Eating back exercise calories?



  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    First off forget about losing 4-5 lbs a week. It's not a good idea and would require a caloric deficit of 14000-17500. Even if you maintenance calories were 3000 (which would be rather high), you'd only be able to eat 500 calories a day. Try and lose 1-2 lbs a week. That's a much more realistic goal. As far as eating exercise calories back, I do not. I find that machines grossly overestimate calories burned. I simply estimate my TDEE, total daily energy expenditure (total calories burned in a 24 hour period) and subtract 500-1000 from that. Exercise would be included in the estimate of my TDEE. This way I'm eating the same amount of calories every day and if weight loss stalls, I can simply reduce total daily calories.

    ^^ This is really great advice
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    @ Janeir36

    Lol ok so I said guy. Also I said don't listen to these people. I didn't say don't read their posts. I can't stop laughing right now. You call me out on a completely irrelevant inaccuracy. And then go ahead and blatantly misquote me. Tell me did you just get angry and put words in my mouth or did you deliberately act this stupid?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    @ Janeir36

    Lol ok so I said guy. Also I said don't listen to these people. I didn't say don't read their posts. I can't stop laughing right now. You call me out on a completely irrelevant inaccuracy. And then go ahead and blatantly misquote me. Tell me did you just get angry and put words in my mouth or did you deliberately act this stupid?

    I highly suggest reading the link. If you are unable to have a discussion/disagreement without insulting people, I think you might need to refrain from using the forums.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    @ Janeir36

    Lol ok so I said guy. Also I said don't listen to these people. I didn't say don't read their posts. I can't stop laughing right now. You call me out on a completely irrelevant inaccuracy. And then go ahead and blatantly misquote me. Tell me did you just get angry and put words in my mouth or did you deliberately act this stupid?

    What does my voice sound like? Why read a post if you have no intent on "listening" to the content? Isn't not reading it the easiest way to not "listen"?

    And I didn't quote you at all, last I checked. I wasn't the one whining about their post not having been read either, then complaining and name calling when the attention I begged for was received :wink:
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    I'm confused when i read this first bit you ask should i eat back exercise calories.

    in a further post you say you are eating 1900- 2000 and losing. I don't understand? Do what works for you.
    Although it will get harder as you get closer to goal so enjoy the big losses, they won't last forever.

    well done BTW.
    What exactly does this mean? I was always under the impression that what a woman should do for maximum healthy weight loss was eat 1200 calories per day AND exercise for however long. But people here are saying you should "eat back" your exercise calories - wouldn't that basically nullify the exercise then?
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Hearing something and listening to it are two completely different things. Listening implies taking it seriously. And you are still misrepresenting my point. I also feel insulted that you seem to think i am begging for attention. But it appears that this doesn't count as name calling for the mods. Guess it doesn't matter if you insult people subtly huh? I am still laughing but I will refrain from name calling since it seems that the forum mods will probably breath down my neck for it. But I won't apologize for it. And I'm done here and leave you to your delusions ;) Have funs.

    Edit : I never said Pikaknight was a moderator. Words in my mouth again. I merely realized that throwing actual honest insults was probably a bad idea. Please see a Councillor about your pathological need to misrepresent people to make yourself right.
  • dkbrummitt
    dkbrummitt Posts: 21
    Let the choir say Amen and Amen!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Let me just leave it here that PikaKnight is just a forum user independently blown away by your choice of words. I suspect you have not been contacted by any moderator. Where's the head shaking smilie when you need it...

    Forgive me for using logic. I am independently concluding that not reading a post is the easiest way to not "listen" to it. Happy now? For example, when I get bored with you there's a handy little ignore button I might use
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Bye, then?

    If you've been so successful in the past and have all the answers, why did you even come here to ask questions?

    You might have lost at that rate due to just beginning to eat healthier. Sometimes reducing sodium intake, for example, causes you to drop water weight quickly. On a long term basis, 3-4 lbs a week of fat loss does seem rather high, and potentially unsustainable. Wouldn't you rather know what awaits you on the other side of this initial glow?! Well, there it is, regardless!!

    Geez didn't you read my post. Sorry but I see where this guy is coming from. Fact is some people CAN absolutely lose weight faster than others. Probably due to different exercise routines better diets or simple genetics. Half of this no you can only lose 2lb a month is people who are jealous of this because they can't trying to convince themselves that someone who happens to be doing better than they are is automatically unhealthy. If he is eating in the region of 2k calories a day and getting all his nutrition and feeling great then he likely has no problem. It 's not as if he posted saying he was on a 400 calorie diet like some people do geez.

    Try not to scare people away with your delusion that you are right about everything and about everyone next time guys.

