When did you start gaining weight?



  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    I imagine it was shortly after birth and just kept going
  • I started aging weight in my forties
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I was a really active and skinny kid, but then after about 12 or 13 when I started high school, not so much. Progressively got bigger until I started having some health problems at 22, including periods stopping and starting, hair in weird places, randomly severe acne which I'd never had much of before, moodiness, trouble breathing, weird lump on my leg I was concerned about (which embarrassingly was revealed in an ultrasound to just be a lump of fat lol) and that all lead to the doctors appointment that revealed I had PCOS and insanely high cholesterol, and that scared me into doing something. And not giving up until I reach that goal weight the specialist told me to get down to.
  • RosanaRosanaDana
    RosanaRosanaDana Posts: 93 Member
    The reality is that I was molested as a child and I started to gain weight hoping to make myself unattractive to the predator.
  • I've always been chubby, except for the 10 years I managed to maintain a weight of 122 pounds. My biggest gain came when depression hit. I went from 122 to 154 in just a few months. My weight has steadily increased over the years. I'm at my heaviest weight ever and I hate it. I just don't feel good most of the time.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I was born a big baby and have been big ever since. When I look back to public and high school I was overweight but not obese. But that didnt help the bullying. I was bullied all thru school. I have no happy memories of school what so ever. I was even teased by two employers.
    I got married at 200 lbs to a man who loved ME. I had 2 babies back to back not losing weight in between. I was then at 270. Went to WW and lost 50llbs and got pregnant with number 3. Oops... back up 35lbs.
    Two years later son number 1 gets hit by a car and was in hospital for 2 months. What do you do at a hospital when bored...eat. I gained more. I got my son home and hubby was diagnosed with cancer. In and out of hospital with him I ate myself to sanity...it didnt help...I got all the way to 333.bs. to make a long story short, son recovered nicely, hubby did not. Here I am today 3 wonderful healthy active adult kids. A new hubby who loves ME , all 221 lbs of me. The incredible shrinking woman thanks to mfp.
  • Kath1391
    Kath1391 Posts: 138
    When I was unemployed for 6 months,I was bored & was constantly eating.Gained about two stone and it went down hill after that.
  • I was about 11 years old. I gained a lot of weight after quitting cross country (depression hit) and starting a shame spiral of eating and hiding my body. I wanted to be invisible.
  • stephanne13
    stephanne13 Posts: 212 Member
    In my teens when I moved to Stuttgart, Germany. German food is ridiculously delicious!!
  • KarenB927
    KarenB927 Posts: 94 Member
    My most recent weight gain started the end of 2011 into 2012. I had to have my thyroid killed off with Radioactive Iodine because I had thyroid nodules. The nodules were causing out-of-control hyperthyroidism. Within 2 months of the treatment, I was severely hypothyroid and gained 25 lbs. I started on Synthroid, and by the time I had 3 "normal" blood tests, I still felt like hell. My symptoms were severe, extreme fatigue to the point that when I had to go upstairs, I usually had to actually crawl up the last 5 on my hands and knees because my legs just wouldn't take one more step, I had joint pain and muscle cramps constantly, if it was hot, I felt like I was in a 500 degree oven; if it was cold, I felt like I was in a sub-zero freezer, my night vision was deteriorating, and on top of it my hair started to fall out. When I had my doctor visit, which was about 5 months after reaching normal levels, and about a year after my treatment, I asked my doctor why I felt so bad when the Synthroid was supposed to alleviate the symptoms of hypothyroidism. She suggested that I might have developed Celiac Disease. I thought she was nuts, but when I looked up the symptoms, I was surprised to see that I was suffering from about 99% of them. I also discovered that a lot of people who have thyroid disease develop some type of gluten problems. I cut out gluten and never looked backed. I lost all the weight I gained and them some because I finally had the energy to work out again, feel better than I have in my whole life, and turned around my whole outlook on exercise, which up until that point was a chore and something I detested. I actually enjoy seeing the changes my body has made and keep adding more new things. I'm into muscle building now.

