

  • what does volunteering entail?
  • I definitely know where you're coming from about consuming a lot of extra food and alcohol in social situations. What I've found to be a really great work out that has fast results is spinning--it's a high energy, fun way to work out and in one class you can easily burn 300+ calories! It has worked great for me to shed off…
  • There are a lot of energy drinks as options that are sugar-free and only have about 10-20 calories--for example Rockstar, Red Bull, and Monster. Monster actually has one called Absolutely Zero that has no calories and no sugar! Here's the link to the sites of the products so you can check out the ingredients: Monster:…
  • This is awesome! Thank you so much! I noticed that you're going to do Tough Mudder--I've been considering signing up for it. It looks like an amazing experience! Have you done it before?
  • Spinning! It's so much fun because it's so upbeat and what makes me love it more is that it sheds the pounds right off me! You really should take a spinning class if you get the chance :smile:
  • Hi everyone! My name is Laura. I'm 20 years old and I'm a Media Studies major at UC Berkeley. I think it's so awesome that this group was created, it's great to have a place where us college girls can motivate and support each other! Anyone else go to UC Berkeley? :smile:
  • I really enjoy The Biggest Loser Boot Camp workout DVD--it gives you a great total body work out and focuses on always keeping your heart rate up so you can burn as many calories as possible!