

  • Search Kooking light with Krystal on facebook. She just started up but her recipes are wonderful!
  • If my period were consistent I would do that, but it comes and goes pretty much as it pleases. Every 3 weeks, or 4 weeks. Not much fun.
  • I am a nighttime person. I go to the restroom a lot during the day anyways so I don't notice much of a difference. Yeah I am new at the whole dieting thing. My Dr recommended Water Aerobics but we do not have a local gym/pool here. I do walk 4 days a week but it's only about a mile.
  • how do you add the SW, CW, GW?
  • I weigh in every Sunday before I take my shower. I make sure everything is the same every week. I empty all bodily fluids. I drink 6-8 bottles of water a day. Plus gatorade if I am feeling parched. I don't actually do workouts due to the effects of an accident almost 2 years ago.
  • Food diary is now public :) age: 29F height: 5'2" weight: 262 goal weight: 160 2lbs a week
  • My dog will not leave her yard!! LOL you put a leash on her and she rolls over and plays dead! She is a Great pyrenese, taking her to the vet my husband has to pick her up and put her in the truck! I walk around our yard with her, but she realizes I am going in circles and she sits and waits for me to come around to her…
  • Thanks! I drink a TON of water daily probably at least 6 or 7 bottles. Also everyone in my house drinks Gatorade. Believe it or not we do not have a gym where I live :(. My husband goes to the gym in the town he works in, but its about 30 miles away. And with the price of gas and the vehicles we have I am trying to do…
  • I have been considering gastric bypass. It feels good to lose that weight though doesn't it?
  • Congratulations! I bet that felt so good.
  • Thanks guys! Well a pool is not an option out here. We don't even have a city pool. I've tried the treadmill and recumbent bike and elliptical. Problem also is that I had my calf and thigh muscles ripped so. I make it around the block and I am in so much pain that night I am almost unable to sleep. I started Zumba which…