Toning question for the experts. :)



  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Leg press and lifts?

    Full body routines would be my first choice.

    Something like StrongLifts 5x5 as mentioned above.
    Progressive Overload

    Ok. Very new to this is there a link to why strog lifts are and 5x5? Sorry to be a pain. Also, what weight should I start

    Start off with just the bar to get the feel for it.
    Then add on 5 or 10 lbs to each side and see how you do.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    get your form right also.....
    If form is off, then you can hurt yourself.

    So start light, and focus on form, then start going up
  • Laryn41
    Laryn41 Posts: 11

    There is also a group for stronglifts for women here.

    Stronglifts 5x5 is just one programme. I would also recommend reading 'new rules if lifting for women' even if you just get it out if the library, as it is full of excellent information.

    Thank you!!
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    You have received some great advice here!!

    I agree with the others about starting lifting. It has helped me lower my BF% and increase my muscle definition greatly. I don't lift at a gym, just what we have here at home. Squats and deadlifts are awesome for helping tone the back of the legs. You will not get bulky at all....just sexier! :wink:

    Good luck!! :smile:
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Heavy compound lifts are the way to go...and no you won't get bulky.

    There are some great programs out there.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I am almost 35, 5'6 and 120lbs. When I'm off the wagon not working out I can fluctuate 6-8 lbs (128lbs). I do a lot of cardio/ cycling. Intense cardio intervals. Similar to insanity. I also do class that include some weights. I LO e to run as well but don't get a chance to do a lot with having 3 kids. I play lacrosse 2 nights a week. I know you lose weight proportionally but I lose upper body and my legs won't lean out the way I would like. I have some small cellulite spots that I would love to try and reduce. I just get soooo lean up top. I would hate to lose more weight (hoping fat would come off the but and legs) but I would rather not. Any recommendations would be great. Even what things to eat more of. I have been trying to do more protein.

    Thanks in advance

    All that cardio work *clap clap* - now throw some strength training in there and your ganna go from super awesome - to everyone being jealous about how super awesome you look ;)

    I recommend doing squats, and using the smith if your somewhat noobish like me to get your form down and prevent getting hurt.

    Less is more if your new to the strength training - get down that form and use small weight and get used to the movement.
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Thank you all for your help!! Would I have to lose more weight in order to lose more fat before I start lifting more ( lower body weights) so I don't build muscle around the fat. I know I don't won bulk up but will it look as if my legs are getting bigger? I feel like losing more weight would really make me look WAY too thin up top. Or lose more then gain more muscle after? I for sure don't like lifting too much up top. I'm not fond of a defined look. Also, I am very flat chested so I don't think it would look proportioned.

    Hi there! Sorry, but I think you have to forget about the bathroom scale for a moment
    Most people are so focused on 'losing', they always have weight in mind first, never % (of body fat..). I'm 50, 5'5", 135 lbs, 17% bf and fit pretty well in a US size 4. I had been at around 125-128 lbs and 25 % bf, and at a size 8.....
    As for the proportions...when I gain, the first 5 lbs go straight to my hips, when I lose, the first 1/2 lbs always seems to come out of my bra....mother nature is mean...
    Drink up your water, that helps flush out excess water...funny, but that's the way it is... It helps reduce the cellulite dimples, too...the rest is again up to mother nature and genetics... . A lady at my gym is a physique/bodybuilding competitor. She's 5 inches shorter at my body weight, lean and mean, and she's got cellulite spots...go figure...
    When you get serious about lifting, take your rest/recovery days seriously. You shouldn't exhaust yourself, doing fake rest days filled with cardio. If you start wearing yourself out too much, the weight, fat and everything else will start clinging to your body... It's a survival instinct, and very frustrating.... I just took a complete week off from training for that reason... Started back up yesterday, and it feels so much better...
    Just a few things from my experience.... Good luck, train safe, and happy lifting!
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I am almost 35, 5'6 and 120lbs. When I'm off the wagon not working out I can fluctuate 6-8 lbs (128lbs). I do a lot of cardio/ cycling. Intense cardio intervals. Similar to insanity. I also do class that include some weights. I LO e to run as well but don't get a chance to do a lot with having 3 kids. I play lacrosse 2 nights a week. I know you lose weight proportionally but I lose upper body and my legs won't lean out the way I would like. I have some small cellulite spots that I would love to try and reduce. I just get soooo lean up top. I would hate to lose more weight (hoping fat would come off the but and legs) but I would rather not. Any recommendations would be great. Even what things to eat more of. I have been trying to do more protein.

