

  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Well I went and did it! Yesterday I ran my first half-marathon (13.1 miles) and finished! My goal was to do it in less than 3 hours and I slipped in with five minutes to spare.
    Wow! Congratulations!
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    They groan about the dance routines, :grumble: but I make them go until everyone participates and even the most reluctant recognize a chance to get out of “real work” for a few minutes!

    I used to volunteer at my kids' school or after-school care places, working with kids to try to get them more interested in moving. Being an ex-dancer, my routines tended to lean toward the dance-y side. Guys especially didn't care for that, lots of moaning and groaning as you said, so I made up some routines that included sports movements.

    For example, I'd divide them into rows and have them start at the back of the room. They'd swing an imaginary bat, run forward a few steps, stooping down to pick-up an imaginary grounder on the run, then throw it as hard as they could, still on the run. Then that row would jog down the side of the room to the back again while the next row was taking their turn. Those waiting at the back of the room had to jog or march in place. I had one for football, basketball, and soccer too.
  • Kath444
    Kath444 Posts: 77 Member
    My goals for February are to continue to eat healthy, continue my exercising and to lose 4 pounds I will take more if that happens!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    For those of you asking about broccoli, I fave the seed ordered, but won't plan them until the end of February. We are working on prepping the beds now. I will be planting onions, garlic and sweet potatoes sometime after Valentines Day though the bulk of my garden won't go in the ground until Good Friday. I live in zone 7 so our last frost is usually mid March and our First freeze is late October. We've had unseasonably warm weather this winter so my spring flowers are already trying to grow. To find out when to plant what in you area check with your county extension service or Farmer's Almanac.

    Today I am working on taxes. Will be soooo glad to have that out of the way for another year.
  • susanashworth
    susanashworth Posts: 3 Member
    My fitness goals went out the window so far this year, alot of things happend. getting back on track and serious now
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    You know, I started watching one episode of Dr. Oz where Elizabeth Hasselback was on telling about how she felt bloated etc and subsequently found out that she was gluten intolerant. I want to watch that episode again. Wonder if I could be gluten sensitive, could that be why I feel so bloated lately? What exactly does gluten sensitive mean. I would hope it would mean that I don't have to eliminate all gluten products. I don't feel sick when I have gluten. Need to watch it again.
    Gluten seems to affect different people different ways. Seems like most of the people who have problems with it have digestion issues -- bloating, gas, stomach pains, constipation, diarrhea; the most extreme of these is celiac disease. But it has also been implicated in some people for headaches, aching joints, eczema, exhaustion, depression, and a host of other things. Of course, now it's become the "illness du jour" -- everyone with unexplained symptoms is claiming it's caused by gluten and jumping on the gluten-free bandwagon, so it's hard to know what's really caused by the gluten.

    My aunt was having problems with swallowing -- sometimes it would feel that food got stuck in her throat and she just couldn't get it down. She went to the doctor, but he couldn't find any cause for it. The problem would come and go, but eventually she began to notice that it would occur when she ate some wheat product (she wasn't a big bread or cake eater, so that was why it only happened once a week or so). She cut out the gluten in her diet, and she hasn't had any problem since.
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Haven't set Feb goals yet . . . and the scales gone up the last 2 weeks!:sad: So it's obviously time for me to do so!!

    Going to get in at least 4 exercise sessions every week this month (shooting for 6, but will be satisfied with 4)
    Will log my food every day, not just on days that I eat appropriately :noway:
    Will stay within my calorie guidelines

    So now it's time to get off the computer and get today's exercise in!
    Hope everyone has a wonderful, active day :happy:

  • Travelfixer
    Travelfixer Posts: 139 Member
    Hello! My goal is to drink more water this month, I find it so hard to drink 8 glasses a day, Plus I would like to lose at least 4 lbs and anymore would be a bonus. :smile:
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Well I went and did it! Yesterday I ran my first half-marathon (13.1 miles) and finished! My goal was to do it in less than 3 hours and I slipped in with five minutes to spare.

    It was my first race and what a race to start out with. augh! Absolutely horrible conditions. It was about 50 degrees (that was okay), it rained the entire race (so-so but doable) and the wind blew about 20 mph through the entire course (NOT okay). But I survived the Galveston Mardi Gras Half Marathon! :smile:

    Wow! Way to go! I can't wait to be able to run again. Miss that runners high. Good for you!!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Feb isn't over, I'd like to join.

