

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I would love to join your group! Women my age with similar life issues and challenges like menopause:huh: My goal for Feb is just to get the damn scale moving again.. Grrr...I. Think I have to switch up my exercise routine a bit which is always a challenge with hip and back issues..How do I join?

    by posting you have joined,....welcome and good luck on your journey
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Wow!!! It is February and I am just now reading the posts for almost a week! I had 4 girlfriends in town for 3-4 days and they just left yesterday. I did NOT log in while they were here..:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: ...I just get busy when I have a house full and that is the first thing that I drop! I tossed all of the goodies that my friends brought last night, so I can't eat them any more. I re-stocked my frig with my more usual, fresh foods, so hope I can jump right back on track. Oh...how easily I get off-track!!:huh:

    My goal for February...well the REST of February...is to LOG MY FOOD EVERY SINGLE DAY...no matter what!!!!!!!! Simple, right????? One would think! I leave for MT this Thursday to join DH who left last week to head there. I should be skiing every day, so exercise is not the issue. Food is! So logging is VERY important! I CAN do this!:huh:

    Welcome Blank Canvas and new ladies that I missed! Look forward to getting to know you!

    I look forward to catching up with what everyone has been up to for the past few days. Take care, Dear Ladies! :heart: Kackie
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    :flowerforyou: good morning all - well the scale was two pounds in the right direction this week - starting to like busy busy weeks if this is the results :love: got another busy day ahead of me and then home for dinner with my Husband, both my sons and my new daughter-in-law.... not really a sports fan but really want to see the half time show - Madonna.....I'd kill for her body at my age let alone her age :laugh:

    Michelle - enjoy your super Bowl party today - sounds like you got all the right plans in motion.:drinker:

    Wizzywig - welcome back and hopefully your internet issues are solved.... our 'nice weather' is going to take a dive this week if the weathter guys are right - supposed to get colder starting tomorrow - more snow on the way for us!:sad:

    Meg - choices are definitely the key - I'm finding this time around - I'm not depriving myself anything and am doing so much better - it's amazing to me. Just logging everything into MFP is keeping me on track. AND my Mom had the same "starving children" and I too seemed to have carried that over to my kids until my youngest one day said "I'll pay to send them this food because I'm full" then I realized I was turning into my Mother - and not in a good way :embarassed:

    blankcanvas - welcome - I think you'll find alot of support and friendly ears in this group - I know I have :heart:

    Kackie - I love when friends or family come to vist but I too get off track VERY EASILY - am getting a little worried about my husband's 60th birthday on the 17th - have lots of out-of-town family and old friends coming in and I'm hoping I don't go too far off the map that I can find the road back.....as I'm sure you will too! :drinker:

    good luck to everybody today who is attending or throwing SuperBowl parties :drinker: :drinker:

    congrats to everybody for posting your amazing February goals - I know that for me - putting it in writing really holds me accountable.....:happy: If you're struggling - try putting some "reasonable goals" on paper (well computer screen :bigsmile: ) you too might find that it really does help!

    okay - have to run to start my busy day! Have a wonderful day ladies - will try and check back in later to see how your day goes....if I'm not asleep by 9pm :laugh:

    chow for now - BethB
  • kmacgera
    kmacgera Posts: 137 Member
    Hi there! This month I can pack lunches more often, and get up for the gym before work a little more often. Stay healthy! A cold sidelined me in January for a week.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I can't believe all the posts already.

    For Februrary I am going back to doing GutNBut (core exercises that work those two areas) with a little modification. I am adding in some arm exercises and rowing squats. My goal is 100 repetition of a combination of core exercises 3-4 times a week.

    For the Superbowl - we are having a combination of healthy things and traditional game junk food and calling it dinner. I think I will be able to keep within my calories today.

    It's nice to see some old friends have returned to this group and it is just as nice to see all the new faces.

  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Yesterday was awesome day got 2 out of the 5 raised beds weeded. And prepared for spinach,lettuce,radishes and a few other cold weather goodies. Got the cold frames ready. Just have to get a fence around the garden chicken are now free ranging.
    Did 45 minutes of round pen with my horse. Training her to recognize hand signal. Boy that is a lot of moving. I'm on the ground. Not riding.
    I'm happy to say I haven't lost any weight this week but my pants are fitting nicely.
    Welcome to all the newcomers.
    My thought is just take one day at a time.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hmmmm..... now I know how I got so fat. :noway:

    Last night we (the curling team) were planning our bonspiel costumes while we watched the movie "The MIghty Ducks".

