 11-13 year olds. I think it encourages them to do things we have spent all their elementary school years teaching them are inappropriate, such as wearing revealing clothing and hanging around in the gym change rooms.

    I think children are encouraged by the media to behave like adults long before they are mature enough to cope with the consequences and I don't intend to buy into it! :noway: Knowing that I won't be a very good dance chaperone the staff designated me to take care of the grade 6's instead. Fine and dandy. We are going to play board games and do crafts. I will teach them how to play charades. There are a few grade 7's who will take refuge in Room 6 too, I suspect. Updates to follow.

    This weekend is the annual "Valentine's Day Bonspiel". :bigsmile: I have not heard what our game schedule is, but it will be busy. This is the one weekend of the year that my family does not expect me to be available for any time at all. My friends, my game, my weekend, my fun. As stated above, updates to follow.

    Must get J'boy up and ready for the day.

    Genealace, Nothing like a hair cut & colour to change one’s perspective on life. The other thing I do (this is totally lame):wink: that gives me a big moral boost is get my eyebrows coloured! Makes me feel too old for words when I have grey right there in the middle of my face. Do you ever regret cutting your l-o-n-g hair?

    Mary: How did the visit with the grandsons go? If you wore a HRM I’ll bet you’d find you burned a few chasing them around the house! :happy:

    Frogmama: Glad to hear your recovery is going well. :flowerforyou:

    Sarah – I’ve been looking for you. Food Safe must be over, now you can get on to the fun stuff with your students. Have fun skiing.

    Mukamon: Your post is almost a poem, and a happy one at that. Spring in Alabama? I thought you never had winter in Alabama!

    Michelle: DH’s favoured perogies are cheese & potato. We have tried others but nothing works like what his mother taught him to make, back in the day. Have you ever looked at the bathing suits from Land’s End? You can find them on line. They have a size & shape for everyone. I get mine from there because they sell a one-piece that comes in “short torso” sizes with an underwire bra built in. Now that’s a rare commodity! The colours and designs are lovely. I’ve never been disappointed.

    MEG – Spinach Strawberry Salad? :love: Please, please post the recipe.

    JB Hope you had a good Friday (on Thursday) and are enjoying a lovely relaxing Saturday and Sunday.

    Abqann: Why not post your exercise & final calorie count here at the end of the day? We’ll help you stay on track and give you a hand to hold when you slip. :smile:

    Hasta pronto,

  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Down 1 lb this week! Finally feel like I'm on the right track. Tragically, I'm convinced the abstinence from wine was the turning point. Those little alcohol cells just grab onto those fat cells and scream, "no, no, I don't want to let you go -- stay here and let's party and eat more crud and drink more and just stop worrying about that healthy lifestyle nonsense-- what's the point, anyway?" And, of course, the fat cells are not ones to ignore a request like that! Since I'm not going to give up drinking entirely, my challenge for the weekend will be to m-o-d-e-r-a-t-e.

    Linda, I have a good friend in real life who is a truck driver and is on MFP as Commander 38. He recently wore his heart monitor all day to measure the calories spent in a typical day driving and posted the results -- it was shockingly low. He was suffering from sleep apnea and diabetes and was at risk for losing whatever certification he needed to continue work, which was the impetus he needed to make major lifestyle changes. He's increadibly upbeat and very inspirational, and talks often about the challenges of eating well and exercising when he's on the road 10 hours a day (starting at 3:30 a.m.). If you send him a friend request and mention me, he'll be glad to accept. We own the same classic boat -- a 38' Chris Craft Commander -- and are planning to attend our annual rendezvous in Detroit in August this year looking absolutely smashing.

    I love reading all your posts, and especially appreciate the discussion this week about alcohol. It's been most helpful.

  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Weighed this morning and the scale hasn't budged. Any suggestions for how to get more protein in my meals and suggestions for any change up I don;t dislike fruit, I just am not a big fruit eater. . There are days when I am not hungry and I realize I need to eat more to lose the weight. I try to think of 6 small meals but working all day makes that a little hard to do. Felling not so happy today. Happy Friday everyone.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies,

    I am now on top of the mountain in Montana (Big Sky) and the snow is falling. We are all so happy as the snow has not been as plentiful as previous years. I've put my skis outside to get cold and will be heading down the mountain when the lifts open! I do love to ski and it will be fun to be with DS as well as DH for the day. (DS is only out for a couple of days...heads back to Chicago tomorrow)

    I did my walking through the terminals yesterday as my exercise. I had a 2 hour layover so time for a long, fast walk and a healthy non-fast food lunch.

