holzeeg123 Member


  • Totally agree with the consistency thing :) Also, honesty! Lying to MFP will only hurt your progress! It's far better to have a load of red bars and to be able to learn from that, than to look perfect on paper and not losing weight!
  • Breakfast: porridge with banana cooked into it Lunch: Either beans on toast or a sandwich Dinner: This varies quite a lot, but always has LOADS of veg cooked into it and some lean protein (like chicken or fish) and wholegrain carbs This only ever takes me up to about 1200 and my goal is 1700, so throughout the day I'll…
  • I have one of those digital scales where it doesn't come with a bowl and you just zero everything and my god it's brilliant. Like, I'll put the pack of butter on it, zero, use butter then weigh to see how much I used and it's so quick. Although I have a set of measuring spoons and it turned out that for weeks I'd been…
  • There are so many factors which contribute to weight loss, physiologically, psychologically and behaviourally and it is not very simple for those who do have serious problems, be it an eating disorder or an endocrine problem (would you function on 1200 calories a day, when your body was so sluggish that you fatigued after…
  • I weigh out servings (usually like 25g) and put them in little plastic bags. Sometimes I eat a couple of bags at a time, but it's good because at least you know exactly how much you're eating. It's so easy to underestimate how many you are eating otherwise
  • Hmm yeah I think we are on the same page. I guess my response to that would be that's all well and good as long as people know that there may be other factors, and they will never be able to calculate "I had a 3600 deficit this week. WHY AREN'T I A POUND LIGHTER AGGGGHHH" which is exactly how someone who gets obsessive…
  • Coming from a biologist, it is as simple as CICO, BUT the calories that go into your mouth do NOT always equal the calories that are available to your body for energy: even cooking something will change the amount of energy available to your cells (DOI: 10.1002, doi: 10.1073). Not to mention the individual differences in…
  • OP, you sound a bit like me actually. I can eat anything, and when I am not tracking, or with friends and only eating junk food, I can eat thousands of calories. The difference for me is that when I am tracking and not buying lots of junk food, trying to eat adequate protein and not too much sugar, I chose foods that fill…
  • I understand what you mean, but I think that this depends on the model of addiction that you are using. In a purely medical/disease model, no, sugar would not be an addiction. The physical response to sugar would not be enough for an addiction to be elicited. This model categorises individuals into 'addicted' or 'not…
  • My activity is set as sedentary, so I count anything I deliberately do which isn't sedentary. For example, if I was going clothes shopping with a friend, I probably wouldn't count the 30-60 mins of walking. Basically, the only exercise I do is walking the dog and running, so I count those. Saying that, yesterday I was out…
  • I find that if I don't eat sweet things in ages, it sort of goes away. But then I might have one small sweet thing if I'm eating at someone's house, then I crave it for ages. I actually find dried fruit and nuts to really stop the cravings though