    Thanks in advance

    All that cardio work *clap clap* - now throw some strength training in there and your ganna go from super awesome - to everyone being jealous about how super awesome you look ;)

    I recommend doing squats, and using the smith if your somewhat noobish like me to get your form down and prevent getting hurt.

    Less is more if your new to the strength training - get down that form and use small weight and get used to the movement.

    I personally would avoid the smith machine and just start with a lower weight - I started with bodyweight squats.

    A smith machine will not help you with your form - in fact it will do the exact opposite as it forces you to follow an unnatural path and doesn't teach you to use all your muscles to stabilise the bar.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I am almost 35, 5'6 and 120lbs. When I'm off the wagon not working out I can fluctuate 6-8 lbs (128lbs). I do a lot of cardio/ cycling. Intense cardio intervals. Similar to insanity. I also do class that include some weights. I LO e to run as well but don't get a chance to do a lot with having 3 kids. I play lacrosse 2 nights a week. I know you lose weight proportionally but I lose upper body and my legs won't lean out the way I would like. I have some small cellulite spots that I would love to try and reduce. I just get soooo lean up top. I would hate to lose more weight (hoping fat would come off the but and legs) but I would rather not. Any recommendations would be great. Even what things to eat more of. I have been trying to do more protein.

    Thanks in advance

    All that cardio work *clap clap* - now throw some strength training in there and your ganna go from super awesome - to everyone being jealous about how super awesome you look ;)

    I recommend doing squats, and using the smith if your somewhat noobish like me to get your form down and prevent getting hurt.

    Less is more if your new to the strength training - get down that form and use small weight and get used to the movement.

    I personally would avoid the smith machine and just start with a lower weight - I started with bodyweight squats.

    A smith machine will not help you with your form - in fact it will do the exact opposite as it forces you to follow an unnatural path and doesn't teach you to use all your muscles to stabilise the bar.

    ^ I feel like it prevents injury for a noob while they are working on their form with the low weight using the free weights. I use two smiths every other day...

    I guess to each their own :)
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    Thank you all for your help!! Would I have to lose more weight in order to lose more fat before I start lifting more ( lower body weights) so I don't build muscle around the fat. I know I don't won bulk up but will it look as if my legs are getting bigger? I feel like losing more weight would really make me look WAY too thin up top. Or lose more then gain more muscle after? I for sure don't like lifting too much up top. I'm not fond of a defined look. Also, I am very flat chested so I don't think it would look proportioned.

    From what I learned (because I had similar questions), you won't build muscle eating at a deficit. But if you eat at a deficit you will lose fat around your muscles which will make you look more "toned" or defined. Strength training will help you maintain the muscles you have so they won't be "destroyed" by low-cal eating and a lot of cardio.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I am almost 35, 5'6 and 120lbs. When I'm off the wagon not working out I can fluctuate 6-8 lbs (128lbs). I do a lot of cardio/ cycling. Intense cardio intervals. Similar to insanity. I also do class that include some weights. I LO e to run as well but don't get a chance to do a lot with having 3 kids. I play lacrosse 2 nights a week. I know you lose weight proportionally but I lose upper body and my legs won't lean out the way I would like. I have some small cellulite spots that I would love to try and reduce. I just get soooo lean up top. I would hate to lose more weight (hoping fat would come off the but and legs) but I would rather not. Any recommendations would be great. Even what things to eat more of. I have been trying to do more protein.

    Thanks in advance

    All that cardio work *clap clap* - now throw some strength training in there and your ganna go from super awesome - to everyone being jealous about how super awesome you look ;)

    I recommend doing squats, and using the smith if your somewhat noobish like me to get your form down and prevent getting hurt.