    Please stop. No one is saying this is a bad idea because they are jealous, nor is anyone here unfamiliar with the big losses people see at the beginning due to water weight. There is a difference between having a big loss one week, because weight loss isn't linear, and purposefully trying to lose that amount per week. As other posters have said, it would require a huge deficit and it is not sustainable. If the OP doesn't want to eat more, we can't make her, but we also don't have to tell her it's a good idea. Most of us have been here long enough to see what happens when people try to carry huge deficits, and it usually comes in the form of a "why am I not losing?" post and plea for help.

    And I believe the poster you quoted was talking to the OP, not you.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Doctors have very little training in nutrition. They are educated in how to fix broken thing and how to keep things from getting broken. They are only taught for perhaps a semester on how to feed those things. If a doctor told the OP that it was okay to lose four to five pounds a week then it was bad advice.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Hearing something and listening to it are two completely different things. Listening implies taking it seriously. And you are still misrepresenting my point. I also feel insulted that you seem to think i am begging for attention. But it appears that this doesn't count as name calling for the mods. Guess it doesn't matter if you insult people subtly huh? I am still laughing but I will refrain from name calling since it seems that the forum mods will probably breath down my neck for it. But I won't apologize for it. And I'm done here and leave you to your delusions ;) Have funs.

    Edit : I never said Pikaknight was a moderator. Words in my mouth again. I merely realized that throwing actual honest insults was probably a bad idea. Please see a Councillor about your pathological need to misrepresent people to make yourself right.

    This isn't what being done means :wink: Who knows what you said, you thought a girl was a boy and are responding to a future post in an edit... Keep it up!! :laugh:
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    If you are losing so much on 1800-1900 calories then why drop to 1200?

    When I first start I lost about 3 lbs a week on 1200 calories working out every day. I also lost my hair and nails, was grumpy all the time, had no energy, in fact, I was lethargic and falling asleep at work. Not good for my annual review and bald was not a good look either.

    Here's what I would recommend, read the following:

    These are full of useful information about setting calories and macros, and learning how to weigh and log your food correctly.

    Also, I had about the same amount of weight to lose that you do and I continued losing about 3 lbs a week unintentionally until I lost 45-50lbs, and then my weight loss slowed down. And my doctor asks me questions about weight loss and nutrition because she had one semester and one class on nutrition in med school. She told me many times I was losing weight too fast.

    People on here on trying to help you learn, they are not being mean or telling you that you won't meet your goals, they are just simply trying to explain that your goals go against the recommended guidelines. You can check that on reputable websites such as the Mayo Clinic.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    @ JaneiR36

    Lol fine I will post a new topic if it makes you feel any better. In all honesty I'm worried about you now lady. Not only are you quoting irrelevant details ... again. But I fail to see what was wrong with simply clarifying what I said. Clearly you seem to think that this is some massive breach of forum etiquette. Honestly I am basically a nice guy I only called you one name. And it wasn't very harsh. If you take this attitude of picking perfectly valid points apart by their technicalities and small situationally irrelevant inaccuracies you are going to lose friends. It's a bureaucratic and self serving way to argue a point. I will admit I got frustrated with this attitude and lost it and insulted you. And that was wrong of me. But the way you are picking apart every little mistake I make whether it's relevant to my point or not is bound to drive anyone up the wall.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    OP argued with me in another thread where she advocated an 18 year old young lady should absolutely try to lose 60 pounds in 4 weeks. Was incredulous that people said it was s bad idea. So I am not surprised by this post or this attitude toward the advice given. I don't know what to think about the potty mouth poster.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    OP argued with me in another thread where she advocated an 18 year old young lady should absolutely try to lose 60 pounds in 4 weeks. Was incredulous that people said it was s bad idea. So I am not surprised by this post or this attitude toward the advice given. I don't know what to think about the potty mouth poster.

    Come on .. potty mouth. I was hardly THAT bad. And I was only ok with 3/4 lb's a week. I would argue against the OP till doomsday if he actually suggested losing 60lb in 4 weeks. I didn't know that and I wouldn't support that.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    @ JaneiR36

    Lol fine I will post a new topic if it makes you feel any better. In all honesty I'm worried about you now lady. Not only are you quoting irrelevant details ... again. But I fail to see what was wrong with simply clarifying what I said. Clearly you seem to think that this is some massive breach of forum etiquette. Honestly I am basically a nice guy I only called you one name. And it wasn't very harsh. If you take this attitude of picking perfectly valid points apart by their technicalities and small situationally irrelevant inaccuracies you are going to lose friends. It's a bureaucratic and self serving way to argue a point. I will admit I got frustrated with this attitude and lost it and insulted you. And that was wrong of me. But the way you are picking apart every little mistake I make whether it's relevant to my point or not is bound to drive anyone up the wall.

