

  • HI Everyone, Just a quick question. I am almost finished phase 1, and am just reading about phase 2. So I understand there are the lifting routines and the HIIT routines. Are we supposed to do a lifitng routine and a HIIT routine at every workout? Do we split them up? Do HIIT in the morning and Lift in the afternoon? Or do…
  • Good morning everyone, Happy Canada day to all up north!!! I had a good week last week. I got all my workouts in, both running and lifting and I ate pretty healthy. This week I am focusing on getting protein at every meal and eating plenty of veg. I am also trying to cut out the bread. I get a little carried away with the…
  • Hi Everyone, Not sure what DOM's is? Can someone tell me? I am feeling really good today. At yesterdays workout I managed to do 12 full pushups in a row, for both sets! This is really big for me. I typically do them on my knees, or with my hands on the bench. Then, for the seated rows I managed to use a weight that just…
  • Hi Everyone, I am new to this group. I have just completed week 1 of my NROLFW workouts. I also run on alternate days. I am 47, and have been working to get my weight under control for about a year and a half now. I recently had a bad A13 test that results in me being pre-diabetic. I am working to get my sugars under…
  • I am glad I found this group! I just finished week 1 of these workouts. I have done A and B twice each. On to week 2!!! I am also running on alternate days, which, so far is going well. I am really hoping to see some great results. I used to lift when I was younger and I loved it! I don't know why I ever stopped!
  • I totally agree with everyone here. You need to celebrate your great success! I am guilty of ignoring and sweeping my successes under the rug. Heck, I crossed the finish line of a marathon and the race attendant put the medal arround my neck. I took it off within a minute or two because I didnt want to feel like I was…
  • Hi Everyone, Just checking back in as a follow up. I started taking Chromium Picolinate on June 10th and said I'd be back to let you all know if I feel any effects. I am pre-diabetic and trying to get my A1C down by October. Well I have to say that Chromium Picolinate is AMAZING. All this time i thought I had really weak…
  • There are a few companies out there who make great sports bras for large busted women. When I use some of these bra's I don't need to double up and it is a lot more comfortable and supportive than the double compression bras. A regular bra, under a sports bra is just uncomfortable and ineffective. I have used the Champion…
    in Breasts Comment by Semarshman June 2014
  • I agree, your story is very inspiring! Congratulations on your success. I am trying to lose about 50 lbs and find that a hugely daunting task! 100lbs is absolutely amazing. You look fantastic.
  • This just seems so funny to me. I have been lifting weights since I was in my 20's. (I am now 47). It never even occurred to me that women did not belong in the weight room. At one point, in my late 20's I even had a male weight lifting partner. He was the most built guy in the gym and we had a great time together. I…
  • I totally agree with this post. I just find I feel better, sleep better and function better if I do not eat "carbs" at dinner. I also workout early, so the carbs are a great energy source for that. Of course I am assuming that you mean carbs, like rice, or pasta and not carbs like veg!!! Veg I eat with every meal!
  • Great job. I love the BeachBody workouts. I think they are a really fun way to work out at home, and who doesn't love Tony Horton!!!!
  • Hi Everyone, This is a very interesting topic for me. I recently had a high A13 test that puts me in the "pre diabetes" range. I will retest in October and am doing everything I can to get my blood sugars under control by that time. I have purchased Chromium and B complex to help me with this plan. I eat pretty naturally…
  • If i do a moderate workout where I don't sweat too much, then I may stay in my clothes for hours afterwards. As long as I am not leaving the house of course. If I run, or do cardio and I sweat, then it is like I can not shower fast enough.
  • Wow, I cant even tell you how inspiring this is. I was recently diagnosed with pre-diabetes. My doctor is going to retest me in October this year. I am super upset about the diagnosis because I have been working on my health and wellness for over a year now and I have to wonder. If my test is this high now, what was it a…
  • Terrific job! You are looking really great! Glad to hear you are also feeling happy and healthy too!
  • Hi, I'll be positive and hyped up for you. I have been eating clean for a while now, and my whole family is pretty on board now too. I have lost 25 lbs so far and my daughter lost 30. We feel full and energized and healthy all the time. I really love it and it is the way I will eat for the rest of my life. I will say that…
  • Hi Lorie, My name is Sarah. I signed up a billion years ago but never really logged in and looked for anything. I am a 47 year old woman, living in sunny Florida. I also really enjoy running as well as weights and yoga. Right now I am doing the 21 day fix, and I'm on day 5. I am really enjoying it. It is helping to make me…
  • HI Everyone, I know I am late to this game, but am wondering if anyone has any 21day fix groups going on now? I am on day 4 of my 21 day fix, and I am really loving it. I really like how the eating plan is helping me to get the right foods, in the right amounts at the right times. I really struggle with that typically. (I…