Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse Questions!



  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Threads like this make me wonder why there are no good memes about these "coaches".

    Funny that you ask...
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member

    LOL!! Thanks!
  • Shakeology has an awful lot of calories given the below average protein per serving. Plus it's stupidly expensive. You can buy much tastier, lower calorie, higher protein powders for much less money.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Life is pain, Highness! Anyone who says differently is selling something
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    Right now you can purchase a 3 day refresh challenge pack which includes your shakeology and a 3 day cleanse with it. Let me know if you would like more information. :smile:

    Why would you need to cleanse if you have working organs?

    and if you don't have working organs, you have a lot more problems than Snake Oil will help.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I like threads like this. Makes the coaches easier to identify for my ignore list (duh, they "out" themselves, I don't have to do a thing).
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Shakeology and cleanse in the same title?


    You obv didn't read because now it's a REFRESH. Completely different!

    I refused to read beyond the title. I was too scared.


    Just another shakeology thread they said. Just another cleanse thread they scoffed...

    Come on people. Stop being so negative. The words Shakeology, Detox, and Cleanse together just makes it easier to score MFP Bingo.

    All I know is that I came in here with a pure heart and left with the inability to not add a gif to this craziness. I just wish this was a TOM thread. Oh wait, this is thunder dome! There are not rules!




  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I started the 3 Day Refresh today! I'm really excited about the results to come. I also drink shakeology daily and have been for a few months now. It has really helped me with my Starbucks cravings. I was getting Starbucks every day up to twice a day. Now I am down to 1 time every 2 weeks. It keeps me full all morning until lunch also! Please feel free to friend me, as I will be talking about my results on MFP. Lindsey

    Oh look. Yet another coach. How shocking.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    I started the 3 Day Refresh today! I'm really excited about the results to come. I also drink shakeology daily and have been for a few months now. It has really helped me with my Starbucks cravings. I was getting Starbucks every day up to twice a day. Now I am down to 1 time every 2 weeks. It keeps me full all morning until lunch also! Please feel free to friend me, as I will be talking about my results on MFP. Lindsey

    Oh look. Yet another coach. How shocking.

    They're out in droves!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Threads like this make me wonder why there are no good memes about these "coaches".

    Funny that you ask...

    Saving this!
  • LotusAsh
    LotusAsh Posts: 294 Member
    I started the 3 Day Refresh today! I'm really excited about the results to come. I also drink shakeology daily and have been for a few months now. It has really helped me with my Starbucks cravings. I was getting Starbucks every day up to twice a day. Now I am down to 1 time every 2 weeks. It keeps me full all morning until lunch also! Please feel free to friend me, as I will be talking about my results on MFP. Lindsey

  • I've been a fitness professional for over 20 years and have used just about everything on the shelves and even some stuff underground in my early days.
    First of all, you look ignorant if you respond and put your claim on fact of any product unless you have complete knowledge as an employee or have the research to back you up.

    The real issue here is people are so desperate to lose weight, they try everything. They start with the right way, but don't have success for multiple reasons of error (lack of knowledge, support, follow through etc)
    So they cling to the promoted stuff on the shelves in Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart (Slim Fast, Hydroxycut, Muscle Milk, that sprinkle on your food Sh8t, etc)
    Some of it works for a second and others they just wasted their money cause they still never fixed the real problem in their life.

    So if you are first of all looking for a cleanse, scientifically, the right cleanse can work with detoxifying your cells and the function of your body. (The right cleanse doesn't mean juicing, honey/cayenne pepper/lemon, starving yourself, eating veggies only, eating a truck load of bananas, Grapefruit….) You should still be eating a wide variety of food that include all of the food groups along with supplementation.

    On the shake side, you can't compare 1 to another, unless they are the same product. 1 Protein shake on the shelf isn't the same as another one sitting right next to it. Just read the ingredients and it's a completely different fabrication/development. Alongside with the products that DO sit on the shelves in your favorite vitamin store are fabricated and man made with artificial ingredients, flavorings, and fillers to sit for shelf life. (think plastic)

    What it really boils down to, do what YOU want to do. Every company has a refund policy. Tons of the people on this board who are throwing out their opinion of don't do this and you are stupid if you do that…etc..have been exactly the same as you. They have bought that Sh8t on the shelves desperate to make changes.

    If you feel your body needs this and the research you have done matches to what your goal is, give it a shot. Worst case, return it to the company.

