T0nie2 Member


  • Thanks guys! I talked to one of the gals at my gym this morning who uses one and she talked me through troubleshooting ideas. I think I didn't have my personal setting correct so I'm going to try once more tomorrow. If I still can't figure it out I think i'm going to return it and buy a more expensive one. I am around 165…
  • Yes to Friends! I want more to help motivate me too!
  • thanks for the info!
  • I too have been thinking about joining WW. I lost like 40 lbs with the Shape virtual trainer and then MFP but somehow I lost motivation throughout the holidays and have packed on a few....or maybe more than a few :) Has anyone tried WW online? Is there system that much better? Because their rates are pretty pricey and…
  • I do it as circuit training.
  • Awesome! Thank you!!
  • "I started day 1 today! I did 30DS a couple of summers ago and was amazed with the results - hopefully this time will be the same! For anyone curious about the calories burned for the DVD, I wore my heart rate monitor and burned 230 kcal for Level 1 Day 1 (currently weigh 157lbs). " Thanks for the cal info!!! I've just…
  • I just started the 30 day shred today for the first time (I've only had the DVD for 6 months!). Hopefully, I will be able to stay motivated and do the work out at least 4 times a week. That is my goal! Does anyone know (roughly) how many calories are burned with week 1? I definitely worked up a sweat and even had to stop…
  • I don't weigh myself when that ***** is in town. What's the point? She's a party pooper.
  • I agree with Amber.. TIME TO FIND A NEW FAVORITE SHIRT! Congrats.
  • I LOVE ZUMBA! It is so much fun and you definitely get a good workout. I don't do it regularly so I don't know what kind of results you would get doing just Zumba alone but it is a great workout. The cool thing about Zumba is that anyone can do it... Young, old, fit, fat. Since it's mostly just jumping around, dancing and…
    in Zumbaaaa? Comment by T0nie2 June 2011
  • For me, Mexican food is the easiest to eat! You can definitely do healthy Mexican! try: Corn tortillas instead of flour Skip the sour cream If possible, a side of avocado instead of guacamole (easier to track) NO CHIPS! order shrimp fajitas as the main course with black beans and only eat half the rice If you feel like…
  • I don't have a "cheat day" but if I've been really good and I want to splurge one day out of the blue I don't beat myself up for it. However, I am also one of those people who like to have something sweet EVERYDAY. I often find myself saving calories or working out more just so I can have ice cream later. It may not be the…
    in "Cheat Day" Comment by T0nie2 June 2011
  • Thanks guys! I had no idea!
  • I weigh myself Wednesday mornings. I do it on Wednesdays because it's the middle of the week and either way, good or bad, it keeps me motivated throughout the weekend. And I like weighing myself in the morning because you weigh less before you eat. :)
    in Weigh in Days Comment by T0nie2 May 2011