    Less is more if your new to the strength training - get down that form and use small weight and get used to the movement.

    I personally would avoid the smith machine and just start with a lower weight - I started with bodyweight squats.

    A smith machine will not help you with your form - in fact it will do the exact opposite as it forces you to follow an unnatural path and doesn't teach you to use all your muscles to stabilise the bar.

    ^ I feel like it prevents injury for a noob while they are working on their form with the low weight using the free weights. I use two smiths every other day...

    I guess to each their own :)

    OP just so you (and others) are aware, this person is a troll and I would take anything they say with a pinch of salt.

    Please stop trolling on a very useful and helpful thread.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I am almost 35, 5'6 and 120lbs. When I'm off the wagon not working out I can fluctuate 6-8 lbs (128lbs). I do a lot of cardio/ cycling. Intense cardio intervals. Similar to insanity. I also do class that include some weights. I LO e to run as well but don't get a chance to do a lot with having 3 kids. I play lacrosse 2 nights a week. I know you lose weight proportionally but I lose upper body and my legs won't lean out the way I would like. I have some small cellulite spots that I would love to try and reduce. I just get soooo lean up top. I would hate to lose more weight (hoping fat would come off the but and legs) but I would rather not. Any recommendations would be great. Even what things to eat more of. I have been trying to do more protein.

    Thanks in advance

    All that cardio work *clap clap* - now throw some strength training in there and your ganna go from super awesome - to everyone being jealous about how super awesome you look ;)

    I recommend doing squats, and using the smith if your somewhat noobish like me to get your form down and prevent getting hurt.

    Less is more if your new to the strength training - get down that form and use small weight and get used to the movement.

    I personally would avoid the smith machine and just start with a lower weight - I started with bodyweight squats.

    A smith machine will not help you with your form - in fact it will do the exact opposite as it forces you to follow an unnatural path and doesn't teach you to use all your muscles to stabilise the bar.

    ^ I feel like it prevents injury for a noob while they are working on their form with the low weight using the free weights. I use two smiths every other day...

    I guess to each their own :)

    it doesn't prevent injury because they aren't the same movements.

    The best way to prevent injury in learning to properly squat -is accomplished by dun dun dunnnnn

    learning to properly squat.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I am almost 35, 5'6 and 120lbs. When I'm off the wagon not working out I can fluctuate 6-8 lbs (128lbs). I do a lot of cardio/ cycling. Intense cardio intervals. Similar to insanity. I also do class that include some weights. I LO e to run as well but don't get a chance to do a lot with having 3 kids. I play lacrosse 2 nights a week. I know you lose weight proportionally but I lose upper body and my legs won't lean out the way I would like. I have some small cellulite spots that I would love to try and reduce. I just get soooo lean up top. I would hate to lose more weight (hoping fat would come off the but and legs) but I would rather not. Any recommendations would be great. Even what things to eat more of. I have been trying to do more protein.

    Thanks in advance

    All that cardio work *clap clap* - now throw some strength training in there and your ganna go from super awesome - to everyone being jealous about how super awesome you look ;)

    I recommend doing squats, and using the smith if your somewhat noobish like me to get your form down and prevent getting hurt.

    Less is more if your new to the strength training - get down that form and use small weight and get used to the movement.

    I personally would avoid the smith machine and just start with a lower weight - I started with bodyweight squats.

    A smith machine will not help you with your form - in fact it will do the exact opposite as it forces you to follow an unnatural path and doesn't teach you to use all your muscles to stabilise the bar.

    ^ I feel like it prevents injury for a noob while they are working on their form with the low weight using the free weights. I use two smiths every other day...

    I guess to each their own :)

    it doesn't prevent injury because they aren't the same movements.

    The best way to prevent injury in learning to properly squat -is accomplished by dun dun dunnnnn

    learning to properly squat.