    Will report back with some goals.
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Hope I'm not too late to join. I will be 53 Thursday, and I hope to complete this 30 Day Shred on March 1 since I just started Saturday. I want to make sure I eat clean per Tosca Reno's The Eat Clean Diet Stripped. I will check back and report my progress on both. Good luck to everyone of you fabulous fifty ladies.
  • FitN50s
    FitN50s Posts: 179 Member
    I'm jumping in a little late, but showing up is half the battle.

    February Goals:
    1. Complete Jillian Michaels "Ripped in 30". I started Week 2 today.
    2. Work on my water intake. I am woefully inadequate when it comes to that.
    3. Take some pictures before it's too late to have a "before"
    4. See a reduction in my measurements. I recorded them yesterday, and I will check them again at the end of each week of Jillian.
    5. Try not to let the scale determine my mood or my feelings of success or failure.
  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    So glad to find this group, but timing is everything. I'm having minor surgery tomorrow to see if I need major surgery. I don't know where this'll go. Save me a spot. I'll be back sooner or later. Cheryl
  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    Sorry you are facing potential for major surgery. Remember there are lots of us out here rooting for you if that happens. Don't hesitate to keep us updated.:heart:
  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    I've been awfully busy and keeping up with this is hard. Sometimes I just have to "post" in my head until I have time to enter on this website. Numbers are 2 steps forward and 1 and half back, but at least I'm headed in the right direction. Happy Monday everyone.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    I was away for the weekend visiting my son and DIL who are in the Canadian military and was not able to log on so I have missed so much!!

    Welcome to all the Newcomers, I look forward to getting to know you :smile:

    So much happened since last week, I cannot begin to respond to everyone other than to say a couple stick out:

    Virginia: sorry about you losing your little kitty :flowerforyou:

    Jane = I hope you can get your knees figured out, certainly not what you need right now. I am sending you my thoughts and prayers :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I know there was so much more, but I did not take notes this time as there was too many pages to read :laugh:

    At work they have decided they want to down size, no not me, but the other secretary will be let go, which will make my job a whole lot harder. I am already extremely busy and now I will be doing the work for 2 lawyers; but what can you do? And here I was hoping against hope that I could retire in like maybe 4 years :frown:

    Anyway, my Friends, take care and I will talk to you later.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    My Feb goal was to heal up. I'm actually doing pretty well but I still can't go for a walk most days without getting a headache. So I'm kind of in a holding pattern. But my brain isn't as restless and most of the time, I'm not even aware of it so I think it is getting better.

    I had fun at my Super Bowl party as "my" team won and also the food was great. I had raw salmon and shrimp and pulled pork and raw veggies and fruit and dessert. There were some good desserts too. :smile:
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Good Evening ladies...

    I LOVE :love: LOVE :love: LOVE :love: the activity on this blog...so inspiring!

    I made it through Superbowl party...however, I somehow managed to get tackled by a cheese & cracker platter. Result...up 1.5 pounds today. Ugh. Onward ... and downward. Where was my "good choices" voice when I needed it?

    Angie...hope your recovery continues to be smooth...be careful!

    Kackie...MT I am assuming is Montana...a state I have ALWAYS wanted to visit. Perhaps one day in retirement.

    Jackie...I've seen those Mystery Shopper ads, and have always wondered if they were for real...let me know!

    Realpure...I had the same thoughts about Madonna...I don't think I looked as good as she does at 53 when I was 20 !!!

    Pam...glad you're feeling better...

    Donna...I confess to being a "Scale Addict". I get on every day, but have found that when I don't...I tend to get way off track ... I want to know every day what I am doing right and what I am doing wrong.

    JB...thinking I might join you on the salad sistas thing...today mine was tossed with some turkey, chick peas & fat free honey dijon. Today I was trying to redeem myself from my SB fall...but salads every day work for me too. My fave is spinach salad with strawberries, red onion and a bit of a vinegrette dressing on it.