    I have had other health issues, like a minor stroke at 52, which was when the thyroid problems came to light, (thankfully no residual side effects from the stroke), so I decided that since I'm getting older (I'll be 56 in September), I'm going to be the best health-wise that I can be. I want to be around a long time, and after spending about year feeling like absolute hell, I want to feel the best I can. I can honestly say I am in the best shape I have ever been in my life, even better than my teens and 20's.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    Ever since I was a kid... 8 or 9, I would say. I've been a "normal" weight twice since then - once when I was in college and had to walk everywhere, and then when I was breastfeeding a gluttonous baby and walking every day while my hubby was deployed (wanted to have a "wow" moment when he got home). Otherwise, I always drift back to a really unhealthy weight that I will call a "set point"... I don't think it is unbeatable, but I do know how much work it takes to overcome it, and without that amount of work on a continuous basis, I always get back to the exact same place.
  • gretlarson
    gretlarson Posts: 52 Member
    I have had a weight problem most of my life. When I was younger it wasn't as noticeable because I was tall. In 3rd grade I was wearing hand me down clothes from my aunt. In 5th grade, I was as tall as my mom and by 6th grade I had pretty much stopped growing vertically. I was just always big so I never fit in or could wear all of the cute clothes.
  • Yanagibashi
    Yanagibashi Posts: 58 Member
    I was about 17. Was having a rough time with my parents and had quit high school sports to focus on athletics. Went through a BAD round of depression and the weight started accumulating. Like 10-15 pounds a year to an all time high of 232 (at 5'3").
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    When I was about three years old.

    I've been overweight my entire life. I've always had a large frame. The only time I was any sort of small was when I was literally small, as in a toddler. I've never known what being thin was like. Since I have broad shoulders, big hands, wide hips, and big feet, I don't think I'll ever know what thin is like.

    I gained a lot of weight after high school and after I had my daughter. I stopped caring about what I ate and I got married. We ate out a lot. I ate a lot of convenience foods because I had a young child. I didn't exercise. The weight just piled on after that.
  • I was super skinny my entire childhood, so much so that I was bullied mercilessly by the other kids (and my own family!). I started gaining weight my second year of university, but I was average sized. It wasn't until a couple years ago when I went on mental illness meds that my weight really ballooned. I think my eating habits from when I was a skinny kid also contributed to the weight gain.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I've always been overweight since childhood. It just got worse and worse as time went on due to back problems that kept me from exercising. No one ever taught me how to eat right or what exercise I could do with my problems. I lost some weight when I moved out on my own but gained it all back when I moved back in with my mom. I am now the lowest weight I have ever been and plan to stay this way since I'm learning to eat right and exercise despite internal and external influences.
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    I was small as a kid, it wasn't until high school I noticed the pounds creeping on but at that point I accepted it. About 2 years ago I woke up and realized that since then I'd put on 50+ pounds, I had to do something.
  • Hunnergomeow
    Hunnergomeow Posts: 231 Member
    When I was 19 I injured my knee at work - I tore the meniscus - and I didn't take care of myself properly, kept exercising & running on it, and wound up unable to walk for almost 1 month. I haven't even been able to run in 3 years. After I injured myself I couldn't run, had a hard time at the gym, got depressed and kind of gave up for a bit. Now I'm trying to get back in shape, trying not to focus on the weight itself, but on getting fitter & stronger.
  • when I descovered my love for Peanut Butter...:)
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    After I was diagnosed with depression and post traumatic stress and put on anti-depressants in 1999 I put on about 15-20 pounds.

    Add a new partner in 2005 who loved his women "fluffy" and I suddenly discovered I had gained about 50 more pounds in just three years.

    Dumped the partner, joined Weight Watchers at work in 2008 and have never looked back. Hit my goal weight in 2009. Yay me! :heart: