

  • Personally, I love going to the gym, especially for lifting. That way, I can ask how certain lifts are done, what the proper form is, etc. I'm quite weak, i.e. I lift at quite a lower weight than most guys, but I'm there lifting and that's what matters to me. There really, IN MY OPINION, is no substitute for the gym,…
  • I lift Monday, Wednesday and Friday from roughly 6:10-7:00/7:10 a.m. On Tuesday/Thursday I run and on Saturday/Sunday, I rest.
  • All of this! I want it!
  • I do it because I don't want to spend money on getting new, bigger clothes!
  • Walked through my new weightlifting routine with my trainer(did one set today as opposed to the 3 that I will be doing).
  • Dug deeper today! Added 5 minutes to my run and dropped 10 seconds/mile! This was good to see today!
  • This has happened to me. When it happened to me it was because I was eating around 1,000 calories/day, so my body didn't have the fuel...
  • Beef Jerky is mine, or the small beef sticks.....I always say have one or two, then that turns into a few more and so on!
  • Thanks a lot for the suggestions! I'm gonna give them a whirl and I'll report back here in a couple weeks-time to tell you how I feel and the results. Basically, I was ignoring everything that my body was telling me....I ignored hunger pangs, dizziness, weakness, etc.......With all of your help, I'll be doing this thing…
  • Thank you for the link.....at this point, I'm going to count what I eat and not worry to much about over/underestimating the calories and macronutrients for a little bit. I have never been someone who binges on food, so my focus will simply be eating enough. As I said I generally burn between 600-800 cals via exercise/day…
  • I also will work out with a cold, as long as I'm not dizzy! If I have a runny nose/headache/etc., I also usually feel better after my workout!
  • Well, first off, I donate plasma so I have to be weighed each time I donate(twice per week) and when I saw the scale start to go up and up and up that was kind of disheartening. Secondly, this is the strange part....I was watching "How I met your mother" and saw Neil Patrick Harris and thought to myself, there's no reason…