    BTW, no supplementation will have an FDA backing on it. "The FDA does not approve any dietary supplements. However, the FDA does set regulations and guidelines for the manufacturing of supplements. When a regulatory agency like the FDA “approves” a product, it usually means that it needs pre-market approval, such as the case with pharmaceutical drugs. Foods, which dietary supplements are considered to be, do not require this. The FDA regulates or “oversees” both the safety and production of food/dietary supplements and pharmaceutical drugs but only drugs require “approval” before being sold on the market to consumers."
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    So if you are first of all looking for a cleanse, scientifically, the right cleanse can work with detoxifying your cells and the function of your body. (The right cleanse doesn't mean juicing, honey/cayenne pepper/lemon, starving yourself, eating veggies only, eating a truck load of bananas, Grapefruit….) You should still be eating a wide variety of food that include all of the food groups along with supplementation.

    And what cleanse, scientifically, will detoxify your cells? Also, provide the science.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    MFP has a search will find all that you need to know and all of what you don't want to hear. Good luck OP, but save your money.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I've been a fitness professional for over 20 years and have used just about everything on the shelves and even some stuff underground in my early days.
    First of all, you look ignorant if you respond and put your claim on fact of any product unless you have complete knowledge as an employee or have the research to back you up.

    The real issue here is people are so desperate to lose weight, they try everything. They start with the right way, but don't have success for multiple reasons of error (lack of knowledge, support, follow through etc)
    So they cling to the promoted stuff on the shelves in Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart (Slim Fast, Hydroxycut, Muscle Milk, that sprinkle on your food Sh8t, etc)
    Some of it works for a second and others they just wasted their money cause they still never fixed the real problem in their life.

    So if you are first of all looking for a cleanse, scientifically, the right cleanse can work with detoxifying your cells and the function of your body. (The right cleanse doesn't mean juicing, honey/cayenne pepper/lemon, starving yourself, eating veggies only, eating a truck load of bananas, Grapefruit….) You should still be eating a wide variety of food that include all of the food groups along with supplementation.

    On the shake side, you can't compare 1 to another, unless they are the same product. 1 Protein shake on the shelf isn't the same as another one sitting right next to it. Just read the ingredients and it's a completely different fabrication/development. Alongside with the products that DO sit on the shelves in your favorite vitamin store are fabricated and man made with artificial ingredients, flavorings, and fillers to sit for shelf life. (think plastic)

    What it really boils down to, do what YOU want to do. Every company has a refund policy. Tons of the people on this board who are throwing out their opinion of don't do this and you are stupid if you do that…etc..have been exactly the same as you. They have bought that Sh8t on the shelves desperate to make changes.

    If you feel your body needs this and the research you have done matches to what your goal is, give it a shot. Worst case, return it to the company.

    BTW, no supplementation will have an FDA backing on it. "The FDA does not approve any dietary supplements. However, the FDA does set regulations and guidelines for the manufacturing of supplements. When a regulatory agency like the FDA “approves” a product, it usually means that it needs pre-market approval, such as the case with pharmaceutical drugs. Foods, which dietary supplements are considered to be, do not require this. The FDA regulates or “oversees” both the safety and production of food/dietary supplements and pharmaceutical drugs but only drugs require “approval” before being sold on the market to consumers."

    You sounded so smart and dreamy until you said "cleanse" and "detoxifying cells."

  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    So if you are first of all looking for a cleanse, scientifically, the right cleanse can work with detoxifying your cells and the function of your body. (The right cleanse doesn't mean juicing, honey/cayenne pepper/lemon, starving yourself, eating veggies only, eating a truck load of bananas, Grapefruit….) You should still be eating a wide variety of food that include all of the food groups along with supplementation.

    You have proof to back this up? I agree that people should be eating a variety of fruits, vegetables and lean meats (along with natural fats), but that's to fulfill their macro and micro nutrient needs (not "detoxify" cells). Unless someone is deficient in a micronutrient (like vitamin d) there's not really a need for supplementation if they eat a diet that includes a variety of mostly whole foods. You can get everything you need from the food you eat. If you have functioning organs your body cleanses your cells for you. If you really need to detox you would be in the hospital hooked up to a bunch of machines.
  • eels4peels
    eels4peels Posts: 229 Member
  • OP- If this thread doesn't give you any indication of the quality of people and opinions you are hearing, I don't know what will.

    Def offering no value but live feverishly through any moment they can insult or tear someone down.
    Surround yourself with drama and negativity and that's what you become. So sad that you feel you have to insult people to make yourself feel better.
    Therapy will help.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    OP- If this thread doesn't give you any indication of the quality of people and opinions you are hearing, I don't know what will.

    Def offering no value but live feverishly through any moment they can insult or tear someone down.
    Surround yourself with drama and negativity and that's what you become. So sad that you feel you have to insult people to make yourself feel better.
    Therapy will help.

    So does this mean you do not have any evidence to back up your claim about cleansing and detoxifying cells? And now we are all just meanieheads?
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