

  • I really need to remember that. Thanks for posting it.
  • I am happy to be a part of this group. When I started this journey and chose to use myfitnesspal, I decided to choose only one group to join. I like to keep things simple. French fries, onion rings, tater tots and peanut M&Ms have been successfully eliminated from my diet. I'm working on portion control and quality of…
  • Hi Anita, I have also struggled with my weight and know how hard it is to get through emotionally difficult situations without turning to food. I started last year eliminating certain food from my diet. For instance, french fries. I haven't had a french fry in over a year and do not even miss eating them. I ordered one…
  • I've always been chubby, except for the 10 years I managed to maintain a weight of 122 pounds. My biggest gain came when depression hit. I went from 122 to 154 in just a few months. My weight has steadily increased over the years. I'm at my heaviest weight ever and I hate it. I just don't feel good most of the time.