    Stomach flu sounds awful...hope it passes quickly.

    JaneMartin: Hope the surgery gets done and helps you. Keep us posted!

    Linda: Whitefish is lovely. We are south of there, closer to Yellowstone Park in Big Sky. Montana is a huge state and we still haven't explored all of it...by a long shot! We ski in the winter and hike and fish in the summer. I also paint a lot out here. More than I do "at home". Since DH has retired, we spend about 2 months Feb-March and 2 months late summer into September here. We'll do that as long as our health and others' health(my parents) allows us to!

    My goals for my time out here are to: LOG EVERY DAY EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! Limit my wine consumption and replace the second glass with hot tea...at least that's my goal!!! And keep with my weights 2x or more a week. OK...I wrote it...I need to DO IT!:tongue::tongue: :tongue:

    Sorry not to comment more. I love reading everyone's posts and feel so inspired after I do. Take care everyone and am so glad you are here:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Kackie
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: TGIF...

    Only time to read and then say have a good day:drinker: I have to get to payroll and cleaning up the mess on my desk and then I need to figure out what we will be serving for dinner tomorrow night, hubby wants fondue...so I will have to give it some thought:huh: and friends have invited us over for BBQ (in the snow) tonight.

    I will check in again tomorrow when I have more time.

    Have a great day and drink your water:drinker: log your food and let's get up and get moving.

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    I made the phone calls about the hair colour and it wasn't available except a place across the city. I specifically asked if they had the colour I wanted and was assured that they'd just had a big order and had lots. So I drove across the city only to find that they didn't have it in stock. I managed to contact the person I'd spoken to on the phone and she said that their computer showed they have 2 in stock, but obviously not. She phoned to another store, much further out of town and they had 6 and I heard her say - would you go and check that they actually have them on the shelf and I need 2. So she was going to go to the store after work and bring them back to her store today. So it means I have to cross the city again to get one. When I left the store, I got back onto the freeway that crosses the city. Hadn't gone very far when the traffic slowed because of an accident. Finally got past that one, when the red "Low Fuel" light came on in the car - don't usually let it get that low, so have no idea how far I can go. Joined the end of a line of stop/start traffic to go past another accident and then of course I was in to rush-hour hold-up because I was about centre town. By the time I got to my off-ramp I was getting worried that I was going to run out of fuel, but I made it to the gas-station ok.

    This morning I had a phone call from DBF. He was full of vim, vigour and vitality because he had slept all night from about 9:30 to about 6:30. I think I must have sent him my sleep because I was awake from about 4:30. I'm concerned that he admitted to me this morning that he doesn't get a wash every day, and he has been wearing the same disgustingly dirty gown since Tuesday. He won't have had his teeth cleaned last evening because I didn't visit, I get all the bits sorted out for him so he can do it (brush, toothpaste, glass of hot water, towel, and a dish to spit into). He said he was going for a shower this morning. I said I can understand that they can't all get a shower every day, but a bowl of water to be able to wash themselves and a clean gown should be standard practice. I also told him yesterday that I was concerned that he is in bed so much. His dinner arrived just as I was leaving, but no-one had come to get him out of bed so he could sit in the chair and eat. I asked him why he is in bed so much. Other people who still have their dressing on their chest (i.e. less than 1 week after surgery) are sitting out for a good chunk of the day, and he (3 weeks after surgery) is lying in bed. He said he is turning over a new leaf today. I hope he does because I feel he has got quite institutionalized and is happy to stay there and let everyone do things for him. He talks about what we are going to do when he gets out, but it is in some ethereal future that doesn't have much reality. If it was just his knee surgery he would have been leaving the retirement residence this weekend after the 3 weeks he had booked.
  • zippy45
    What an awesome group of women on here. I've never posted until today.

    My goals for March are:

    Lose 5 more pounds
    Learn to stretch
    Move more

    Not a very big list, but doable for me. I get a little overwhelmed if I put too much down. :)

    Thanks for a great spot. I turned 51 in January. I so want to be healthy and be able to move.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Down 3 lbs this week!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Now, just have to figure out how to hold onto it over the weekend :smile:

    Going to the store with my DD; hope everyone has a great, active day!

  • beachbebe
    beachbebe Posts: 47 Member
    I gave up coffee in February as I used to drink a couple of pots a day. My goal is to replace it with a couple of pots of water a day.