

  • went from 193 to 191.5 went to the gym worked out longer seeing results finally still my start weight was 189/191.5
  • went for a 40 minute evening walk with my daughter it felt good.
  • start weight 189 weight now 192 I have been going to the gym. Cutting calories. Hard to keep motivated.
  • Worked out at the gym today feel great the scale still show no loss but no gain either which is good.
  • I thought by cutting my calories way down to compensate for the two overage days would help but it puts you in starvation mode so I will stop doing that and eat a little more today. I am still struggling to find my balance. I need to get to the gym on a regular basis too.
  • Stuck at 189 but I know why, just have to be stricter and work out more. Ugh.
  • The last two days I fell off and did not even log what I ate I was so discouraged. Today I was more vigilant so only went over a tiny bit. It is a constant battle but tomorrow is another day:) Just relaxing and watching tv.
  • I think overall today went well. I managed to stay in my calorie count goal. Had a wonderful day with my family. Went for a short walk after dinner. Burned some calories earlier getting things ready for the Easter celebration. The weather was gorgeous, enjoyed eating outdoors. Knowing that I had started this weight loss…
  • Looking forward to joining this group. I weigh 189 currently and hope to be down to 160 as soon as I can. My motivation is for health reasons and to feel more energized. I lack motivation and have a tendency to give up after awhile. I also need to work on having healthy snacks, proper portions during meals and slowing down…
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