    Let me backtrack here. The Curling Club hosts an annual women's bonspiel in mid-February. It's always got a theme, and prizes are awarded to the team that best represents the theme at the Saturday night banquet. This year's theme is "Disney". We decided to skip all the animated movies and go as hockey players from the "Mighty Ducks". There are some great funny moments :laugh: in that movie, and given that, in ten years we have never, ever made it into the prizes we kind of identify with them!

    Anyway, during the course of the evening I was very conscientious and limited my snacking to the good stuff fairly well. I did finish my six pack of light beer, but I planned for that. However, when I got home I made myself two toasted cheese sandwiches! :frown: When I added them to my food log this morning I was 700 calories over my daily limit, and that includes all my exercise calories too. Late night toasted cheese sandwiches used to be a regular feature of my diet. :embarassed: Now that I've seen how many calories they cost, and calculated the cost to my moral and my body as well, I think I'll be able to avoid that temptation in the future.

    Onward and downward.....

  • mynyddisamrs
    A quick whizz in here tonight......

    :ohwell: My mystery dining experience today was ...awful!! It was a carvery (NOT the one on the food diary ...that was closest way to log it!!)
    The place was sad and tired. :noway: There were hygiene issues and it was not a place I'd like to linger over desserts or coffee. We got away sharpish!! Also ....The health shop mystery shop I was to do wasn't possible ...:sad: the place was closed!!
    Never mind eh!!

    So DH and I came home and have had some tasty pate, crusty bread etc. AND .....:bigsmile: some chocolate!

    A new week begins tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: BFN
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156

    Your post made me laugh. Would love to see you dressed like a Mighty Duck. I'm sure the evening and laughes were worth the mini set back.

    I too totally understand why I am fat after logging food here this last few weeks. I've learned to log before eating...... but it's NO surprise why I look like a pear. I have always subscribed to the baking is fun and eating is more fun approach to most everything. Especially since having children.

    Trying to plan for a Super Bowl party we are going to, I was plugging in what I plan to eat. 1 - 2" brownie is 190 calories!! What??

    Good luck everyone! - Glad Monday is the beginning of a NEW week.
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Nancy, I love your positive attitude! It reminds me that this is all a learning experience.

    My gym just started a mind-body-spirit program, and today was a discussion of the book "You Create an Exceptional Life." Great book about the effect affirmations and a positive attitude can have on changing your life. It really spoke to me, especially the section about negative body images. Anyway, the discussion was led by the owner of the gym, and only 5 women showed up, but it was a great hour and I got a lot of support around feeling inhibited from taking some of the fitness classes. So, this was a big step out of my comfort zone and it was very rewarding.

    Going to do a little office work now, then make that pot of vegetable soup. Have a great afternoon, everyone.

  • scompton54
    My soup party last night was great, at least socially. If any of you want to host a really fun party which is cheap, fun, and a great mixer, have a soup party. 12 different soups, all delicious and very affordable for all involved. Because one is constantly trying different soups, and everyone has to wash their bowl between tastes, it makes for a lot of interaction as you aren't just stuck in one seat. Very fun.

    I didn't have a good week, on the whole but managed to log 220 minutes of exercise today to try and make up for it. I rode the bike at the gym, went to a yoga class and then hand delivered the flyers for my community group. It was sunny today while I was delivering, so I think I got some light/sun therapy which is very important for me, while I was walking I climbed lots of stairs as I went door to door.

    I made a goal of 450 minutes of exercise for this week and only got to 325.It was exam week and I thought I could do it but I may have been overreaching on this, and with classes starting again, I think my goal for this week will be 350. Really, it comes down to my self control, or lack of it. This week I lacked it but I will persevere. Tomorrow is weigh in day but I might skip it for a week.....this one really was scary.


  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    I would love to join the group. My goals for February are:

    Lose 6 lb

    Finish the last 3 weeks of C25K, then continue it to increase my pace.

    30 minuts of daily exercise on non C25K days.

