

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Morning everyone. My goal for the day is to avoid Mexican food. It seems to be my major downfall. Lol

    Virginia... I keeo delaying resizing my rings in fear of having to do what you are. Hopefully the last few pounds will come off and I can get it done. If I avoid Mexican food that is.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Happy Wednesday all,

    There are more folks I'd like to reply to but the seven am bell has rung and I must get J'boy up and ready for skiing. Tallyho! :happy:

    Well, as realpure would say, I’ve lost another one of my wrong direction pounds this week. :happy: That feels good.

    Today I’m skiing with my students – the boys have been asking me, “Are you a good skier?” I know they mean to ask me to join them on some crazy powder runs in the trees! I am a decently good skier, but I don’t enjoy the trails. When I was a teen-ager I skied the trails because that’s where my friends were. I just don’t feel the same peer pressure to join a bunch of 11-13 year olds these days, so you will find me enjoying myself on the groomed runs and chatting with them in the lift lineups. Oh, being the grown-up is so great!

    J’boy is joining us (he finally got all his math homework done) and he has grown so much in the last year I’m pretty sure none of his equipment will fit. This time last year he was the same size as DH (5’6”), now he’s towering over both of us. He likes to pat me on the head. Where will it all end???

    My DS and I have a “no wine on weekdays” pact. :ohwell: I’m sure it’s made a big difference in my weight loss; I know it’s improved my confidence in my ability to take control of my life. I don’t keep any wine in the house now (used to have a cellar full) because I don’t trust my impulse control yet. I buy one good bottle at a time and enjoy it, guilt free.

    Michele, good for you using your early morning to exercise. :flowerforyou: You’d have found me at the computer or reading a book, I think!

    Barbiecat – welcome to strength training. I love it! :heart:

    Genealace – you don’t need a fitness video when you have a driveway to clear. What a lot of work. Glad that DBF continues to improve. Vaya bien!

    Doobledoo – Good luck on your challenge with the children, what a great motivator. 1000 calories a day is pretty low – you could raise it to 1200 and still loose a pound a week I am sure. I’d hate to see you get sick or discouraged!

    Mamaj, are you a teacher? I’m taking a clue from your profile photo. Welcome to the club.

    Virginia, I think change is hard, whether it’s loosing a beloved pet or a wedding ring. We don’t give ourselves enough slack sometimes. Take it easy on yourself. :flowerforyou:

  • ohmicki
    Starting over this month and will make my goal for February to post each and every thing I put in my mouth even if I am way over my calories. In the past, once I went over my allotted 1200 calories, I quit tracking my food. I have to be honest with myself so I can finally get a handle on this. I'm a little confused on the groups. Is this a group I can actually join and if so, how? Sounds like a great bunch of people. :flowerforyou:
    SUPERSUE42 Posts: 45 Member
    These are my people! Thanks
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Wow, so many new people. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed.

    the weather was great the last few days and I enjoyed getting my vitamin D the natural way. Ritter ran around and Bodi played ball it was great way to spend a few minutes after work each day.

    Like so many I enjoy a glass of wine to unwind as well. I do better when I choose to get on the treadmill instead of "relaxing" with my DH who is a skinny little sh1t that can eat and drink whatever he wants. Its so hard to make good choices around him.

    I wonder if a nice herbal tea instead of wine would work. I might have to try that.

    Barbie, I love strength training. It made me feel so strong and powerful. Good for you.

    I hope you all have a great day.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter from the beautiful PNW
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning ladies - just stopped in quickly as I wanted to share this article that appeared in our Winnipeg online Sun newspaper this morning... :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: Dessert for breakfast? :drinker:

    Now girls we can do what we always did and not feel guilty about it.

    Next time you have a choice between low-fat yogurt or chocolate cake for breakfast, go for the chocolate cake.
    It sounds too good to be true, but new research says having dessert for breakfast can help people lose weight and keep it off.
    Doctors at Tel Aviv University say morning is the best time to consume sweets because that's when the body's metabolism is most active, and we have the rest of the day to work off the calories. Eating cookies or chocolate as part of breakfast that includes proteins and carbs also helps stem the craving for sweets later.
    The researchers split 193 clinically obese, non-diabetic adults into two groups: one consumed a low-carb diet that included a 300-calorie breakfast; the other got a balanced 600-calorie breakfast that included a dessert item.
    Halfway through the 32-week study, both groups had lost an average of 33 lbs. per person. But in the second half of the study the low-carb group regained an average of 22 lbs. per person, while the dessert-for-breakfast group lost an additional 15 lbs. each.
    Though both groups consumed the same daily total calories, "the participants in the low-carbohydrate diet group had less satisfaction and felt that they were not full," said Prof. Daniela Jakubowicz, adding that they would eventually give in to cravings for sugar and carbs, and cheat on their diet.
    This also suggests that the dessert group will be more successful at keeping the weight off, the researchers said.
    The findings appear in the journal Steroids.

