Eating back exercise calories?



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Doctors have very little training in nutrition. They are educated in how to fix broken thing and how to keep things from getting broken. They are only taught for perhaps a semester on how to feed those things. If a doctor told the OP that it was okay to lose four to five pounds a week then it was bad advice.

    Well, I'm willing to bet that that semester is more training than most of the people on here have had. I just think it's incredibly arrogant to claim on a forum that you know better than DOCTORS.

    If you are working in close conjunction with your doctor on a weight loss program , why don't you ask him/her your question then?

    ^That's a pretty good point.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    OP argued with me in another thread where she advocated an 18 year old young lady should absolutely try to lose 60 pounds in 4 weeks. Was incredulous that people said it was s bad idea. So I am not surprised by this post or this attitude toward the advice given. I don't know what to think about the potty mouth poster.

    The more I see of you, the more I think you are a troll. Why bring up things I said in another thread, just to generate conflict? Also, it is actually pretty disturbing that you would post something completely false like this. First, I didn't say she should "absolutely try" to do anything, I just said that she shouldn't limit herself to what all the naysayers said she should. Just because a know-it-all stranger on the Internet tells you it is unhealthy/impossible to lose more than 1-2 pounds per week doesn't mean you should feel discouraged or believe them. Some people absolutely CAN work out and eat right and lose more than that. I've seen it done multiple times, and I'm doing it myself now. Second, the "4 weeks" part is a gross lie - I can't even believe that you would go that far. It was 16-20 weeks - I noticed that on the thread itself you referred to it as "12 weeks," and now you're saying 4. Seriously? And I wasn't "incredulous" that people said it was a bad idea, I was incredulous that they would be so arrogant to assume that her body is just like every other body out there and they have any authority to say what is right for her.

    People on forums just tend to be know-it-alls when in reality they don't know jack. It is disturbing that people would speak with such authority when they have none - they discourage people years out of college who want to go to med school by saying med school admissions committees will be less likely to want them, they tell women over 30 that they have almost no chance of getting married unless they want a man over 50, and they say that a person can't lose more than 1-2 pounds per week and be healthy. When in reality many, many people have transcended these supposed limits. There is no one-size-fits-all, and using a one-size-fits-all to tell someone you don't even know that their goal is impossible is unacceptable, in my opinion.

    You are right, it was 4 months. I corrected myself if you go back and look. And it was still a bad idea. I'm thinking you may be the troll.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    And what I am doing is eating healthy, almost a full 2000 calories per day, and working out six days a week.

    I don't see how this is consistent with your first post, where you asked about eating back exercise calories and said you thought the usual advice was that a woman should try to eat 1200 AND exercise off as much as possible. That's the question most of us were answering.

    Edit: and yes the first post has been edited and no longer makes sense. I do not believe a 225 woman could calculate out a deficit intended to get to 4 to 5 lbs a week and exercise 800 calories and eat 2000, even apart from the fact that that would mean you are eating back exercise calories. I do believe that at 225, depending on your height, you could eat above 1200 and get 3-4 to start. I was losing 3 lbs a week at 220 to start without particularly trying to lose more than 2. But that's a quite different question than the one originally presented--look at vismal's calculations.

    I also don't see the point of worrying if you claim to be eating 2000 and exercising enough to lose 4-5 lbs. That would be a crazy deficit, as for me that would also mean doing the equivalent of running 14 or more miles per day, but if you can do that you are in amazing shape or have time to do Biggest Loser type workouts, and thus your needs are rather beyond my experience.
  • Fit_Chef_NE
    Fit_Chef_NE Posts: 110 Member
    Most doctors are honestly better educated in medication and treatment of diseases rather than nutrition. That is what dietitians and nutritionists are for. I don't want to get into a giant debate about how doctors are educated, but I will say that nutrition is not a main topic in most medical schools. The trend is shifting now for sure, but most of them have a LOT of catching up to do.

    I totally understand the desire to lose weight fast. Just remember that wanting instant gratification can lead to failure when the realism sets in. Weight loss usually starts fast and then slows down after a few weeks or months. The closer you get to your goal, the harder each pound will be to lose. If you start at 225 losing 5lbs a week, by 180lbs you might only lose 1-2lbs with the same diet and effort. That's just how it works. No advice or doctor can change scientific fact.

    You need a healthy attitude towards diet and weight loss or you are setting yourself up for failure. Yes, you can starve yourself to lose 5lbs a week but I have a feeling you want to go right back to eating "normally" after you reach your goal. You will put it all back on twice as fast as you lost it.
  • My advice to anyone who really wants to lose weight and stay healthy – block this website. It is full of unsupportive people who are going to try to drag you down and don't listen to a word you say, just coming to their own conclusions based on numbers alone. I really feel like I was bullied in this thread, and I did not deserve that. Especially the person who brought up something that I said on another thread just to call me out or make me look bad.

    Oh, and by the way, I am still losing 3 pounds a week, still feeling great, and still eating almost 2000 calories a day at this point. So to all the people who said I couldn't do it or needed to forget about my goal, who were likely just jealous that their metabolism doesn't allow them to have similarly rapid progress, go fudge yourselves.
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    My advice to anyone who really wants to lose weight and stay healthy – block this website. It is full of unsupportive people who are going to try to drag you down and don't listen to a word you say, just coming to their own conclusions based on numbers alone. I really feel like I was bullied in this thread, and I did not deserve that. Especially the person who brought up something that I said on another thread just to call me out or make me look bad.