    Marcelynh - YOU GO GIRL...great job...Hopefully that 20 mph wind was at your back pushing you along ;0)

    Mary - your posts make me laugh...Thank you! Now just to prove I read your post what does the state motto mean in English "Ad Astra Per Aspera"

    Kobiemom ... good luck with your surgery....hurry back to join us when you can!

    Chedainc...great job on your January Goals. It is amazing how other people's drama can set off a reaction within ourselves.

    Laura...was your friend's hubby testing you. Sounds like you passed with FLYING COLORS...Congrats!

    Frogmama...we had cold and windy today, and more scheduled for the rest of the week. We've had such a mild winter here in SC...I've gotten spoiled!

    Darlene...I remember when we visited Bermuda we rented scooters...scared the tar out of me !!! It is definitely a different driving situation...good luck!

    Sue...You did great on your vacation! Congratulations...I know you feel extremely proud and well you should.

    Yellowrose...great way to get the boys motivated...it is such a sad situation for the young people of today. Video games don't burn many calories.

    Kath444 hang around here and you will definitely have support to reach your goals...

    Suz...Every year my husband wants to put in a garden...and every year he does...and every year that is where it ends. I end up with ALL of the other tasks associated with the garden. A co-worker once told him "never make your garden any bigger than your wife can maintain". I think he took that to heart.

    Susanashworth...dust yourself off, and let us know how we can help.

    Linda..I know a gal who cut gluten from her diet, and lost about 45 pounds as a result...something to be said about that.

    Travelfixer...I used to hate to drink water, but now it is my main beverage of choice ...

    Welcome Clover, Dafoots & FitN50...you've come to the right place for motivation.

    Mixdouble...I know what you mean ... this thread is averaging 2-3 pages a day...but I love every post. Someone has taken the time to recognize that support from ladies in the same boat can help them.

    Cathy...so sorry to hear about the changes at work. Hang in there!

    MacMadame...I was glad to see the Giants win...Tom Coughlin is classic. We had Jacksonville Jaguar tickets when he was coach there, and he has certainly had better luck with NY than he did in FL.

    Tomorrow is my first WW weigh in at work, and I am hoping that it will be movement in the right direction.

    Have a lovely evening gals!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    :smile: Good Monday to all,

    Today is the day I do a fitness circuit with my students. Hah! :laugh: I am better than they are at wall sits and arm lifts using resistance bands!

    Sarah I like the idea of a soup party. I made Hungarian Mushroom soup and Ginger Squash soup yesterday, portioned it into one-cup containers and plan to eat it instead of the pre-packaged kind this week. No salt in my soup, just lots of spices. Hope things go well for you at school as you begin your new term. :flowerforyou:

    Loved Madonna on the Super Bowl, :heart: she’s almost exactly my age but WOW! DH and I had lots of fun watching the game too, we don’t usually pay attention to TV sport and he had to explain the game as it went along. Next event like that will be the Stanley Cup. Hockey, hockey, hockey.

    Board games I found a Chinese Checkers game at the Gleaners (charity shop), it’s made of wood and has real glass marbles for counters. I get J’Boy to play with me just for the pleasure of handling the pieces. :happy:

    Glad to hear you’re feeling better, Pam. Take it slow.

    JB, I am sure it’s the wine, :tongue: not the food, that does me in on weekends too! My salad today was the last of the bean salad with lots of other veggies. Yummy. Tomorrow it’s greens and some water-packed tuna.

    Marcelynn – Wow! A half marathon is amazing. :flowerforyou:

    Mary msh0530 It sounds like you are keeping on track with your goals for Feb. Well done. :drinker:

    Darlene, good luck on the driving test. Watch out for scooters!

    Thanks for the idea about combining sports drills & dance, Linda/Yelllow Rose. I’ll get the hockey players to help me put together a routine! :wink:

    MacMadame I am glad to hear your brain is not rattling around so much, it's been a long, slow process, hasn't it?

    Ohoh, one more glass of water and then to bed with my book.

  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    Oohh... my goal for Feb is to get my body weight in protein daily.

    My January Goal was to walk 60 miles for the month, & I did 66 miles!

    The below comment is my Feb focus & motivation:

    " You only have to follow three simple rules:

    - Workout 3 times a week with weights.
    - Eat 1g protein / lb lean body mass.
    - Reduce calories to lose 1-2 lbs / week.

    Success is 100% guaranteed."