    If you're looking for Jesus, honey, go to church. You admit you bit and got bit back.

    Perhaps we shall have better interactions on other threads, but as I stated to you from the get go, being dismissive from "my" point of view of other people's posts was bound to earn you the same treatment. I have had very little interest in any "valid" points you think you may have made. If this bothers you, you may wish to consider reworking your approach next time
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Don't listen to these people. As long as you are eating a moderate diet and are feeling good you are probably ok. That said my advice is to up your calories a bit. Simply because you are really burning those gym sessions. And sometimes those can have a cumulative effect after a while if you don't eat enough. honestly I have the same kind of thing. Some weeks I lose 1/2 lb and others I lose 3-4. I don't do anything special to make this happen it just does. I guess every body is different.

    And dude come on .. this is the internet. Do you REALLY expect to find a place on the internet without self serving *kitten*. The trick is to be able to tell who is worth listening to.

    See, here is the problem I have. You started over 300 pounds according to your ticker, you were morbidly obese. A 4-5 pound loss per week is doable when you are 338, not so much if you start at 180-190. I know, you didn't know that, but that is the problem with just throwing out you opinion when you don't know the facts. My gut tells me that you are genuinely trying to help, but you should temper your advice a little. And lastly, I agree with those posters from earlier in the thread, I don't appreciate being called a self serving *kitten*, furthermore, no one offered any self serving advice in this thread. You need to check yourself.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    @ JaneiR36

    Lol fine I will post a new topic if it makes you feel any better. In all honesty I'm worried about you now lady. Not only are you quoting irrelevant details ... again. But I fail to see what was wrong with simply clarifying what I said. Clearly you seem to think that this is some massive breach of forum etiquette. Honestly I am basically a nice guy I only called you one name. And it wasn't very harsh. If you take this attitude of picking perfectly valid points apart by their technicalities and small situationally irrelevant inaccuracies you are going to lose friends. It's a bureaucratic and self serving way to argue a point. I will admit I got frustrated with this attitude and lost it and insulted you. And that was wrong of me. But the way you are picking apart every little mistake I make whether it's relevant to my point or not is bound to drive anyone up the wall.

    If you're looking for Jesus, honey, go to church. You admit you bit and got bit back.

    Perhaps we shall have better interactions on other threads, but as I stated to you from the get go, being dismissive from "my" point of view of other people's posts was bound to earn you the same treatment. I have had very little interest in any "valid" points you think you may have made. If this bothers you, you may wish to consider reworking your approach next time

    So ... forgive me if I'm being dense but for one I really don't understand what "If you're looking for Jesus, honey, go to church." Is supposed to mean?
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    OP argued with me in another thread where she advocated an 18 year old young lady should absolutely try to lose 60 pounds in 4 weeks. Was incredulous that people said it was s bad idea. So I am not surprised by this post or this attitude toward the advice given. I don't know what to think about the potty mouth poster.

    Come on .. potty mouth. I was hardly THAT bad. And I was only ok with 3/4 lb's a week. I would argue against the OP till doomsday if he actually suggested losing 60lb in 4 weeks. I didn't know that and I wouldn't support that.

    My bad, it was 4 months. Still a horrible idea, but I want to be correct.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    @ JaneiR36

    Lol fine I will post a new topic if it makes you feel any better. In all honesty I'm worried about you now lady. Not only are you quoting irrelevant details ... again. But I fail to see what was wrong with simply clarifying what I said. Clearly you seem to think that this is some massive breach of forum etiquette. Honestly I am basically a nice guy I only called you one name. And it wasn't very harsh. If you take this attitude of picking perfectly valid points apart by their technicalities and small situationally irrelevant inaccuracies you are going to lose friends. It's a bureaucratic and self serving way to argue a point. I will admit I got frustrated with this attitude and lost it and insulted you. And that was wrong of me. But the way you are picking apart every little mistake I make whether it's relevant to my point or not is bound to drive anyone up the wall.

    If you're looking for Jesus, honey, go to church. You admit you bit and got bit back.

    Perhaps we shall have better interactions on other threads, but as I stated to you from the get go, being dismissive from "my" point of view of other people's posts was bound to earn you the same treatment. I have had very little interest in any "valid" points you think you may have made. If this bothers you, you may wish to consider reworking your approach next time

    So ... forgive me if I'm being dense but for one I really don't understand what "If you're looking for Jesus, honey, go to church." Is supposed to mean?

    It's a reference to turning the other cheek :wink: