

  • Thanks JaneiR36. Also I want to make it clear that you were not one of the bullies I am talking about - I appreciated your feedback and the tone with which you gave it. Yes, my post this morning was a little bit immature, but I think it is human nature, when several people have been discouraging and telling us that we…
  • Also, I have gotten a few nice and encouraging PMs today from people on this site who agreed that I had been bullied in this thread. They were probably afraid to say anything on the thread because they knew that you all would gang up on them as well. I thought this was supposed to be a support forum for people who are…
  • It's not about only getting the types of responses I wanted to hear. It's about asking a specific question, and politely requesting that people not comment to my weight loss or weight loss goals, and the peanut gallery decided to do so anyway. They completely disrespected what I asked by sticking their noses were they did…
  • My advice to anyone who really wants to lose weight and stay healthy – block this website. It is full of unsupportive people who are going to try to drag you down and don't listen to a word you say, just coming to their own conclusions based on numbers alone. I really feel like I was bullied in this thread, and I did not…
  • To the OP: just exercise at a comfortable rate, and eat as much as the Harris Benedict equation tells you to for weight loss - you may be able to lose this amount of weight, and you may not. The important thing is to be healthy about it, which translates into a different number for everyone. It annoys me that on so many of…
  •'s weird...I'm 5'4", not much taller than some of you, and it's the opposite for me. I can lose 30-40 pounds and people won't even notice. Of course the flip side is that I can also gain that amount of weight and it won't be that noticeable either - I'm currently about 100 pounds overweight, and people who look at…
  • The more I see of you, the more I think you are a troll. Why bring up things I said in another thread, just to generate conflict? Also, it is actually pretty disturbing that you would post something completely false like this. First, I didn't say she should "absolutely try" to do anything, I just said that she shouldn't…
  • No, but people don't seem to be regarding anything I'm saying. I made it clear that I'm eating quite a bit, more than the vast majority of people who go on diets, and still losing weight, and they keep going on and on about unhealthy deficits, etc. like they're just not even reading it. They're saying I'm automatically…
  • I feel like people aren't even reading what I wrote. I'm already eating 2000 calories a day - how is that a "huge deficit"? Like I said, would it be "healthy" if I would add a bunch of candy and sugary sodas to my daily diet, because then I'd only be losing 1-2 pounds a week? As for the "we also don't have to tell her it's…
  • True that there are some ignorant doctors out there. But I don't think that's the norm to be honest. Doctors risk malpractice suits, etc. for giving bad advice. And I am willing to bet that as a whole, doctors are much more knowledgeable about nutrition and health than the population of people who frequent online forums.…
  • I never said that I had all the answers. I came here to ask a specific question. I was annoyed that when I made it clear that opinions about how my weight loss goal was unrealistic were UNWANTED, and the peanut gallery spoke up anyway. I consider that very disrespectful, especially since I asked specifically that people…
  • Well, I'm willing to bet that that semester is more training than most of the people on here have had. I just think it's incredibly arrogant to claim on a forum that you know better than DOCTORS.
  • Funny, because my DOCTOR said it was okay. Are you a doctor? And if you are not, are you presuming that you know more than doctors? And what I am doing is eating healthy, almost a full 2000 calories per day, and working out six days a week. I never go hungry, and sometimes I even have a piece of cheesecake or a bowl of ice…
  • I appreciate all the advice, but I'm disappointed that some people didn't respect what I said about not commenting on my weight loss goal. I have actually successfully been losing 3 to 4 pounds a week without even pushing myself that hard – just working out six days a week in the in the gym and eating 1800 to 1900 cal a…
  • Tripollar laser surgery has done pretty well at removing or at least drastically minimizing stretch marks...however, I'm not sure that it is approved in the US at this point, and it would probably be very expensive... Here is the abstract of the article showing its success rate:…
  • First of all, I'm not nearly old enough to have a daughter that age. And anything that anyone says on a forum is "hard to believe," considering that we are all strangers and we could all be lying for all anyone knows. Do you have proof that her goal is unhealthy? Because there are a BUNCH of people who have done Insanity,…
  • Nope. As others have said, the rate at which the weight is lost has nothing to do with the rate at which it comes back on. I've lost 10 pounds a week, 3 pounds a week, 1 pound a week, etc. And every time, when I started binging again, it came back on at the same rate. This is a myth that needs to be dispelled.
  • I don't get why you would assume I didn't read the OP. And I don't think anyone has the right to tell her she can't do it. A friend of mine went from 215 to 145 in 4 months doing a mix of P90X, Insanity, and Asylum - no, it's not 180 to 120, but it's pretty close. And the flip side of the difference between going from 300…
  • I don't understand all these naysayers. I think it is possible depending on what you're willing to do. People who have done the Insanity workout, for example, have lost 40-50 pounds within two months, and they had to be eating a significant number of calories per day to fuel those workouts.
  • I think it really varies depending on the person. Some will have saggy boobs after losing 10 pounds, some can lose over 100 pounds and have smaller and perkier boobs. I don't think anyone should be saying "this happened to me and it will happen to you too" because everyone's body is different, everyone's skin is different,…
  • MFP actually did - but I haven't even been going by that. I've heard for a long time that 1200 calories was the minimum that a woman should be consuming. But I put into MFP that I want to lose 2 pounds per week (I actually want to lose more if possible), and it came up with 1200 per day, even though I think I put in that I…
  • The 20 pounds is actually over the last 10 months or so, not the last month. So I don't think anyone could call this rapid weight loss, haha. I admit I did get really lazy about it for months at a time, gained and then lost again, etc. I've probably lost 3-4 pounds this last week alone just by being conscientious about it…
  • Like others have said, I have learned that it's best to make yourself stop caring so much what others think. In 2009, I lost 40 pounds in 6 months, and my brother (who has NEVER had a weight problem and no understanding of how hard it is to lose weight once you've put it on) made some comment about how maybe if I had been…
  • Thanks for the input and for saying I have a nice build, 143tobe!
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