

  • OP- If this thread doesn't give you any indication of the quality of people and opinions you are hearing, I don't know what will. Def offering no value but live feverishly through any moment they can insult or tear someone down. Surround yourself with drama and negativity and that's what you become. So sad that you feel…
  • I've been a fitness professional for over 20 years and have used just about everything on the shelves and even some stuff underground in my early days. First of all, you look ignorant if you respond and put your claim on fact of any product unless you have complete knowledge as an employee or have the research to back you…
  • Funny how we rate a mark of measure! But I get that! So awesome!!! =D
  • I personally don't like the all inclusive part of this thread. With ANY business, there are bad eggs or people who just don't "get it" and do things in the wrong direction. The good thing is that you recognize bad behavior, and didn't get too invested. Like another poster said, there are some amazing coaches. Many who…
  • I think there's some great tips and advice here. I really think you have to stop looking at the scale, just lift heavy and more often, decrease the cardio and the weight training classes. In a perfect leaning out world you would do about 3-4 HIIT style workouts, 3 Steady State Cardio workouts, and Lift heavy at least 1…