    Oh, and by the way, I am still losing 3 pounds a week, still feeling great, and still eating almost 2000 calories a day at this point. So to all the people who said I couldn't do it or needed to forget about my goal, who were likely just jealous that their metabolism doesn't allow them to have similarly rapid progress, go fudge yourselves.

    No one on this post sounded jealous to me. I've lost almost 50lbs only losing 1-2lbs a week and sometimes plateauing for weeks at a time. My doctor told me that more than 2lbs a week is unhealthy, so that is who I followed. People were just giving you advice based on making sure you didn't get ill, but if you can't take friendly advice then it sounds like that is your own issue.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member

    I am disappointed with these forums. I thought it would be a great source of motivation and support, but instead it looks like the majority of people on here really know nothing about weight loss, exercise, or fitness, but just parrot old tired advice and generalities. I guess I need to listen to my family members and just stay off the Internet and all the ignorant people on it if I want to accomplish anything. A forum like this should help educate and motivate people, but it seems that a lot of you are just interested in dragging people down based on whatever your personal conceptions about weight-loss are.

    I think it's safe to say that these forums are disappointed with you!
    I must be nice to come into a forum and demand that someone answer your questions only in the manner that you want them answered and how dare they have the sheer audacity to offer you some advice that you don't want because you know better. If you know so damn much why are you asking the questions anyway, shouldn't you be asking your Dr. instead?

    Your family is right, you should stay off the internet... LoL
  • crys39
    crys39 Posts: 40 Member
    My advice to anyone who really wants to lose weight and stay healthy – block this website. It is full of unsupportive people who are going to try to drag you down and don't listen to a word you say, just coming to their own conclusions based on numbers alone. I really feel like I was bullied in this thread, and I did not deserve that. Especially the person who brought up something that I said on another thread just to call me out or make me look bad.

    Oh, and by the way, I am still losing 3 pounds a week, still feeling great, and still eating almost 2000 calories a day at this point. So to all the people who said I couldn't do it or needed to forget about my goal, who were likely just jealous that their metabolism doesn't allow them to have similarly rapid progress, go fudge yourselves.

    So you came back after 2 months of no response to this thread to say how you feel so bullied and what-not just because you didn't get the kind of responses you wanted to hear.... hmm, interesting.

    I call "Troll"
  • crys39
    crys39 Posts: 40 Member

    Your family is right, you should stay off the internet... LoL

    ^^This, lol
  • Janette3x4
    Janette3x4 Posts: 135
    My advice to anyone who really wants to lose weight and stay healthy – block this website. It is full of unsupportive people who are going to try to drag you down and don't listen to a word you say, just coming to their own conclusions based on numbers alone. I really feel like I was bullied in this thread, and I did not deserve that. Especially the person who brought up something that I said on another thread just to call me out or make me look bad.

    Oh, and by the way, I am still losing 3 pounds a week, still feeling great, and still eating almost 2000 calories a day at this point. So to all the people who said I couldn't do it or needed to forget about my goal, who were likely just jealous that their metabolism doesn't allow them to have similarly rapid progress, go fudge yourselves.

    Curious as to why your ticker says zero pounds lost. Why not delete your account?
    If a troll only gets fed in May and July, ticker should represent some weight loss!
  • It's not about only getting the types of responses I wanted to hear. It's about asking a specific question, and politely requesting that people not comment to my weight loss or weight loss goals, and the peanut gallery decided to do so anyway. They completely disrespected what I asked by sticking their noses were they did not belong. That prattinger65 person even brought up something I said on another thread, seemingly just to be a bully. On the other thread he made a very offensive comment towards me that he didn't even apologize for, regarding my age – the OP was an 18-year-old girl, and he asked if I would give my daughter the same advice but I'm giving her. I'm only 29, I am not nearly old enough to have an 18-year-old daughter. I was offended by that, he didn't even apologize, and not only that, he invaded my thread which was completely independent of that one just to bully me. I have every right to be annoyed by this.

    As for the ticker, why should the ticker reflect weight-loss? I have other things to do outside of updating a site that I don't even visit. Had I been spending time on this site over the past few months, I probably would be failing miserably at my weight loss goals because I'm listening to a bunch of people who obviously have no idea what they're talking about.

    My apologies to those of you reading this who actually are respectful individuals who would not give unsolicited and unwanted advice or feedback based on an arrogant and uneducated point of view.
  • Also, I have gotten a few nice and encouraging PMs today from people on this site who agreed that I had been bullied in this thread. They were probably afraid to say anything on the thread because they knew that you all would gang up on them as well. I thought this was supposed to be a support forum for people who are trying to lose weight in a healthy way, not a sorority/fraternity. I guess I was wrong, and it is very disappointing.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    When will it end, oh dear lord! :yawn:

    Though I will say this is rare. Congrats on showing us with your weight loss! Whenever I see what is to me a crazy diet, if enough time has elapsed I always wonder why the person hasn't lost all their weight by now. Sounds like you're well on your way!
  • Thanks JaneiR36. Also I want to make it clear that you were not one of the bullies I am talking about - I appreciated your feedback and the tone with which you gave it.

    Yes, my post this morning was a little bit immature, but I think it is human nature, when several people have been discouraging and telling us that we cannot achieve what we want to achieve, when we actually prove them wrong, to come back and tell them so. Basically what happened is that I came back after a while, looked at some of those unsolicited comments after I had very specifically asked people to please not say anything about my high weight loss goal, and got angry all over again. That was where this morning's post came from.

    To be more directly honest, I have been working out like a beast though I have been eating plenty. It's been about 90 minutes a day six days a week. And the weight loss is actually starting to slow a little bit – it is now 2 to 3 pounds a week instead of 4 to 5. Which makes sense given that I have less weight to lose now.