    ^lmao :laugh: - she is totally correct.

    edit: take back my initial comment because it was not accurate.
  • Laryn41
    Laryn41 Posts: 11
    Thank you so much. Upping my water intake would probably be huge for me. Getting rid of the few dimples I have would make a very big difference.
  • I think there's some great tips and advice here. I really think you have to stop looking at the scale, just lift heavy and more often, decrease the cardio and the weight training classes. In a perfect leaning out world you would do about 3-4 HIIT style workouts, 3 Steady State Cardio workouts, and Lift heavy at least 1 body part per week, and stretch after every workout for at least 15 mins.

    For the weight training, I suggest just stacking body parts together and just roll through a rotation. Legs/Shoulders, Chest/Tri's, Back/Bi's- then go back to Legs/Shoulders etc.
    Additionally for your lower body, focus on going as heavy as you can with high reps as predominately your legs have a lot of fast twitch muscle and respond well to that.

    On the weight training classes, I'm an instructor and they are good if you have the ability to really load up heavy and burn out high rep on the muscle periodically in your training, but not all the time. I see people lifting super light weight, not even struggling through the reps. And they do that week by week.
    Are you weight training at home?

    For me, I use to love lifting weights in my 20's, thought I'd never stop. Then couldn't stand it in my 30's, would just prefer teaching a class or doing a HIIT workout.
    I have given in to lifting and have really transformed my body tighter, harder, because of it. I haven't actually weighed myself for about 3 months because the number on the scale messes with my head.
    Before really lifting consistently and heavy, I would have a number to reach on the scale. If I was there, then I know I looked good, fit in my clothes, etc.
    But now- I'm no where near that number, but my body is hard, more cut, and have abs. As I was leaning out, I would weigh myself and be freaked out as the scale was "heavy" but I didn't look or feel that number as it normally looks on me.

    It's because of really diving deep into weights.
    I think you mentioned something about water too- Rule of thumb- always drink 1/2 the ounces of water that you weigh and add 32 oz for working out.
    I personally just shoot for a gallon a day. I use the Smart Bottle 50oz and re-fill it 3X. When I'm 1/2 way through the third at the end of the night, I'm good.
  • Laryn41
    Laryn41 Posts: 11
    I think there's some great tips and advice here. I really think you have to stop looking at the scale, just lift heavy and more often, decrease the cardio and the weight training classes. In a perfect leaning out world you would do about 3-4 HIIT style workouts, 3 Steady State Cardio workouts, and Lift heavy at least 1 body part per week, and stretch after every workout for at least 15 mins.

    For the weight training, I suggest just stacking body parts together and just roll through a rotation. Legs/Shoulders, Chest/Tri's, Back/Bi's- then go back to Legs/Shoulders etc.
    Additionally for your lower body, focus on going as heavy as you can with high reps as predominately your legs have a lot of fast twitch muscle and respond well to that.

    On the weight training classes, I'm an instructor and they are good if you have the ability to really load up heavy and burn out high rep on the muscle periodically in your training, but not all the time. I see people lifting super light weight, not even struggling through the reps. And they do that week by week.
    Are you weight training at home?

    For me, I use to love lifting weights in my 20's, thought I'd never stop. Then couldn't stand it in my 30's, would just prefer teaching a class or doing a HIIT workout.
    I have given in to lifting and have really transformed my body tighter, harder, because of it. I haven't actually weighed myself for about 3 months because the number on the scale messes with my head.
    Before really lifting consistently and heavy, I would have a number to reach on the scale. If I was there, then I know I looked good, fit in my clothes, etc.
    But now- I'm no where near that number, but my body is hard, more cut, and have abs. As I was leaning out, I would weigh myself and be freaked out as the scale was "heavy" but I didn't look or feel that number as it normally looks on me.

    It's because of really diving deep into weights.
    I think you mentioned something about water too- Rule of thumb- always drink 1/2 the ounces of water that you weigh and add 32 oz for working out.
    I personally just shoot for a gallon a day. I use the Smart Bottle 50oz and re-fill it 3X. When I'm 1/2 way through the third at the end of the night, I'm good.

    Now will I Lean out doing this without getting really defined. In the leg region that is what I am looking for. Since I am so lean up top I would like to be proportionate. I done mind the definition if my legs are a little smaller. Could it be my age? Maybe I am hoping for a tighter butt when genetics ate just not in my side.