jessika1110 Member


  • I never had knee pain but I did start having major back pain. Now, I'm not positive it was related to the Shred, as I only was able to do it 11 days (finished the first stage and had done 1 day of the second stage). The pain was so intense that I had to go to physical therapy and had swelling around my spinal cord. I've…
  • I'm so sorry that people have treated you badly in the past. That makes me so mad! It's amazing how hateful people can be! I'm soo glad that you seem to have taken your life into your hands and are making such an incredible difference in your life! That's so inspiring! I know great things will continue to happen for you,…
  • I am definitely going to try these recipes! The tortilla desert sounds yummy! I too have a huge chocolate sweet-tooth and unfortunately caved and ate a whole bag of dark chocolate chips over the course of a few days. My stomach was killing me b/c of it but it was so good. Too bad it added a TON of calories to my daily…