    .....have a good day ladies ..... check back in later

    p.s. not been a good two days for me :cry: but I'm back on track today.... :drinker:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    You know it's going to be a good day when the beloved scale goes down. Mine did this morning and boy oh boy am I glad to be rid of that pesky pound that's been hanging on for the last 2 weeks. I know it was all my fault, but of course I've been blaming the scale since it has no soul and can't be hurt by derrogatory comments. There are days when it torments me, though, so I simply must stop breathing life into it and letting it get my goat. This morning I'll go give it a little hug and peck on the cheek, o my sweet little digital.

    Salad Sistas! Come one come all ~ let's keep those lunch plates piled high with leafy greens and vegs! It's as easy as pie (and almost as tasty) to build a delicious salad in no time at all. Chop some cauliflower, carrots & celery for crunch. Grated beets are a nice addition, along with a few of the shredded beet greens. The darker the greens the better, might as well keep a bag of fresh chard in the fridge for easy pickin's. Additional toppings can be things like avocado, feta cheese, roasted sunflower seeds, garbanzo beans and maybe mandarin oranges or berries. And of course the almighty tomato. Not very flavorful this time of year but at least we can pretend.

    Happy Weds, Sistas! Get your potassium and Omega-3s. Drink your water (and not too much wine)! :drinker:
    :^) jb
  • Desperate12
    Goal for February to stay committed to plan - track, exercise, and stay motivated!!!!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Did something to my lower back so have been cripping around like an old woman these past few days. Not many exercises one can do when it hurts to move :grumble: Quite a bit better today. To add insult to injury we are having water well pump problems, so have been without running water for almost 2 days.

    Tomorrow WILL be better!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Starting over this month and will make my goal for February to post each and every thing I put in my mouth even if I am way over my calories. In the past, once I went over my allotted 1200 calories, I quit tracking my food. I have to be honest with myself so I can finally get a handle on this. I'm a little confused on the groups. Is this a group I can actually join and if so, how? Sounds like a great bunch of people. :flowerforyou:

    We are not an official group, like on the groups tab, but we are just a group of women who love to support each other. So, since you have posted here, we now consider you one of us! The only thing that you need to do is come back and share with us whenever you can so that we can get to know you. Welcome to you and all of our newcomers!

    Kackie - have a safe trip!

    Shmogo9 - Thank you for the permission to eat dessert for breakfast! I was sitting here bemoaning the payday cookie that I succumbed to at 8am today! (They have started feeding us cookies every payday this year, and they are too darn good to pass up. It's only once a month, right??)

    Good to see all of you this lovely Wednesday, or hump day. As a friend always tells me, have a good day if you want to! Mary
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Glad for hump day ~ Wednesday,

    I just spent the time reading and now off I go....

    genealace & jb_2011 - CONGRATS ON THE LOSS:flowerforyou:

    Angie - enjoy the cake today, there is always tomorrow to step up the exercise:wink:

    davetescgirl- Push Up?:grumble: I have found that I just can't seem to do them on the floor, but I'm doing "wall push ups" and they seem to work for me:bigsmile:

    Meg- THREE:noway: weigh in days, that's taking the accountability to the limit...making sure you have plenty of people to help keep you on track. But I agree maybe getting your weigh in's all on the same day might be better:wink:

    Virginia- I'm sorry your "down sized" ring is still too big:grumble: but I agree maybe you should wait a bit until you are sure you're body is settled at your new weight before a "final" sizing.:heart:

    Kackie- Enjoy your time in MT, I'm sure your visit with your youngest son will be wonderful as well as the skiing.:flowerforyou:

    Barb- hope your opthamology test goes well.:flowerforyou:

    Eileen, Renny, Robin- About that wine:huh: I have found that I have to save it for special times, like dinner with friends or an evening out, there are just so many other things I want to spend those calories on. I too have a helpful hubby :love: but since he's wanting to encourage me in this loss process he's taken to NOT pouring me my wine and asking before he cooks what I would like so that my calories stay in line:wink: Not sure that herbal tea is much of a replacement...but that may work:wink:

    Barbie- NUTS around:wink: they all sound good! When I have any I sit there and count out the correct amount and then savor each one:bigsmile:

    Pam3- Sorry you had a bad day, hoping tomorrow is better:drinker:

    Nancy- Skiing with 11-13 yr olds...I'm sure that's what keeps you young:noway:

    Shmogo9- Dessert for Breakfast:love: Yep that sounds right up my alley....just wondering if it really works:huh: or if it's just one of those articles that's too good to be true:wink:

    I best get busy. I've been trying the eat something every two hours thing. Some days it works and more often than not I forget to eat, so I've been setting an alarm at my desk. Spacing out food thoughout the day is easier at work than home...not sure what I'll do about that next weekend...but that is pretty far off. :sad:

    Patchy blue skies and very cold only 13 right now, the white ground is pretty and the bunny tracks around our office are everywhere:laugh: the fish in the pond are under a couple inches of ice but by next week it should be gone:wink:

    Everyone have a good day, drink your water:drinker: :drinker: and get up and get moving.