    Can anyone in the group recommend an exercise DVD? I was thinking about the Jillian Michaels one everyone talks about (30 day shred) but not sure if it would be out of my league.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I am going to play board games with friends tonight (my grandson begged me to take him) and we are supposed to take a snack to share. I have eaten very light today in preparation, and I am taking some grapes and popcorn so there will be something there that I don't have to worry so much about. A girl has to have a plan!
    I hope you all have a great evening, whether you are football watchers or not. I have always loved Super Bowl parties just because I LOVE Super Bowl food. I think I have to say goodbye to that though, and hello to healthier snacks! Here's to smart choices! (Even though I am sure I will try a few of the others!) Mary
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    February Goals:
    Get the yard cleaned up (branches everywhere from recent ice and wind storms).
    Do something active every day.
    Get back to the driving range--ready for spring golf.
    Follow South Beach guidelines.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Evening ladies!

    A quick check in before the Super Bowl starts

    Mazaron- Don't worry- just give it a few times and the seat wont bother you anymore.

    Yesterday I did get a chance to get out and walk the bike path for a few hours. First exercise in over a week. It felt great. We went to see "The Miracle" at the movies last night. It was very enjoyable. Today we had tickets to see a comedy play called "You Say Tomatoes-- I Say Shut-up." It made for a fun filled afternoon. After the play, DH and I went to Applebees and I ordered from the under 550 calorie menu AND brought half of it home. Now if I can just make it through the Super Bowl without pigging out!
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Looking forward to a better week of food choices, went to grocery store, got some fruit, some cucumber and stuff for a salad. I made egg muffins for next week breakfast easy to throw in microwave before i walk out the door. Going to try to get more exercise in this week, drink my water, and take my lunch every day.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Think I missed checking in yesterday, but I did check in the Food and counted all I ate - which I guess is the most important bit.

    Off to visit DBF soon, he wants to watch the SuperBowl with me. I must find my knitting to take! Visitor chuck-out time comes long before the end of the game, so I'll have to leave and come home to watch something more interesting!

    He is still making slow progress but did go out and have a shower today, so that is a big step forward.

    Need to get the garbage to the door before I go out, so that I can grab it and put it to the end of the drive when I come home. Green box and black box tonight ready for tomorrow - don't put the garbage can out when it is green box, and it didn't go out last week because the snow banks were too high.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI~Hope all are doing good.Moved in with my 2 son`s DIL and GRandaughter.It`s a liitle cozy,but we are safe and have a home for now,According to Violet,FOREVER.Have my 1st pt appt in the pm.Know I won`t be able to do much,but Ill do the best I can.
    Knee is so painful and very unstable.
    I`ll update when I can.Sharing a computer with hubby.
    Have a good night~
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    You know, I started watching one episode of Dr. Oz where Elizabeth Hasselback was on telling about how she felt bloated etc and subsequently found out that she was gluten intolerant. I want to watch that episode again. Wonder if I could be gluten sensitive, could that be why I feel so bloated lately? What exactly does gluten sensitive mean. I would hope it would mean that I don't have to eliminate all gluten products. I don't feel sick when I have gluten. Need to watch it again.

    Did an hour of balance games on the Wii today. Tomorrow I'll take the extremepump class.

    Watched the Superbowl. Really, I don't know much at all about football. I didn't know when one team made a touchdown. What I do like, tho, is watching those guys in those tight pants running up and down the field.....lo
    Welcome blackcanvas. We live in Catawba county, NC!!! Where is Catawba SC?

    Beth - wasn't Madonna good. What a body at her age! Guess I could have that kind of body with lots of surgery. Don't know if she's had any or not. Happy early birthday to you husband.

    kmacgara - so glad you're better.

    western - I'm the same way. Haven't lost any weight, but my pants are fitting pretty well. I would like them a bit looser, but the way they are right now is OK. I was wearing this one pair of pants tonight. I remember when I bought them that the lady thought I should get the 8P. I thought the 6P fit me better. I'm so glad I decided to go with the 6P, or else by now I would have donated them.

    Welcome bisland! I totally understand how feeling part of the sandwich generation really gets to us. Just one more thing.....

    Mary - what kind of board games do you play?

    jane - hope you feel better fast!

    Today was ds's birthday. We called him and got his answering device. I started crying, just hearing his voice. It's been over a year since I've seen him! How I miss him. but I know that I can't let him know this, I can let him know that I miss him but not that I cry because of it. I don't want him to feel badly about the choices he's making.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I will play pretty much any board games or cards. I grew up playing canasta, checkers, chess, and cribbage with my dad and all sorts of board games with my siblings and my grandma. Tonight I played a new version of Trivial Pursuit where you bet on whether or not someone knows the answer to their question. It was pretty fun. My grandson played Sorry. The last few years at Thanksgiving we have held an Apples to Apples marathon.