  • Milletp
    Chocolate cake for breakfast~um but I'd be too afraid I would get tooooooo use to it. I do want to try the angel food cake w/fruit though. Happy Hump Day Ladies!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Very cold here in NY today but the sun is out again. Certainly is much better than the cloudy gray days! Didn't have a chance to post yesterday so I have a bit of catching up to do.

    Michele- I know that yucky feeling after eating certain carbs. I found that certain things- like wheat pasta or bread actually seem to give me pains in my stomach. I wonder if it is possible to develop a sensitivity to foods that were fine for years. You are amazing keeping up the exercise that you do!

    Barbie- I loved you Super Bowl indulgences- walnuts, dates, and raisins-- what a healthy way to go. And the squats! Great idea.

    Genealace- What a loss this week1 Congratulations.

    Meg- Congratulations on your official WW weigh-in loss.

    To all of the wine lovers out there- diet cranberry juice isn't such a bad substitute. I am dying to open a bottle of creme de cacao wine that I brought back from California. I know that if I open the bottle, I will have 2 or 3 glasses a night until the bottle is gone. I am waiting to have a friend over to share it with me as DH and DD do not drink it. My problem is that EVERYTHING I do is so habitual. If I have a glass of wine in the evening, then I have to have one every evening. I do like the week-end only idea. My other issue is hershey kisses! I keep them in the freezer in the garage, but I will make 2 or 3 trips out there in an evening! I am going to give those up for Lent.

    Virginia, I also had my rings resized. Only my knuckles didn't shrink very much, so they fused my rings together and put sizing beads on the inside. They were still twirling on my finger, so they remeasured and were supposed to make the beads to fit a 4.5. When I went to pick it up, they had resized the whole ring to a 4.5 and I couldn't get it over my knuckle. They are redoing it and called to say it is ready. I hope it fits this time.

    DH and I are going to have the taxes done today. Hope the news isn't too bad.

    Have a good Wednesday!

  • fitnessfreeky
    Hi ladies. I'm Cindy and I've been on MFP for many months now. I also belong to TOPS. I reached my goal weight in June 2011, so now I must maintain my weight. I've been doing a pretty good job so far. I've managed to stay about 4 pounds below my goal. It is a daily struggle for me, as I still have such a sweet tooth. I've lost 40 lbs total since Jan 2009.

    I don't know what goals I can set for myself, other than....not gain back my weight! I walk 2 hrs each day, and I do approx 30 mins of Yoga / Pilates or Bowflex each evening. I count my calories and I portion control. I know I have everything under control, but I feel I need the support of others, who are fighting this endless battle.

    I guess my biggest goal for February, isn't for me, but it is to get my husband on this band wagon. He has been battling a Thyroid problem for about 3 yrs now, and we can't seem to get his meds right. He has gained over 100 pounds in the last year, but he won't get off his butt to loose it! He claims it's the Meds causing the weight gain, and I agree (to a certain degree) as I am the main cook in the house, and I am in control of the food that is in my fridge and my cupboards. Sure I cook for him, and control his portion size as well, but he needs to exercise......and he won't. He claims he's on his feet, walking at work all day......I claim THAT IS NOT EXERCISING! He needs to come walk with me in the morning/evening (with the dog) or do my workout with me, but he won't......any suggestions?
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Morning everyone. My goal for the day is to avoid Mexican food. It seems to be my major downfall. Lol
    LOL!! Oh, it's mine, too. My daughter and I were just thinking about going out for some. I think I will join you in your avoidance goal!
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    I wonder if a nice herbal tea instead of wine would work. I might have to try that.
    That's my evening drink of choice right now -- Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime herbal tea! Don't know how long it will continue once it starts getting hot again -- guess I'll have to find one that taste good iced :drinker:

    Another plus for the herbal tea . . . it can be counted as part of your water for the day!!

  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Time to get going! Have to get my exercise in and then type a paper to turn in during class tonight.

    "Get up, get up, get busy, do it, get up and move that body . . ."
    (lyrics to a song on one of my walking playlists -- can't remember who sings it, but good advice :happy: )

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member

    LOL!! Oh, it's mine, too. My daughter and I were just thinking about going out for some. I think I will join you in your avoidance goal!

    I ate at Posados up in your neck of the woods last week. Ah.....

    My biggest downfall, the little place just a mile down the road, it's WAY too convenient!
  • FitnessBarbie99
    FitnessBarbie99 Posts: 283 Member
    I've been sidlined by a dislocated toe.

    I did it very late Saturday night and it seems to be healing well.

    I did a few minutes of seated weight training today and yesterday.

    TOM too! Ai yi! When does it end? I'll be 52 in May!
  • crazysquaw51
    I am 60 and need to keep my goals, nights are the hardest for me, we eat dinner at 3pm and then I want to nibble around 8 or 9, need to stop this, but bored waiting for hubby to get home, we eat at this time due to him gone to work. any suggestions on what I could make for my dinner since we call our dinner lunch, and how I can make it for around 8 pm